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NGAO Management Update Peter Wizinowich NGAO Meeting #11 November 5, 2007.

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1 NGAO Management Update Peter Wizinowich NGAO Meeting #11 November 5, 2007

2 2 Project Reports 4 th & 5 th reports submitted to Directors on 9/19 & 11/2 Emphasis during this report period has been on: –System architecture evaluation & selection (June – Aug.) –Functional requirements (Aug. – Dec.) –Subsystem design (Sept. – Dec.) –Proposals to TSIP & ATI –Plus: completion of two performance budgets, incorporation of additional atmospheric characterization data, & summary reports for the performance budgets & trade studies

3 3 System Design Milestones #MILESTONEDATESTATUS 1SD SEMP Approved10/9/06Complete 2SD phase contracts in place10/27/06Complete 3Science Requirements Summary v1.0 Release 10/27/06Complete 4System Requirements Document (SRD) v1.0 Release 12/8/06Complete 5Performance Budgets Summary v1.0 Release 6/15/07Complete 6SRD v2.0 Release5/22/07Nearly complete 7Trade Studies Complete6/22/07Complete 8SRD v3.0 Release 9/7/07Not started 9System Design Manual (SDM) v1.0 Release 9/21/07Complete 10Technical Risk Analysis V1.0 Release 9/21/07Complete 11Cost Review Complete12/7/07Some work as part of system architecture 12SDM v2.0 Release 2/12/08 13System Design Review Package Distributed 3/4/08 14 System Design Review3/31/08 15SDR Report & Project Planning Presentation at SSC meeting 4/14/08 Requirements  Performance Budgets + Trade Studies  System Architecture + Functional Requirements  Subsystem Design + Functional Requirements  Management Plan 4 milestones completed since June SSC meeting

4 4 Schedule & Budget Schedule: 53% of System Design Phase work complete through Oct.

5 5 Schedule & Budget Budget: 64% of System Design Phase budget ($730k) spent through Sept. –92% of the $798k FY07 budget, excluding $20k contingency Plan needs to be reviewed to ensure deliverables complete for SDR

6 6 Schedule & Budget

7 7 TSIP & ATI Proposals $2M TSIP proposal for NGAO preliminary design submitted on Aug. 31 –$2M request to fund ~70% of preliminary design –Detailed schedule/budget to be determined during system design $1.1M ATI proposal for deployable near-IR integral field spectrograph system design submitted on Nov. 1 –Proposed to ATI program because Most complex NGAO instrument, with longest lead time Advanced nature of key components made it suitable for ATI –System design scheduled from May/08 to Dec/09 Proposal writing in both cases led by Adkins with support from WMKO management & NGAO EC

8 8 Design Teams AO opto-mechanical (Lead - Gavel) AO wavefront sensors (Velur) AO operational tools (Neyman) Laser facility (Chin) Controls (Johansson) Science operations (Le Mignant) Work scope planning sheets (21) produced for all major design tasks –Define tasks, approach, inputs, products & personnel –Ensure agreement on scope –Some approvals are still pending

9 9 WSPS Status All but the following WSPS have been approved: AO opto-mechanical –3.2.1 AO system architecture ? –3.2.2 AO enclosure Revisions requested –3.2.3 AO opto-mechanical Revisions requested AO operational tools – PSF monitoring camera Revision received, but effort has grown by 20h Controls (Johansson) – & 2 Non RTC software & electronics Revisions recently received Science operations (Le Mignant) – & 2 AO-Instrument operations architecture & optimization Low priority since WSPSs for currently active WBS approved

10 10 Summary Major milestones, except for science/system requirements, are being met Good progress on functional requirements & database to maintain them Schedule is starting to slip. –EC will be reviewing schedule & deliverables to ensure SDR is held on schedule & within budget

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