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Chemistry 6440 / 7440 Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling.

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1 Chemistry 6440 / 7440 Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling

2 Course Goals To provide an introduction to some current methods in molecular modeling To provide hands-on experience with various molecular modeling software packages To provide some background on the theoretical and computational methods use in molecular modeling To provide some understanding of the capabilities, limitations and reliability of various molecular modeling methods

3 Prerequisites CHM5440 (undergrad PChem) or the equivalent CHM7470 (Intro to Quantum Chemistry) desirable but not required (we will go over the basics of molecular orbital theory) Will try to keep the math on the light side, but need some math to present the modeling methods and underlying theory Familiarity with Mac, Windows and Unix desirable but not required (we will go over the basics)

4 Lectures and Labs H. B. Schlegel – 371 / 379 Chemistry – – Lectures and computer labs - Rm 9 Chemistry Syllabus, announcements and assignments will be posted on BlackBoard Grades will be based on the assignments, a midterm and a final project Undergrads should be registered for Chm6440, grads for Chm7440

5 Assignments and Final Project Computational assignments - use various molecular modeling packages to investigate selected chemical problems Reading assignments – provide a one page summary of selected articles from the current literature involving molecular modeling Final project and presentation –Select a computational chemistry problem related to your current research –Discuss the computational strategy with HBS –Carry out the study during the second half of the course –10 – 15 min presentation of your problem, computational methods and results during the last few lectures of the course

6 Text and Materials for Course No one text covers the many aspects of molecular modeling that will be discussed in this course Numerous hand-outs will be provided Some texts will be recommended Various websites will provide additional information

7 Some useful texts Computational Chemistry (Oxford Chemistry Primer) G. H. Grant and W. G. Richards (Oxford University Press) Molecular Modeling – Principles and Applications, A. R. Leach (Addison Wesley Longman) Introduction to Computational Chemistry, 2 nd eddition, F. Jensen (Wiley) Essentials of Computational Chemistry – Theories and Models, 2 nd edition, C. J. Cramer (Wiley) Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure Methods, J. B. Foresman and A. Frisch (Gaussian Inc.) –HBS will place a group order for this book

8 Types of Molecular Models Wish to model molecular structure, properties and reactivity Range from simple qualitative descriptions to accurate, quantitative results Costs range from trivial to months of supercomputer time Some compromises necessary between cost and accuracy of modeling methods

9 Plastic molecular models Assemble from standard parts Fixed bond lengths and coordination geometries Good enough from qualitative modeling of the structure of some molecules Easy and cheap to use Provide a good feeling for the 3 dimensional structure of molecules No information on properties, energetics or reactivity

10 Molecular mechanics Ball and spring description of molecules Better representation of equilibrium geometries than plastic models Able to compute relative strain energies Cheap to compute Lots of empirical parameters that have to be carefully tested and calibrated Limited to equilibrium geometries Does not take electronic interactions into account No information on properties or reactivity Cannot readily handle reactions involving the making and breaking of bonds

11 Semi-empirical molecular orbital methods Approximate description of valence electrons Obtained by solving a simplified form of the Schrödinger equation Many integrals approximated using empirical expressions with various parameters Semi-quantitative description of electronic distribution, molecular structure, properties and relative energies Cheaper than ab initio electronic structure methods, but not as accurate

12 Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Methods More accurate treatment of the electronic distribution using the full Schroedinger equation Can be systematically improved to obtain chemical accuracy Does not need to be parameterized or calibrated with respect to experiment Can describe structure, properties, energetics and reactivity Expensive

13 Molecular Modeling Software Many packages available on numerous platforms Most have graphical interfaces, so that molecules can be sketched and results viewed pictorially Will use a few selected packages to simplify the learning curve Experience readily transferred to other packages

14 Modeling Software, cont’d Chem3D –molecular mechanics and simple semi- empirical methods –available on Mac and Windows –easy, intuitive to use –most labs already have copies of this, along with ChemDraw Tinker –dynamics with molecular mechanics –available on Mac and Windows

15 Modeling Software, cont’d Gaussian –semi-empirical, density functional and ab initio molecular orbital calculations –available on Mac, Windows and Unix GaussView –graphical user interface for Gaussian

16 Modeling Software, cont’d Amber –marcomolecular modeling and molecular dynamics VMD –graphical display of macromolecular modeling results

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