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Effective Meetings in CCPE A Prescription for Success CCPE Lunch Time Learning by Paul Tumolo 10/4/2011 HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH C ENTER FOR C ONTINUING.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Meetings in CCPE A Prescription for Success CCPE Lunch Time Learning by Paul Tumolo 10/4/2011 HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH C ENTER FOR C ONTINUING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Meetings in CCPE A Prescription for Success CCPE Lunch Time Learning by Paul Tumolo 10/4/2011 HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH C ENTER FOR C ONTINUING P ROFESSIONAL E DUCATION Where theory informs practice and practice informs theory ®

2 Current CCPE Meetings How would you characterize the meetings held in CCPE???? What specifically are the issues? What do you think needs to be done to have more effective meetings?

3 Meetings – A Requirement The “productive” meeting is not an oxymoron Meetings take up a significant amount of your work time Meetings that are ineffective waste time, resources, and add frustration Effective meetings are a driver of the business

4 Step 1 – Prepare Smartly What will the meeting achieve, specifically? Brainstorming, problem solving, decision making are the targets, all aimed at key milestones Set parameters of what will be accomplished at the meeting – stay on point The meeting should be designed for the “specific few” topics as the focus, fitting in the time allotment

5 Step 1 – Prepare Smartly – cont. Does your meeting have defined ground rules? Do you follow them? How do you handle conflicts? Is there a process? How do you anticipate problems, and then get them solved? The meeting leader should have a plan for the meeting before the meeting

6 Step 2 – Set Clear Objectives What are the specific tasks that will be discussed and completed? Are the tasks clear, well defined, and understood by all? Are the tasks measureable in terms of deliverables and dates? “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”

7 Step 3 – The Agenda All meeting must have a clear agenda – and do-able in the time allotted The agenda must be sent prior to the meeting (1 day or more is ideal) – participants come prepared The participants of the meeting must deliver assignments that are due Previous accomplishments must be included

8 Step 4 – Invite the Right People The team will be the nucleus of the meeting Others are invited specifically to address issues that the team requires support on Advance groundwork with the invited person will speed up the meeting Don’t be afraid to ask for guidance from peers or management

9 Step 5 – Assigning the Work Action steps, tasks, and time frames keep the agenda crisp and focused Always identify tasks in a measureable way Be sure the tasks are uniformly distributed to all team members Meeting minutes are crucial to forward progress

10 Step 6 – After Action Review After each meeting, spend a few minutes reviewing the meeting: –How well was the meeting conducted? –Did the tasks and action items get discussed and addressed? –Were the next meetings’ tasks and action item assigned? –Time efficiency – was the time allotment sufficient? –Was the participation evenly balanced? –Were the conflicts resolved? –Any recommendations for future meetings?

11 What can you do? Apply the learning to your meetings – learn by doing Be aware that being a meeting member requires effort and flexibility Think about continuous improvement Participate in a CCPE Meeting Improvement Initiative

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