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Fast LANs Rationale –to solve speed / topology limitations imposed by conventional shared media LANs Driving force –More users –New high speed applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Fast LANs Rationale –to solve speed / topology limitations imposed by conventional shared media LANs Driving force –More users –New high speed applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fast LANs Rationale –to solve speed / topology limitations imposed by conventional shared media LANs Driving force –More users –New high speed applications

2 Fast LANs Solutions –Bridging can solve problem to a certain extent –Better solution is to adopt star/hub topology (in contrast to shared media topology) –Solution adopted by new generation of LANs Competing technologies –In the long term - ATM –In the short / medium term 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Fast Ethernet (100BaseT) –More recently Gigabit Ethernet

3 Fast LANs Switch based LANs –Devices operate at device comparable speeds –No absolute capacity ceiling May have concurrent transmissions to different destinations –Expensive, complex and vulnerable Shared Media LANs –Devices must operate at media speed –Max capacity os media bandwidth –Distributed control

4 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Main objectives of 802.12 subcommittee –Should use Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Defined for 10BaseT Very commonlu used –Support new applications –Compatible with existing LAN software Evolutionary technology

5 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Characteristics –Allows 802.3/802.5 frame formats –Can build large networks hierarchical topology –implements two priority classes

6 Fast LANs

7 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Demand Priority MAC Protocol (Consider Single-Hub first) –Each node is connected to Hub by 4UTP cables –Transmission of data is spread across all 4 pairs @ 30Mbps –Data encoded - 5 data bits across 6 transmission bits –Gives 5/6 X 30Mbps X 4 = 100Mbps

8 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Signalling –Only 2 of 4 pairs used for signalling One from station to Hub One from Hub to station –Signalling used by node to get permission to transmit

9 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Gaining Access to Media –When network is idle, all signalling lines are IDLE –Node sends REQ when it wants to transmit –Hub gives permission to transmit by turning off IDLE signal to requesting node –Hub simultaneously other stations are alerted by INCOMING signal –These stations respond by turning off IDLE signal –When transmission begins, Hub reads the destination in frame header and relays the incoming frame accordingly –When transmission finished Destination returns to IDLE Source may return to IDLE or issue another REQ –Stations which have been unsuccessful will reassert REQ immediately –Note however, destinations must wait for end of transmission before reasserting REQ.

10 Fast LANs

11 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Priority Access –Needed to satisfy QoS requirements for delay sensitive traffic –Two priority requests REQ-N REQ-H –Hub strictly services high priority first, on round robin basis no pre-emption of normal priority frames –Two pointers are maintained for queues High Next Port pointer Normal Next port pointer –These give next port to service –Normal requests waiting for > 250milli secs are promoted to high priority

12 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Multi level configuration –Connected in a hierarchical topology –REQs passed onto higher layer –Ultimately Root hub is responsible for granting access (via intermediate hubs) –Essentially stations are searched like a tree

13 Fast LANs

14 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Training Cycle –On joining network a training cycle is invoked Link quality is checked Hub can learn stations’ MAC address Determine which frame format will be used –802.3 / 802.5

15 100VG-AnyLAN (802.12) Satisfying QoS –Use of priorities makes it fair B/W is shared equally among high priority REQs Remainder shared among normal priority REQs –Delay is deterministic Max limit N X T max Can limit size of network to give a maximum delay –B/w allocation strategies are also being considered Essentially similar to CAC used in ATM –Negotiate requirements & police –More complex

16 100-Base-T Also known as Fast Ethernet Upgrade of 10-Base-T –Star / hub topology –Each station has its own 4 wire connection to hub –Assuming full duplex transmission (option) only possibility of a collision on station / hub link –2 or more frames destined for same destination –IEEE 802.3 frame format

17 100-Base-T Being championed by Fast Ethernet Alliance - –headed by 3Com > 100 companies Standardised by IEEE 802.3 committee –802.30

