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Managing Organizational Structure

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1 Managing Organizational Structure
9 Chapter Managing Organizational Structure PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook © Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All rights reserved.

2 Learning Objectives After studying the chapter, you should be able to:
Identify the factors that influence managers’ choice of an organizational structure. Explain how managers group tasks into jobs that are motivating and satisfying for employees. Describe the types of organizational structures managers can design, and explain why they choose one structure over another. Explain why there is a need to both centralize and decentralized authority. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

3 Learning Objectives (cont’d)
Explain why managers must coordinate and integrate between jobs, functions, and divisions as an organization grows. Explain why managers who seek new ways to increase efficiency and effectiveness are using strategic alliances and network structures. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

4 Chapter Outline Designing Organizational Structure
The Organizational Environment Strategy Technology Human Resources Grouping Tasks into Jobs: Job Design Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment The Job Characteristics Model Grouping Jobs into Functions and Divisions Functional Structure © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

5 Chapter Outline (cont’d)
Grouping Jobs into Functions and Divisions (cont’d) Functional Structure Divisional Structure: Product, Market, Geographic Matrix and Product Team Designs Hybrid Structure Coordinating Functions and Divisions Allocating Authority Types of Integrating Mechanisms Strategic Alliances, B2B Network Structures, and IT © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

6 Organizational Structure
Organizational Architecture The organizational structure, control systems, culture, and human resource management systems that together determine how efficiently and effectively organizational resources are used. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

7 Designing Organizational Structure
Organizing The process by which managers establish working relationships among employees to achieve goals. Organizational Structure Formal system of task and reporting relationships showing how workers use resources. Organizational design The process by which managers make specific choices that result in a particular kind of organizational structure. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

8 Factors Affecting Organizational Structure
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.1

9 Determinants of Structure
The Organizational Environment The quicker the environment changes, the more problems face managers. Structure must be more flexible (i.e., decentralized authority) when environmental change is rapid. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

10 Determinants of Structure
Strategy Different strategies require the use of different structures. A differentiation strategy needs a flexible structure, low cost may need a more formal structure. Increased vertical integration or diversification also requires a more flexible structure. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

11 Determinants of Structure
Technology The combination of skills, knowledge, tools, equipment, computers and machines used in the organization. More complex technology makes it harder for managers to regulate the organization. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

12 Determinants of Structure
Technology (cont’d) Technology can be measured by: Task variety: the number of new problems a manager encounters. Task analyzability: the availability of programmed solutions to a manager to solve problems. High task variety and low analyzability present many unique problems to managers. Flexible structure works best in these conditions. Low task variety and high analyzability allow managers to rely on established procedures. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

13 Types of Technology Small Batch Technology Mass Production Technology
Small quantities of one-of-a-kind products are produced by the skills of the workers who work together in small groups. Appropriate structure is decentralized and flexible. Mass Production Technology Automated machines that are programmed to make high volumes of standard products. Formal structure is the best choice for workers who must perform repetitive tasks. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

14 Types of Technology Continuous Process Technology
Totally mechanized systems of automatic machines. A flexible structure is necessary to allow workers to react quickly to unexpected problems. Information Technology (IT) Knowledge management The sharing and integrating of expertise within and between functions and divisions through realtime, interconnected IT that allows for new kinds of tasks and job reporting relationships. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

15 Determinants of Structure
Human Resources Highly skilled workers whose jobs require working in teams usually need a more flexible structure. Higher skilled workers (e.g., CPA’s and doctors) often have internalized professional norms. Managers must take into account all four factors (environment, strategy, technology and human resources) when designing the structure of the organization. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

16 Job Design Job Design Job Simplification
The process by which managers decide how to divide tasks into specific jobs. The appropriate division of labor results in an effective and efficient workforce. Job Simplification The process of reducing the tasks each worker performs. Too much simplification and boredom results. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

17 Job Design Job Enlargement Job Enrichment
Increasing the number of tasks for a given job to reduce boredom. Job Enrichment Increasing the degree of responsibility a worker has over a job. can lead to increased worker involvement. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

18 The Job Characteristics Model
Source: Adapted from J. R. Hackman and G. R. Oldham, Work Redesign (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1980). © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.2

19 Job Characteristics Model
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

20 Grouping Jobs into Functions
Functional Structure An organizational structure composed of all the departments that an organization requires to produce its goods or services. Advantages Encourages learning from others doing similar jobs. Easy for managers to monitor and evaluate workers. Disadvantages Difficult for departments to communicate with others. Preoccupation with own department and losing sight of organizational goals. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

