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Introduction to Computing Dr. Nadeem A Khan. Lecture 19.

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1 Introduction to Computing Dr. Nadeem A Khan

2 Lecture 19

3 Lecture 20 in Lab !

4 Functions

5 Functions ► General Format : Subroutine Sub SubprogrammeName (list of parameters) statements End Sub ► General Format : Functions Sub FunctionName (list of parameters) As datatype statements Function Name = expression End Function

6 Functions ► Examples: Function FtoC (t As Single) As Single FtoC = (5/9)*(t-32) End Function Function FirstName$ (nom As String) Dim firstSpace As Integer Rem Extract the first name from the full name nom Let firstSpace = Instr(nom, “ ”) FirstName$ = Left$(nom, firstSpace-1) End Function

7 Functions ► Using function in a program Sub Command1_Click Dim x As Single Picture1.Print FtoC(212) x = FtoC(32) Picture1.Print x x = FtoC(81+32) Picture1.Print x End Sub

8 Functions (Contd.) ► Result: 100 100045

9 ► Practice Problem Function Cider (g As Single, x As Single) As Single Cider=g*x End Function Sub DisplayNumOfGallons(galPerBu, apples As Single) Picture1.Cls Picture1.Print “You can make”; Cider(galPerBu, apples); Picture1.Print “gallons of cider.” End Sub Sub GetData (gallonsPerBushel As Single, apples As Single) Let gallonsPerBushel =3 Let apples =9 End Sub Functions (Contd.)

10 ► Practice Problem Sub Command1_Click Rem How many gallons of apple cider can we make Dim gallonsPerBushel As Single, apples as Single Call GetData(gallonPerBushel, apples) Call DisplayNumOfGallons(gallonsPerBushel, apples) End Sub

11 Functions (Contd.) ► Practice Problem: Result You can make 27 gallons of cider

12 Private and Public ► Variables, Subroutines and Functions can be declared as Private or Public as well ► Read Section 2.4 (Scott Warner) Scope  Local  Module/Form-Level  Global

13 Modular Design ► Top-Down Design ► Structured Programming  Sequences  Decisions  Loops

14 Note: ► Read: Schneider (Section 4.2,4.3, 4.4) ► Read comments and do practice problems of these sections of these sections ► Attempt questions of Exercises

15 Conditions

16 Conditions: Examples ► ExpressionTrue/False 2 < 5? -5 > -2.5? 1 < 1? 1 = 1? 3.5 <= 3.5? -9 >= -35? -2 <> -3?

17 Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► ExpressionTrue/False 2 < 5True -5 > -2.5False 1 < 1False 1 = 1True 3.5 <= 3.5True -9 >= -35True -2 <> -3True

18 Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► ExpressionTrue/False “cat” < “dog”? “cart” < “cat”? “cat” < “catalog”? “9W” < “bat”? “Dog” < “cat” ? “Sales-99 <= “Sales-retail”?

19 Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► For strings use the ANSI (or ASCI) table CharactersANSI(ASCI) Value CharactersANSI(ASCI) Value Digits (0-9)48-57 Upper Case (A-Z)65-90 Lower Case (a-z)97-122 ► Compare two strings character by character

20 Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► ExpressionTrue/False “cat” < “dog”True “cart” < “cat”True “cat” < “catalog”True “9W” < “bat”True “Dog” < “cat” True “Sales-99 <= “Sales-retail”True

21 Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► Assume a= 4; b= 3; c=“hello”; d=“bye” ► ExpressionTrue/False (a + b) < 2*a? (Len(c) - b) = (a/2)? c < “good” & d?

22 Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► Assume a= 4; b= 3; c=“hello”; d=“bye” ► ExpressionTrue/False (a + b) < 2*aTrue (Len(c) - b) = (a/2)True c < “good” & dFalse

23 Conditions (Contd.) ► Condition is an expression involving relational operators; it is either True or False ► Relational operators: =; <>; ; = => See Table 5.1

24 Conditions (Contd.) ► Complex Conditions: Conditions joined by Logical Operators  cond1 And cond2  cond1 Or cond2  Not cond1

25 Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► Assume n= 4; answ=“Y” ► ExpressionTrue/False (2<n)And(n<6) ? Not(n<6)? (answ=“Y”) Or (answ=“y”)?

26 Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► Assume n= 4; answ=“Y” ► ExpressionTrue/False (2<n)And(n<6) True Not(n<6)False (answ=“Y”) Or (answ=“y”)True

27 Conditions (Contd.) ► Operator hierarchy: In decreasing order of priority:  Arithemetic  Relational  Logical ► Logical operator hierarchy: In decreasing order of priority:  Not  And  Or

28 Conditions (Contd.) => - Tie: Left most operator is first - Use parantheses

29 Decisions

30 Decision Structure: Flowchart Process Step (s) 2 Is Condition True Process Step (s) 1

31 IF BLOCKS IF condition Then action1Else action 2 action 2 End If

32 IF BLOCK (Contd.) ► Complete the program: Identifies and displays the larger value and its variable (assume unequal values) Sub Command1_Click Dim a As Single, b As Single, largerVal As Single Let a=4 Let b=5... Picture1. Print “Its value is:”;largerVal End Sub

33 IF BLOCK (Contd.) Sub Command1_Click Dim a As Single, b As Single, largerVal As Single Let a=4 Let b=5 If a>b Then Picture1.Print “a has the larger value” largerVal=aElse Picture1.Print “b has the larger value” largerVal=b End If Picture1. Print “Its value is:”;largerVal End Sub

34 IF BLOCK (Contd.) Result: b has the larger value Its value is: 5

35 IF BLOCK (Contd.) What the following program will do?

36 IF BLOCK (Contd.) Sub Command1_Click Dim a As Single, b As Single, largerVal As Single Let a=4 Let b=4 If (a>b) Or (a=b) Then Picture1.Print “a has the larger value” largerVal=aElse Picture1.Print “b has the larger value” largerVal=b End If Picture1. Print “Its value is:”;largerVal End Sub

37 IF BLOCK (Contd.) Result: a has the larger value Its value is: 4

38 IF BLOCK EXTENDED IF condition 1 Then action1 ElseIf condition 2 Then action 2 action 2 ElseIf condition 3 Then action 3 End If

39 IF BLOCK EXTENDED(Contd.) What the following program will do?

40 IF BLOCK EXTENDED(Contd.) Sub Command1_Click Dim a As Single, b As Single Let a=4 Let b=5 If (a>b) Then Picture1.Print “a has the larger value” ElseIf (a<b) Then Picture1.Print “b has the larger value” Else Picture1.Print “a and b have same value” End If End Sub

41 IF BLOCK EXTENDED (Contd.) Result: b has the larger value

42 Note: ► Read: Schneider (Section 5.1, 5.2) ► Read comments and do practice problems of these sections of these sections ► Attempt questions of Exercises

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