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4 month upwelling season (may-august) 2010 test dates for upwelling events- July 02, 04, 27, and Aug 08 Using Oliver declouded SST Different levels of.

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Presentation on theme: "4 month upwelling season (may-august) 2010 test dates for upwelling events- July 02, 04, 27, and Aug 08 Using Oliver declouded SST Different levels of."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 month upwelling season (may-august) 2010 test dates for upwelling events- July 02, 04, 27, and Aug 08 Using Oliver declouded SST Different levels of ‘strictness’ can be applied based on mask values. Stricter values yield less data to work with. 1.Investigate appropriate mask values for the analysis 1a. Map basic coverage of data based on mask various values Maps:

2 1b. Calculate the % of time each month we have good data, using all data, depending on mask value. Maps: More data is available using all mask vals < 3, also Matt’s recommendation for our application.

3 2. Compute and map SST to find or correlate known upwelling events 2a. Compute the 4-month upwelling seasonal mean, using day, night or all images. Maps:

4 2b. Compute the mean and standard deviation for each month of the upwelling season. Maps:

5 2c. Compute the histograms of the monthly standard deviations. Figures:

6 2d. Compute the julian day mean of each upwelling test date, using all images. Maps:

7 2e. Calculate the “cold water” SST of the upwelling dates, by finding the average daily temperatures colder than one standard deviation below the monthly mean. Maps: Cold water SST 7-4-10 Cold water SST 8-8-10

8 2f. Calculate the “magnitude of change” by subtracting a rolling 7, 14, or 28 day mean from the average daily SST of the upwelling dates (using all images). Maps:

9 3a. Using two 3x3km sample boxes (offshore and nearshore), calculate the mean of the sample box for each pass for the upwelling season using either day, night or all imagery. Plots: 3. Plot SST as Time Series

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