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ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 1 EMSA: Its role in preventing accidental marine pollution and improving response systems Ana.

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1 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 1 EMSA: Its role in preventing accidental marine pollution and improving response systems Ana Teresa Caetano Unit F - Oil Pollution Response Research & Innovation

2 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 2 EMSA Main Goals The European Maritime Safety Agency was established by Regulation (EC) 1406/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th June 2002. Its main goal is to play a leading role in reducing the risk of: maritime accidents pollution from ships loss of human life at sea security problems on board ships

3 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 3 EMSA Operational Objectives Within the fields of maritime safety, pollution prevention from ships and ship security, EMSA has the following main operational objectives : To monitor the implementation of EU maritime legislation To foster technical cooperation and development and disseminate best practice To provide technical advice To provide cross border operational capabilities, in particular in the field of oil pollution response

4 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 4 Administrative Board The Board meet twice a year (first meeting on 4 th December 2002). It comprises: 1 representative per Member State (25 as from 1st May 2004) 4 representatives from the European Commission 4 professionals from the sectors most concerned 1 representative each from Iceland and Norway.

5 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 5 Administrative Board (cont.) T he Administrative Board has the responsibility for: appointing the Executive Director adopting the Agency’s general report and work programme establishing the Agency’s rules of procedure examining Member States’ requests for technical assistance adopting the Agency’s budget establishing the Executive Director’s decision making procedures defining a visits policy

6 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 6 Executive Director Mr Willem De Ruiter (NL) was appointed by the Administrative Board and took up his duties as Executive Director in May 2003. His responsibilities are to: ensure the proper functioning of the Agency prepare the Agency’s work programme determine technical visits to be made in line with the Agency’s policy organise an effective monitoring system for the Agency’s work recruit and manage the Agency’s staff implement the Agency’s budget ensure the effective transfer of EMSA from Brussels to Lisbon

7 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 7 EMSA Units The Agency comprises two administrative units and four operational units: Unit A – Resources Unit B – Operations Support Unit C – Safety Assessment & Inspections Unit D – Implementation EU Maritime Legislation Unit E – Technical Co-operation and Development Unit F – Oil Pollution Response

8 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 8 EMSA Activities The Agency has a variety of different tasks in the following areas : Classification Society Assessment Port State Control Monitoring Ship Reporting Marine Equipment Accident Investigation Accident response and support to the common maritime safety policy Port Reception Facilities Ship Safety Standards Training Ship Owners’ Liability Ship Security Oil Pollution Response

9 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 9 EMSA Task in Oil Pollution Response (Regulation 1406/2002/EC as amended) The Council and the European Parliament assigned, on March 31 st 2004, new tasks to the Agency in the field of marine oil pollution response. The text provides that EMSA shall: Provide technical and scientific assistance to Member States and the Commision regarding marine pollution. Support on request with additional operational means, in a coast-efficient way, the pollution response mechanisms of Members States. Analysis of research projects carried in different fields of maritime safety and maritime security, the prevention of pollution and response to pollution caused by ships

10 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 10 EMSA Task in Oil Pollution Response Unit F – Oil Pollution Response (April 2004) Head of Unit General Policy & External Affairs Research & Innovation Operational Activities Monitoring & Surveillance

11 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 11 EMSA Task in Oil Pollution Response The Instrument – Action Plan in Oil Pollution Preparedeness and Response In order to implement this task the Administrative Board has adopted in November 2004 EMSA’s first Action Plan in Oil pollution Preparedeness and Response. Major action lines: 1.To develop technical and scientific assistance to MS in the field of oil and hazardous materials 2.To build up a centre of knowledge –provide information (e.g survey on R&D projects on Marine pollution) –prepare studies –promote innovation (e.g. OPR new ship designs) –disseminate best practices

12 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 12 EMSA Task in Oil Pollution Response The Instrument – Action Plan in Oil Pollution Preparedeness and Response (cont.) 3.To set-up and monitor EMSA’s operational tasks in the field of oil pollution response by: –Assisting MS with their operational tasks in at sea oil pollution response (e.g tender on oil pollution recovery vessels) –Assisting in the classification of related response equipment (e.g. manual on oil pollution equipment) –Provide technical expertise in the deployment of oil pollution response equipment 4.To co-operate with the Commission and Member States in: –Development of the necessary information systems to trace ship- sourced pollution –Monitoring and early identification of ships –Assisting in developing methods of tracing polluting substances –Set up a system of aerial and/or satellite surveillance of oil silcks

13 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 13 Further information Invite you to visit EMSA’s Oil Pollution Response Website at, for more information on: Action Plan for Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response Inventory of Member States Oil Pollution Response Capacity Library on Oil Pollution Response (Documents & Hyperlinks) Spills (large tanker spills since 1984) Tenders –Call for Expressions of Interest for service contracts for stand-by oil spill recovery vessel(s), 2005/S 46-043812 OJ 5/3/2005

14 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 14 Contact Ana Teresa Caetano P.O. Pollution Response Research & Innovation European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) G-12 03/89 Rue de Genève 12 B-1049 Brussels Tel: +32 2 702 02 45 Fax: +32 2 702 02 10

15 ATC/EMSA/F2 Research&InnovationVertimar 2005 - Vigo - Spain 15 THANK YOU!

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