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Cry Freedom Group Members: Christina Pan Alice Erin.

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Presentation on theme: "Cry Freedom Group Members: Christina Pan Alice Erin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cry Freedom Group Members: Christina Pan Alice Erin

2 Background Information of Cry Freedom Presenter: Christina Pan

3 General Facts About South Africa  Population: approx. 43,424,386 people  Ethnic Groups: 75.2% black 13.6% white 8.6% colored (mixed race) 2.6% Indians  Language: 11 official languages- English Afrikaans 9 African languages

4 Brief History of S.A- chronology of important events  16 century- Portuguese ships landed at Table Bay. Bantu-speaking farmers and herdsmen establish trade with Europeans.  1652- First permanent Dutch settled at Cape of Good Hope.  1688- French Hughenoots begin to settle at the Cape  1795- Britain seize control of the Cape  1814-London Convention: Dutch formally cede Cape to British  1836-40-Afrikaners migrate eastward.  1948-76-Apartheid ( 種族隔離政策 )  1990-94-Dismantled apartheid

5 Background Information of Afrikaners  7% of the population in S.A  Ancestor: Dutch settlers  Most of them are farmers  Many Afrikaners’ forebears arrived in S.A in search of independence from government oppression.  Fought wars with Khoikhoi,Xhosa, and British armies to claim land.  Defeated in the Boer War  1940 the National Party gained appeal among Afrikaners by emphasizing racial separation  Brought apartheid into all areas of social and economic life in S.A

6 Separate and Unequal:education and jobs for the blacks  The concept of unequal allocation of resources was built into legislation on general facilities, education, and jobs.  The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act stated that all races should have separate amenities( 福利設施 ).  The Extension of University Act prohibited blacks from attending white institutions and established separate schools for the blacks.  Black school had inferior facilities, teachers, and textbooks.  Certain works were reserved only for the whites.  Millions of black workers were unqualified for anything but the lowest-paid jobs.

7 Background information of Steve Biko  Born on 18 December 1946, King Williams Town, Eastern Cape.  He was expelled from his first school for ‘anti-establishment’ behavior.  Transferred to a Roman Catholic boarding school in Natal.  Enrolled at the University of Natal Medical School.  One of the founders of the Black People Convention(BPC) working on social upliftment projects.  Elected as the president of BPC and was expelled from medical school.  Banned by the Apartheid government in 1973.  Arised ‘Black Consciousness’.

8 Black Consciousness  Steve Biko argued that blacks often oppressed themselves by acceptong the second-class status accorded to them by the apartheid system, and he stressed that they had to liberate themselves mentally and physically.  He rejected the use of violence and emphasized that only nonviolent methods should be used in the struggle against apartheid.

9 Historical Scenes In Cry Freedom I.The raid on Crossroads squatter’s camp.  1975  An violent act to remove the black’s resident II. The Soweto student strike  16 th June, 1976  The children of Soweto organized a march in protest being taught in Afrikaans and against the Bantu Education system  The police opened fired.  The government responded by banning the Black Consciousness Movement and many other political organizations.

10 Presenter : Erin Su Media Matters

11 Flashback --Flashback is used to take us back to the result of the actual inquest before the Woods escaping in January, 1978. #Crossroads squatters’ camp in 1975  meeting between Biko and Woods in 1975  Biko’s arrest and subsequent death on 12 th, September, 1977  Woods decided to force an inquest into Biko’s death  Woods escaped to England to publish the book of Biko’s story --To rearrange the chronological sequence of events.

12 Freeze framing --Drill key images into our brain, ensuring that certain signals of a central message are being received by the audience. --Also help to authenticate these images, as a historical scene. ex. the opening images; the approaching of the police cars

13 Photo-journalistic techniques -- telex messages ---these cues question about who these people are and about what is going on ---makes the whole event much more evident and convincing

14 --- staggered zoom ---increase the tension, threaten, chaos, and panic ex. close ups of individuals caught up in the raid; the approaching vehicles; the screaming baby

15 --- superimposed image of a telescope gunsight ---heightens the drama and immediacy of the attack, giving it an authentic feel ---create an air of chaos and panic ---has the similar function of staggered zoom

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