18 100-Base-T Can use UTP (evolutionary considerations) –100-Base-TX - Cat 5 UTP –100-Base-T4 - Cat 3,4,5 UTP & cat 1 STP –100-Base-Fx - Fibre Typically –Star topology –100m connections

19 100-Base-T Minimum frame length on 802.3 relates station being able to detect collisions –propagation time for 2 X 2500 m + safety margin gives 50 Mu secs 50 Mu secs @ 10Mbps = 500 bits 512 bits set as min frame length –keep minimum frame length and reduce maximum connection length increase the transmission rate still detect collisions Basic philosophy of 100-Base-T

20 100-Base-T Max length of connection from station to hub is 100m Network diameter cannot exceed 250 m Need new network adapter cards, new hubs /switched –operating at 100 Mbps Evolutionary upgrade –allows mix of 10 & 100 Mbps connections –at power up, adapter and hub exchange information media full / half duplex speed

21 Gigabit Ethernet –Similarities with other Ethernet standards Max network diameter is 200m - same as for Fast Ethernet Doesn’t (can’t) deliver QoS –Differences compared with other Ethernet standards operates at 1 billion bps Mac layer is modified Needs fibre as medium –Cat 5 not suitable

22 Gigabit Ethernet –Further 10 fold increase in bit rate implies corresponding decrease in network diameter –assuming same logic as for Fast Ethernet A 20m network diameter is not practical Thus a different strategy applied

23 Gigabit Ethernet –Carrier Extension Mechanism 200m network diameter maintained Instead minimum frame size increased to 512 bytes –(from 512 bits) If a frame less that 512 bytes is transmitted it is padded out by ‘Extended Carrier’ symbols Collisions are detected as with other Ethernet standards Thus Frame + Extended Carrier symbols will last for a minimum of 512 bytes

24 Gigabit Ethernet –Disadvantages of Carrier Extension Mechanism Network Utilisation can be low for short frames lengths Worst Case –64 / 512 bytes = one eighth of 1Gbps = 125Mbps

25 Gigabit Ethernet –Frame Bursting Another technique designed to overcome the poor utilisation Shorter frames grouped together to ensure 512 bytes contains user data Not always practical

26 Gigabit Ethernet –Note 512 bytes is not 10 times 512 bits –Other less obvious changes made to standard –No of repeaters allowed has been reduced –Generous error margins build into slower speed Ethernets have been reduced

27 Gigabit Ethernet –Note, Carrier Extension and Frame Bursting only required in half-duplex mode –Full duplex mode eliminates need for CSMA/CD –Transmit and Receive on different wires –Full duplex generally only applied on point-to-point arrangements

28 Now Politics 100VG-AnyLAN versus 100-Base- T HP and few associates versus Fast Ethernet Alliance Both standarised by IEEE

29 100VG-AnyLAN Remember defined for 100Mbps operation Can run at 400Mbps - UTP HP have trials which take it to 1Gbps –believe they can operate at 4Gbps Advantages –Has inbuilt priority good for satisfying QoS requirements in mixed traffic environment Disadvantages –No point-to-point connections, essentially shared media

30 Fast Ethernet Disadvantages –No inbuilt priority Advantages –Point-to-point connections But Fast Ethernet must be feeling the heat –Come up with way of implementing priorities Priority Access Control Enabled –makes Ethernet fairer –allows priorities –taking this to IEEE for standardisation Watch this space next year

31 Other Technologies FDDI –Been around since late 80’s –Dual ring (for reliability) –ring max 100Km, 2Km max between stations –100 Mbps –Really a MAN technology Fast Token Ring

32 Other Technologies Fibre Channel Standard (FCS) –Star topology –Fibre –Station to switch connection - max of 10 Km –4 classes of service class 1 - circuit switched –time critical –non-bursty connections class 2 - connectionless –guaranteed delivery etc Only competitor to ATM

33 Short Term –Evolutionary considerations will dictate that it will be 100VG-AnyLAN versus 100-Base- T Long Term –ATM will rule the telecommunications world local and wide are networks

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