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GEOG 210 Physical Geography Instructor: Tom Broxson Office Hours: 10:00-12:00 M,T,W,Th Cell Phone: (253)

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Presentation on theme: "GEOG 210 Physical Geography Instructor: Tom Broxson Office Hours: 10:00-12:00 M,T,W,Th Cell Phone: (253)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOG 210 Physical Geography Instructor: Tom Broxson Office Hours: 10:00-12:00 M,T,W,Th E-mail: Cell Phone: (253) Course objectives: The student will learn about the processes that produce natural physical landscapes and weather phenomena. The course should result in an enhanced appreciation of the landscapes of the world. Physical geography will introduce you to: Climatology: The science that deals with the study of earths weather systems and weather patters. Geomorphology: The science that deals with the study of landforms, their formation and change over time. Biogeography: Natural vegetation types and their distribution, and soils, the resource that is essential for food crop production. Text: Visualizing Physical Geography. Alan Strahler, and Arthur Strahler. Any edition. Atlas: Rand McNally Goodes World Atlas (Goodes World Atlas, 20th) J. Paul Goode, John C. Hudson, Edward B., Jr. Espenshade ISBN: 0528843362 ©2003 You will find an Atlas very helpful for this class, and if you do not already own one you should consider buying one and keeping it along with other basic reference books like a dictionary and thesaurus. Student's responsibilities and strategies for success: - ATTEND CLASS REGULARLY and BE ON TIME. You are responsible for all classroom discussion and assigned readings from the textbook and other sources the instructor may introduce. If you miss a class, please arrange to obtain notes from another student. - Read the textbook and take notes. From time to time, I will introduce ideas and images, and give examples not found in the text. This information is fair game for exams. - Combine and rewrite your notes from lectures and the readings. - Arrange for adequate time to prepare for exams. - Ask questions in and out of class, and if you have trouble with the material, ask for help! - Respect your fellow students and instructor. The classroom is an environment where we can share diverse opinions, viewpoints and experiences. Grading: Attendance/Participation (100 points or 10% of final grade) Labs (200 points or 20% of final grade) Map Quizzes (100 points or 10% of grade) Midterm #1 (200 points or 20% of final grade) Midterm #2 (200 points or 20% of final grade) Final Exam (200 points or 20% of final grade) Grading scale: 1000 to 950=4.0, 940=3.9, 930=3.8, 920=3.7, 910=3.6, 900=3.5, 890=3.4, 880=3.3, 870=3.2, 860=3.1, 850=3.0, 840=2.9, 830=2.8, 820=2.7, 810=2.6, 800=2.5, 790=2.4, 780=2.3, 770=2.2, 760=2.1, 750=2.0, 740=1.9, 730=1.8, 720=1.7, 710=1.6, 700=1.5, 690=1.4, 680=1.3, 670=1.2, 660=1.1, 650=1.0, 640=.9, 630=.8, 620=.7, 610=.6, 600=.5, 590=.4, 580=.3, 570=.2, 560=.1, 550 and bellow= 0

2 TopicText Chapter Introduction to the course The Earth as a Rotating Planet1 Places Quiz #1 The Earth's Global Energy Balance2 Air Temperature3 Atmospheric Moisture and Precipitation4 Midterm Exam I Atmospheric Winds and Global Circulation5 Weather Systems6 Places Quiz #2 Global Climatesand Biomes7 and 17 Midterm Exam II Earth Materialsand Plate Tectonics 8 Places Quiz #3 Volcanic and Diastrophic Landforms9 Weathering and Mass Wasting 10 Landforms Made by Running Water 12 Places Quiz #4 Landforms Made by Wind and Waves13 Glacial Landforms and the Ice Age14 FINAL EXAM

3 North America Greenland Baffin Island Florida Baja Peninsula Yucatan Peninsula Cuba Hispaniola South America Falkland islands Tierra del Fuego Europe Iberian peninsula Italian peninsula Balkan peninsula Scandinavian peninsula British Islands Iceland Physical Geography Places to Know First Quiz: Continents, Islands and other Land Features Africa Madagascar Asia Arabian Peninsula Indian Sub-Continent Sri Lanka Malaysian peninsula Kamchatka Peninsula Korean Peninsula Japanese Islands Taiwan Philippians Java Sumatra Borneo Celebes New Guinea Australia Tasmania New Zealand Antarctica

4 Physical Geography Places to Know Second Quiz: Oceans, Seas, and lakes Pacific Ocean Gulf of Alaska Ross Sea Bearing Sea Sea of Okhoisk Sea of Japan/East Sea East China Sea South China Sea Gulf of Thailand Coral Sea Gulf of California Atlantic ocean Weddell Sea Caribbean Sea Gulf of Mexico Baltic Sea North Sea Mediterranean sea Aegean Adriatic Tyrrhenian Ionian Indian Ocean Red Sea Gulf of Aden Arabian Sea Persian Gulf Bay of Bengal Arctic Ocean Hudson Bay Beaufort Sea Baffin Bay Barents Sea Kara Sea Lakes Inland seas Black Sea Caspian Sea Aral Sea Lake Baykal Great Bear Lake Great Slave lake Lake Winnipeg Lake Superior Lake Michigan Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Lake Titicaca Lake Victoria Lake Tanganyika

5 Physical Geography Places to Know Third Quiz: Mountains North America Rockies Sierra Nevada Cascades Wasatch Mackenzie Sierra Occidental Appalachians Tetons Sierra Oriental Adirondacks Blue ridge South America Andes Cordillera Oriental Africa Atlas Drakensbergs Rift valley mountains Australia/New Zealand Great dividing range Darling Mountains Southern alps Eurasia Altai Himalayas Caucasus Hindu Kush Pamirs Elburz Al Hijaz Asir Pyrenees Carpathians Urals Scandinavian Alps Zagros Dinaric Alps

6 Physical Geography Places to Know Fourth Quiz: Rivers Asia Amur Brahmaputra Euphrates Ganges Huang (Yellow) Indus Irrawaddy Mekong Tigris Xiang Xi (Pearl) Yangtze (Chang) Africa Congo Limpopo Niger Nile Orange Zambezi North America Colorado Columbia Frazer Mackenzie Mississippi Missouri Peace Red Rio Grande St. Lawrence Snake Yukon South America Amazon Negro Orinoco Paraguay Parana Europe Don Elbe Rhine Rhone Thames Volga Australia Darling Murray

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