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Enterprise Business Processes and Reporting (IS 6214) MBS MIMAS 2010 / 2011 24th November 2010 Fergal Carton Business Information Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise Business Processes and Reporting (IS 6214) MBS MIMAS 2010 / 2011 24th November 2010 Fergal Carton Business Information Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise Business Processes and Reporting (IS 6214) MBS MIMAS 2010 / 2011 24th November 2010 Fergal Carton Business Information Systems

2 Last week Cucina sales order process –Think of innovative ways of dealing with GRN process constraints –Bear in mind SME potential to invest in technologies Process mapping assessment 1 Dec –Clarification of purpose of process mapping: focus is on as-is process?

3 This week Data import example –Marketing contacts Process mapping exercise for Cucina –Questions on assessment –Preparation for assessment What is a sales order? Northwind Sales orders –Order header –Order detail

4 Questions on assessment 1st Dec, Lab 1.111 from 9am-11am Bring blank paper, pencil, eraser, ruler Have your own copy of case study, but no other material Questions distributed on the day All work marked with student # and name 3 questions in the assessment –1 process map –2 questions on how that map would be used

5 Preparation for assessment Background research on the business sector involved –How do convenience stores currently manage their supplies and deliveries of fresh bread or fresh goods? –What is the procedure for signing off on the delivery? –How are supplier payments made? A process map should ideally be able to differentiate between physical flows (goods) and virtual flows (information). Use two different colours / line types It should also be a basis for discussing challenges in the business (for example, why are manual invoicing processes causing “heartache”?) Research simple process mapping exercises


7 What is a sales order Header –Order number –Customer ID and name –Ship to address –Order Date –Delivery date Main body: Line items –Product ID –Product description –Quantity –Price –Line total Footer –Sub-total –Discount –VAT –Total –Validity of offer

8 Sales order to production Forecast of sales is made based on sales history Procurement of materials based on forecast Daily sales orders are collected Customer requirements are aggregated by product type Material requirements are estimated, based on BOM Production is scheduled and executed Difference between production and schedule noted Material records updated with consumed inventory New procurement requirements communicated

9 Sales order fulfilment Products picked from finished goods according to orders Customer drops planned to optimise driver / van costs Deliveries made Anomalies noted on delivery note Customer signs annotated delivery note Payment made or customer invoiced Other requirements communicated

10 Sample bread products

11 Weaknesses of process mapping Biased representation? –Difficult to meet all people involved –Dependent on accuracy of information given by participants –Holes in understanding -> poor process –Doesn’t take into account new processes –Interpreted differently –Consistency in analysis when using multiple analysts –Only maps repetitive processes? –What about manual work? Find right level of abstraction Only theoretical? Complexity / overcomplication

12 Northwind Data : Customers

13 Northwind Data : Order headers

14 Northwind Data : Order details

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