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同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Lesson Four 授课教师: 宜宾学院外国语学院 王丽春 Which one?

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2 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Lesson Four 授课教师: 宜宾学院外国语学院 王丽春 Which one?

3 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Lesson Four  What time is it Mr. Wolf?  Which one…?  past continuous tense  Practice  破冰行动  口语练习  语法讲解  巩固练习

4 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Ice breaker What time is it Mr. Wolf? Instruction All of the students get in a line at one end (在一 边) with pictures on hand having a time ( like 5 o’clock) on them respectively. Another student is “the wolf.” The other students must ask “What time is it, Mr. Wolf?” The wolf answers (1 o’clock-12 o’clock). The student who holds the time being called is the next Mr. Wolf.

5 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 For example: All students: What time is it, Mr. Wolf? One student: It’s five o’ clock. The student who holds five becomes the new Mr. Wolf, and the game goes on. Ice breaker What time is it Mr. Wolf?

6 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Other questions: All students: What’s the day today? One student: It’s … All students: What’s the date today? One student: It’s … Ice breaker What time is it Mr. Wolf?

7 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Day & Date 忙 day 求死 day 未死 day 受死 day 福来 day 洒脱 day 伤 day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday What’s the day today? It’s …

8 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 What’s the date today? It’s… Day & Date January February March April May JuneJuly August SeptemberOctober November December

9 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 New Year’s Day is January 1 st. What about the other holidays? 春节 the Spring Festival 1 月 23 日 情人节 Valentine’s Day 2 月 14 日 五一劳动节 Labor Day 5 月 1 日 母亲节 Mother’s Day 5 月 13 日 父亲节 Father’s Day 6 月 17 日 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival 9 月 30 日 圣诞节 Christmas 12 月 25 日 Day & Date

10 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Oral practice Give me/him/her/us/them a… (lesson 22 B1) Which one… (lesson 23 B1) Where is it? (lesson 25 B1) It’s in/under/on/near the table.

11 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Reading and Grammar A good turn deserves another

12 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Words and expressions: deserve salary pay back have dinner immediately Sentences: I was having dinner at a restaurant when… He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pay it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. Reading and Grammar

13 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 deserve v t. 应受 deserve something 值得注意 值得同情 你如果做错事情,应当受惩罚。 Reading and Grammar deserve attention deserve sympathy If you do wrong, you deserve punishment.

14 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Words and expressions salary 月薪(拥有专门技能的人) wage 周、日薪(体力工作者) fee 报酬(付给医生、音乐师、美术工作 者或律师的报酬。) a fat/ high salary 高薪 a meager salary 微薄的薪水 salary man 专业人员,办公室人员 ( Exercise on page 54 )

15 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 doctor’s fees school fees legal fees consult fees Words and expressions

16 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Words and expressions immediately adv. 立即;即刻 她立刻就来了。 She came immediately. 我一听到这个消息,马上就来了。 I came immediately I heard the news.

17 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Words and expressions You can also say: at once right away straight away instead of immediately

18 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Sentences I was having dinner at a restaurant when… couple quarrel, the woman’s mother comes

19 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Situation 2: take shower, the telephone rings

20 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Situation 3 play computer game, mom comes in

21 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Situation 4 operate on sb./ do surgery, something happens

22 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Situate 5 have dinner, a friend comes

23 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Make a conversation Choose any of the situations above and make a conversation with your team members. Try to make it interesting.

24 同等学力人员申请硕士学位兼口语课程 宜宾市第一人民医院 Reference website 大耳朵英语网站 新概念英语全册资料

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