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Integrated Electronics Portfolio Surrey S. Ravi P. Silva, Barry G. Evans, Maria Petrou and Ahmet M. Kondoz School of Electronics and Physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Electronics Portfolio Surrey S. Ravi P. Silva, Barry G. Evans, Maria Petrou and Ahmet M. Kondoz School of Electronics and Physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Electronics Portfolio Partnership @ Surrey S. Ravi P. Silva, Barry G. Evans, Maria Petrou and Ahmet M. Kondoz School of Electronics and Physical Sciences University of Surrey Guildford

2 Research Aims Provide the platform technology to establish radical alternatives in integrated electronics Provide solutions to ‘grand challenges’, with key industrial partners Create the background integrated technologies to improve the health, wealth and vitality of humankind for the 21 st century

3 Background Team set up 2 years ago with expertise in Nanotechnology, System on a chip, Wireless multimedia and Medical imaging. Amalgamation of 8 existing grants and 4 new grants to give a final ICT Portfolio Partnership of £6M over 5 years Advisory board of 5 with representatives from BAE Systems, Philips, Vodafone and EPSRC Remit given was to pursue research excellence to exploit the flexibility of extended funding such that the ‘whole’ was greater than the sum of the components Core programmes of each area which were classified as internationally leading progressed individually, while setting the platform to ‘Integrate’ activities to take on the grand challenges

4 Selected Research Highlights Over xx archival journal papers, xx conference papers and x patents filed in the first 18 months ? (Just this month we have had 3 APL, 1 IEEE and 1 NanoLett accepted !) Two key research centres in the I-Lab and the Nano- Electronics Centre funded via SRIF funds in excess of £6M Albert Einstein Medal, IEE Medal, FREng awards for research Two spin out companies launched, one further in the incubator stage Worldwide publicity on first secure wireless telephony Won 8 EU projects in FP6 Key strategic relationship with NPL

5 Selected Research Works Nano-Electronics sector –Carbon Based Electronics –Carbon Nanotube Manipulation and Devices –Nano-biotechnology and sensors –Low Temperature Growth of Nanotubes Multimedia Communications –Scalable video –Audio research –Wireless multimedia communication Medical Imaging –Invisible to the eye –Plastic reconstructive surgery Wireless Communication –Wireless test beds for core management –Tackling key issues for ubiquitous wireless networking

6 The Guardian Angel Specialist knowledge in Nanotechnology, Wireless communication and Medical imaging to be used to –Provide Health and Well being for the 21 st Century –Full life cycle of creativity, prototyping, evaluation and innovation to be used to provide a highly versatile, unobtrusive, portable, real life biosensor for telemedicine and help with diagnosis for clinicians –Biosensors to be multifunctional, and be able to sit on many platforms for broadband multimedia wireless communication –Power scavenging from the environment, with local data processing

7 The Guardian Angel … Room and low temperature growth of CNT allows for –Nano-biomolecular sensors on flexible electronics such as wrap-around plastics Medical imaging allows for; –Specialist tomography BAN/LAN allows for; –UBW wireless networks Virtual displays allows for; –Immersive presence diagnosis Carbon Nanotube Array

8 Outreach Activities (1) Enabled us to get into 8 EU FP6 Projects – (Evolute, Magnet, Ambient Networks, Mobilife, Sensation etc.) + all other EU partner exposure Linkages into mobile VCE has given exposure to 25 companies Provided facility for involvement of MSc and UG students, including new Nanotech MSc. University wide participation to be launched with Portfolio seed core funding Spin-outs on Multimedia applications, Flat panel displays and pre-incubator ‘seed funding’ for CNT solar cells and high brightness light sources

9 Outreach Activities (2) Current exhibit(s) in the Science Museum in the New Sainsbury Wing on Nanotechnology Participated in the ‘Small Talk’ programme at the Royal Institute on Nanoscience Organised several IEE and Evening lectures on science associated with Portfolio Partnership activities Already have had two high profile visiting professors sponsored for short term (~3 month) visits Strategic alliances with Thales, Philips, BAE Systems for long term research benefits to industry and acedemia Strategic £0.5M tie up with NPL Portfolio Partnership will underpin school outreach programme for Master Classes, Taster and UK-Japan

10 and the future …. Thus far the continued medium term funding, flexibility, and empowerment of groups to prioritise their own research programmes via the Portfolio Partnerships has been a great success. This has enabled us to look towards tackling the grand challenges and outreach activities in a more holistic manner. Internationally competitive science has been enabled with benefits of scale, economically, efficiently and to a high quality threshold. Many new spin outs have also been possible, as with new strategic tie ups with industrial partners. These very evident benefits must be retained on a longer term with suitable follow-on support.

11 Acknowledgement: EPSRC Portfolio Partnership Award Thank You

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