21 The Functional Structure of Pier 1 Imports
Figure 9.3 © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

22 Divisional Structures
An organizational structure composed of separate business units within which are the functions that work together to produce a specific product for a specific customer Divisions create smaller, manageable parts of a firm. Divisions develop a business-level strategy to compete. Divisions have marketing, finance, and other functions. Functional managers report to divisional managers who then report to corporate management. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

23 Types of Divisional Structures
Product Structure Customers are served by self-contained divisions that handle a specific type of product or service. Allows functional managers to specialize in one product area Division managers become experts in their area Removes need for direct supervision of division by corporate managers Divisional management improves the use of resources © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

24 Product, Market, and Geographic Structures
Figure 9.4 © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

25 Viacom’s 2001 Product Structure
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.5

26 Types of Divisional Structures (cont’d)
Geographic Structure Each regional or a country or area with customers with differing needs is served by a local self-contained division producing products that best meet those needs. Global geographic structure Different divisions serve each world region when managers find different problems or demands across the globe. Generally, occurs when managers are pursuing a multidomestic strategy © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

27 Types of Divisional Structures (cont’d)
Market (Customer) Structure Each kind of customer is served by a self-contained division Global market (customer) structure Customers in different regions buy similar products so firms can locate manufacturing facilities and product distribution networks where they decide is best. Firms pursuing a global strategy will use this type of structure. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

28 Global Geographic and Global Product Structures
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.6

29 Matrix Design Structure
Matrix Structure An organizational structure that simultaneously groups people and resources by function and product. Results in a complex network of superior-subordinate reporting relationships. The structure is very flexible and can respond rapidly to the need for change. Each employee has two bosses (functional manager and product manager) and possibly cannot satisfy both. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

30 Matrix Structure Figure 9.7
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.7

31 Product Team Design Structure
Product Team Structure The members are permanently assigned to the team and empowered to bring a product to market. Avoids problems of two-way communication and the conflicting demands of functional and product team bosses. Cross-functional team is composed of a group of managers from different departments working together to perform organizational tasks. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

32 Product Team Structure
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.7

33 Hybrid Structures Hybrid Structure
The structure of a large organization that has many divisions an simultaneously uses many different organizational structures Managers can select the best structure for a particular division—one division may use a functional structure, another division may have a geographic structure. The ability to break a large organization into smaller units makes it easier to manage. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

34 Target’s Hybrid Structure
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.8

35 Coordinating Functions: Allocating Authority
The power to hold people accountable for their actions and to make decisions concerning the use of organizational resources. Hierarchy of Authority An organization’s chain of command, specifying the relative authority of each manager. Span of Control: refers to the number of workers a manager manages. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

36 Allocating Authority (cont’d)
Span of Control The number of subordinates that report directly to a manager Line Manager Managers in the direct chain of command who have authority over people and resources lower down. Primarily responsible for the production of goods or services. Staff Manager Managers who are functional-area specialists that give advice to line managers. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

37 The Hierarchy of Authority and Span of Control at McDonald’s Corporation
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Source: Figure 9.9

38 Tall and Flat Organizations
Tall structures have many levels of authority and narrow spans of control. As hierarchy levels increase, communication gets difficult creating delays in the time being taken to implement decisions. Communications can also become garbled as it is repeated through the firm. Flat structures have fewer levels and wide spans of control. Structure results in quick communications but can lead to overworked managers. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

39 Flat Organizations Figure 9.10a
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.10a

40 Tall Organizations Figure 9.10b
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.10b

41 Organizational Structure
Managers should carefully evaluate: Do the organization have the right number of middle managers? Can the structure be altered to reduce levels? Centralized and Decentralized of Authority Decentralization puts more authority at lower levels and leads to flatter organizations. Works best in dynamic, highly competitive environment. Stable environment favor centralization of authority. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

42 Integrating Mechanisms
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Figure 9.11

43 Forms of Integrating Mechanisms
© Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. Source: Figure 9.12

44 Strategic Alliances Strategic Alliance Network Structure:
An agreement in which managers pool or share firm’s resources and know-how with a foreign company and the two firms share in the rewards and risks of starting a new venture. Network Structure: A series of strategic alliances that an organization creates with suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors to produce and market a product. Network structures allow firms to bring resources together in a boundary-less organization. © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

45 B2B Network Structures and IT
Boundaryless Organization An organization whose members are linked by computers, faxes, computer-aided design systems, and video-conferencing and who, rarely, if ever, see one another face-to-face. Knowledge Management System A company-specific virtual information system that allows workers to share their knowledge and expertise and find others to help solve problems. Source: © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

46 B2B Network Structures and IT (cont’d)
Business to Business (B2B ) network A group of organizations that join together and use IT to link themselves to potential global suppliers to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Source: © Copyright McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved.

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