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Organizational Communication The Human Resource Approaches

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1 Organizational Communication The Human Resource Approaches
By Christopher Ramirez

2 Building Blocks Classical approach-organizations are like machines. Parts of the organizations have specializations [doing a certain job], standardization [easily replaceable], and predictability [always the same outcome and makes it easy to find a problem] Pg. 4

3 Building Blocks Human relations approach-The human relations approach looks to satisfies the human needs of the workers. Classical Approach + Human Relations Approach = Human Resources Approach Pg. 27

4 Human Resource Approach
Definition-The human resource approach “recognizes that individuals in organizations have feelings that must considered and also recognize that individual labor is an important ingredient for meeting organizational goals.” Pg. 47

5 Theories of Human Resource Approach
Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid A tool for training managers in leadership styles that would enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness and stimulate the satisfaction and creativity of individual workers Pg. 52

6 Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid

7 Theories of Human Resource Approach
Likert’s System IV System I: Exploitive authoritative organization (control at top-level of organization) System II: Benevolent authoritative organization System III: Consultative organization System IV: Participative organization (control at all levels) Pg

8 Theories of Human Resource Approach
Ouchi’s Theory Z

9 Ouchi’s Theory Z

10 Summary Building Blocks Human Resource Approach
Black and Mouton’s Managerial Grid Likert’s System IV Ouchi’s Theory Z

11 Reference Miller, K. (2006). Chapter 3: Human Resource Approaches. Organizational Communication. Belmont, Thomas Wadsworth. Book Webpage Hyperlink

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