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CSU, Chico and Zayed University Partnership March, 2008 Dubai, United Arab Emirates & Women as Global Leaders Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "CSU, Chico and Zayed University Partnership March, 2008 Dubai, United Arab Emirates & Women as Global Leaders Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSU, Chico and Zayed University Partnership March, 2008 Dubai, United Arab Emirates & Women as Global Leaders Conference

2 Zayed University is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

3 New Beginnings: Research with Zayed and CSU, Chico Chris Coughlin arrived as a new faculty member in Child Development from Zayed University. She had a great idea about collaborative research with Zayed University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

4 Children’s Views of War and Peace Students in Chico and Dubai interviewed children about their views of war and peace. Some amazing similarities and differences were clear. This was the research team.

5 The Women as Global Leaders Conference We were excited to hear Jane Fonda and Sarah Ferguson speak to women representing over 80 countries. Helen Thomas from the Washington Post was also inspiring.

6 The Research Team Presented their Results The two CSU, Chico students and six students from Zayed presented their study to a standing room only crowd.

7 Trip to Sharjah City Drs. Ratekin and Hutchinson traveled to meet an Chico Psych alum Sheika Jameela Al Qasimi, minister of Sharjah City Humanitarian Services. They visited her clinic for deaf and autistic children.

8 A Tour of the City Revealed the Old and New

9 The Travelers in the Old City Left to right: Dr. Cindy Ratekin Dr. Judy Bordin Dean Gayle Hutchinson Dr. Chris Coughlin Emma Nie Allison Schultz

10 And a VIP Tour of the Burj Al Arab

11 With wonderful memories of new friends and opportunities…

12 The Future… We will expand our research to include children in other countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is very likely that we shall return to Zayed University to continue our relationships.

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