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Analysis of the Shoulder Girdle

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1 Analysis of the Shoulder Girdle

2 Middle and lower trapezius,
Bent Over Rows Middle and lower trapezius, and serratus anterior Adduction

3 Body Dips Downward rotation and depression
Pectoralis minor, rhomboid, and lower trapezius Lower Trapezius, Pectoralis Minor

4 Serratus anterior, middle and lower trapezius
Lateral Raises Upward rotation Serratus anterior, middle and lower trapezius

5 Rhomboid, levator scapulae, upper and middle trapezius
Dumbbell Shrugs Elevation Rhomboid, levator scapulae, upper and middle trapezius

6 Serratus anterior and pectoralis minor
Chest Press Serratus anterior and pectoralis minor Abduction

7 What is the common action of the scapula? Muscles involved?
Abduction Pectoralis minor & Serratus Ant.

8 Levator Scapula, Rhomboids & Trapezius (upper)
Action of the scapula? Muscles involved? Elevation Levator Scapula, Rhomboids & Trapezius (upper)

9 Rhomboids & Trapezius (middle and lower fibers)
Action of the scapula? Muscles involved? Adduction Rhomboids & Trapezius (middle and lower fibers)

10 Pectoralis Minor, & Rhomboids
Action of the scapula? Muscles involved? Downward Rotation Pectoralis Minor, & Rhomboids

11 Pectoralis minor & Serratus Anterior
Action of the scapula? Muscles involved? Abduction Pectoralis minor & Serratus Anterior

12 Trapezius (middle and lower)
Action of the scapula? Muscles involved? Adduction Rhomboids Trapezius (middle and lower)

13 What position are his scapula in?
Upward rotation?

14 What position are his scapula in?
Abduction, Upward rotation

15 What position is his right scapula in?

16 What position are his scapula in?
Upward rotation

17 What position are their right scapulas in?
Abduction, Upward rotation

18 Position of his scapula?
Upward Rotation

19 Levator Scapulae Rhomboids

20 Trapezius 1. 2.

21 Scapula – Anterior View
1. Acromion process 2. Coracoid process 3. Glenoid fossa or cavity 4. Inferior angle 5. Superior angle 6. Medial (Vertebral) border 7. Lateral (Auxiliary) border 8. Supscapular fossa 1. 2. 5. 3. 8. 6. 7. 4.

22 2 (Deeper muscle) Pectoralis Minor

23 Scapula action = ? Scapula muscle(s) = ? Abduction Pect. Minor
Ser. Ant.

24 Trapezius 3. Rhomboids

25 Name the muscle, its sections and the action(s) at each of its sections.
TRAPEZIUS Lower – depression, adduction and upward rotation Upper – elevation Middle –elevation, adduction and upward rotation

26 Scapula – Lateral View 1. Acromion process 2. Coracoid process
3. Glenoid fossa or cavity 4. Superior angle 5. Inferior angle 4. 1. 2. 3. 5.


28 2 = Serratus Anterior 3 = Pect Minor
1B 2 2 = Serratus Anterior 3 = Pect Minor

29 Name the bones 1. 1. 3 2 2 1 = Clavicle 2 = Scapula 3 = Humerus

30 What is the position of the scapula?

31 Trapezius Levator Scapulae 1 4 3 Rhomboids (major) 2

32 Middle –elevation, adduction and upward rotation
Name the muscle. TRAPEZIUS Upper – elevation Middle –elevation, adduction and upward rotation Lower – depression, adduction and upward rotation

33 Anterior 1 = infraspinous fossa 2 = spine 3 = coracoid process 4 = acromion process 5 = coracoid process 6 = glenoid cavity (fossa) 7 = acromion process Posterior

34 Name the muscle and two of its actions.
PECTORALIS MINOR. Downward rotation, depression

35 Scapula action = ? Scapula muscle(s) = ? Elevation Lev. Scap.
Rhomboids Up. & Mid. Trap

36 Name the muscle and three of its actions.
RHOMBOID. Downward rotation, adduction, and elevation

37 Name the muscle.

38 Name the muscle and two of its actions.
SERRATUS ANTERIOR abduction and upward rotation

39 Scapula action = ? Scapula muscle(s) = ? Adduction Rhomboid
Lower and Mid. Trap.

40 Adduction of the scapula
Name the muscle. Trapezius Name the action Adduction of the scapula Name the action Upward rotation

41 Scapula action = ? Scapula muscle(s) = ? Downward Rotation Pect. Minor

42 Name the muscle. Name the muscle.

43 Scapula? Abduction

44 Scapula? Upward Rotation

45 Scapula – Posterior View
Acromion process Spine Superior angle Inferior angle Medial (Vertebral) border Lateral (Auxiliary) border Supraspinous fossa Infraspinous fossa 3. 1. 7. 2. 8. 5. 6. 4.

46 Name the muscle. Rhomboid Name the action Adduction of scapula

47 Scapula action = ? Scapula muscle(s) = ? Adduction Rhomboid
Lower and Mid. Trap.

48 Can You Name Them?

49 Depression of the scapula
Name the muscle. Pectoralis minor Name the action Depression of the scapula

50 Elevation of the scapula
Name the muscle. Levator scapula Name the action Elevation of the scapula

51 Name the muscle. Serratus Anterior Name the action Abduction of scapula

52 Scapula action = ? Scapula muscle(s) = ? Upward Rotation Ser. Ant.,
Trap (lower)

53 ?

54 Name the muscle.

55 Scapula action = ? Scapula muscle(s) = ? Adduction Rhomboid
Lower and Mid. Trap.

56 Adduction

57 Name the muscle and one of its actions.

58 Name the muscle.

59 Name the muscle. Name the muscle.

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