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Fordham University Portal November 2008 Shaya Phillips.

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1 Fordham University Portal November 2008 Shaya Phillips

2 What is a Portal ? A portal is a single web interface that provides personalized access to information, applications, business processes and much more. With portal technology, an organization can lower development and deployment costs and significantly increase productivity. You can aggregate and integrate information within a particular working environment, application or service, or use a single interface to target an individual users' needs and interests. Portals help to harmonize content, commerce and collaboration with business goals, enable collaborative work and manage large amounts of disparate content.

3 What does the Portal Mean to Fordham? Meet institutional strategic objectives of a seamless integrated environment between the Banner Student Information System (INB), Banner Self Service (Webreg), Network login and files, email, the library, Blackboard Learning Systems and other core enterprise applications. The Fordham portal will provide a single point of access to web- based services, improve productivity and communications, individualize the Fordham online experience, and expand the capabilities of faculty course content online. In addition to the integrated environment of applications, the portal should be able to provide: –The ability to access information required by a user with no more than 3 mouse clicks –Single sign-on to the major enterprise applications used by students, faculty and staff –The ability to communicate to targeted audiences throughout the community –The ability for each user to personalize the portal to the maximum extent possible

4 Phase I A development server has been set up to test software; explore proposed uses of the portal and train staff and advisors. Implement a demonstration portal which can provide a platform to demonstrate all the options available to Fordham Role-based access to information for faculty, staff and students in the production Portal http://my.fordham.edu

5 Phase I Features: e-mail links integration with Banner INB and Self Service Webfocus reporting MyFiles Search Function: directory – fordham – the web News feeds and “channels” Campus wide announcements Links to Fordham web resources (library, Blackboard,, Oasis, Postini) Bookmarks

6 Phase II Expand the functionality: –Integrate other Fordham web resources into the portal rather than just links –Users of the portal will be able to personalize the look and the content to have the portal be the main entry point for all their daily activities. –Targeted announcements (by school, department, or other Fordham defined role) –Shared calendaring Includes populating calendars with course and schedule information from Banner –Integration of Banner information

7 Phase III Content Management System –Allow departmental and role based publishing to the portal –Material to be posted to all college authorized web sites can be submitted through a central approval process with pertinent material being archived in a timely manner and stale material being automatically deleted by the system. –Full portal and content management functionality. –Link up the course management systems and learning systems: Blackboard and Course Studio student web sites and blogs Bulletin boards and chat rooms as well as news feeds and other popular options. Faculty and staff will have all their daily functions presented including Banner and Reporting, e-mail and calendars and department specific applications. Students will have their course links, e-mails and calendars as well as targeted announcements.

8 Timeline DescriptionPortalWeb Redirect MyFiles/XythosDeployed Student Self ServiceDeployedDeployed Banner INBDeployedDeployed ReportingDeployed Group Studio Discussion GroupsDeployed Alumni access12/01/0812/01/08 inCircle12/01/08 Web Client/Powerfaids12/01/08 Netpartner/Powerfaids12/15/08 Directory (White Pages)02/02/08 Faculty Advisement02/02/09 Campus Calendar02/02/09

9 Timeline DescriptionPortalWeb Redirect Student Email/Mirapoint01/12/09 Targeted Announcements02/02/09 Library Home Tab03/01/08 DegreeworksMarch 2009 Employee Email/Lotus Notes05/2009 GBA IntranetSummer 2009 Class StudioSpring 2009 Blackboard integrationFall 2009 Employee Self Service2010 Content ManagementTBA

10 Next Steps Create artwork Best Practices Extend Portal Task Force Owners of targeted announcements Intranet services Blackboard/academic integration Training for users

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