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Seismology Research Potential for USArray CPEP Sites Kelly Liu
An Earth Science Program funded by the NSF and other agencies to Explore the Structure and Evolution of the North American Continent and Understand Processes Controlling Earthquakes and Volcanoes. EarthScope San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) Seismic Observatory (USArray) Source:
USArray - A continental –scale seismic observatory Transportable Array (“Bigfoot”): 400 broadband seismometers; 70-km grid Flexible Array: 291 broadband, 120 short period, and 1700 active-source Reference Network: ANSS backbone (~70 seismic stations) Magnetotelluric Facility: 7 permanent, 20 portable sensors Each phase of the “Bigfoot” lasts for two years, and the network will completely cover the US in a 10-year period.
USArray Current Status Source:
At each USArray TA station Sensor: 0.01 -40 Hz; STS-2 Data acquisition system Telemetry Power system GPS
Existing Permanent Broadband Stations in the 4-state Region
Existing/existed Broadband Stations (with accessible data) in the 48 states http://www.iris.edu (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology)
The major reason of the uneven distribution: difference in seismic activities All the mag >0 quakes in the ANSS catalog: 1800-2007
Yet USArray deals with much more than earthquake distribution … The USArray component of the EarthScope experiment is a continental-scale seismic observatory designed to provide a foundation for integrated studies of continental lithosphere and deep Earth structure over a wide range of scales. USArray will provide new insight and new data to address fundamental questions in earthquake physics, volcanic processes, core-mantle interactions, active deformation and tectonics, continental structure and evolution, geodynamics, and crustal fluids
Bouguer gravity map and major tectonic features of the Central Plains and adjacent areas. Blue lines separate crustal blocks with different ages, which become progressively younger toward the south. The permanent seismic network would enable a significantly improved understanding about the formation, evolution, and structure of these tectonic features and their roles in the formation and distribution of earthquakes in the Central Plains. Major features to be studied by the CPEP permanent seismic network: MCR Boundaries of tectonics units NMSZ
Expected major seismological products from the CPEP permanent stations: Receiver function studies Fundamentals of Receiver Functions The converted phases at the interface Mostly based on
Stacking of RFs The converted phases are very weak. In order to enhance the signals, various stacking techniques have been used. The current study uses the approach of Zhu and Kanamori (2000) Basically, we search for the optimal combination of crustal thickness (H) and crustal Vp/Vs that gives rise to the maximum stacking amplitude. To account for the differences in the angle of incidence of the seismic raypath, the RFs are “moveout-corrected” using the formulas on the right before stacking (formulas ) Nair, Gao, Liu, Silver, 2006 JGR
Crustal thickness and Poisson’s ratio beneath the stations (station averages) Depth variation of major velocity discontinuities in the mantle (at 410, 520, and 660 km) Preliminary result of crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio beneath station CCM in eastern Missouri
To study azimuthal variation of P-to-S converted phases from the Moho and major mantle discontinuities provides critical information about the geometry of the discontinuities Azimuthal variation of receiver functions from about 350 high-quality teleseismic events over a 16-year period (about 20 per year), recorded by station CCM in eastern Missouri
Preliminary results of non-linear stacking of the receiver functions at CCM reveal azimuthal variation in crustal thickness and depths to the 410 and 660 Many events are needed to enhance the weak P-to-S converted phases. Thus some stations should be converted to permanent.
Expected major seismological products from the CPEP permanent stations: Seismic tomography Seismic Tomography --uses seismic waves with different ray paths to map three-dimensional velocity structure in the earth.
Most seismic tomography techniques require a large number of ray-paths from different azimuths van der Lee and Frederiksen, 2005 Velocity structure of the mantle from seismic tomography
19 Two parameters used to describe shear-wave splitting: Fast direction: the polarization direction of the fast wave Splitting time: the arrival time difference between the fast and slow waves. Global average is 1 second. Expected major seismological products from the CPEP permanent stations: Shear-wave splitting
1. Vertical coherent deformation: Fast directions are parallel to mountain belts Possible causes of mantle anisotropy 2. Asthenospheric flow: Fast directions are parallel to flow direction Modified from Silver, 1996, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 3.Vertical magmatic dikes: fast direction parallel to strike of dikes
SKS splitting A two-year project funded by NSF (1/2008-12/2009) Data from all the portable and permanent network stations for Mag >= 5.5 events and in the epicentral range of 81 0 – 140 0 were obtained from the IRIS DMC. The method of Silver and Chan (1991) was used to measure the splitting parameters by minimizing the energy on the corrected transverse component. Original and corrected radial and transverse components, particle motion patterns, and error function contour. id=347&rendTypeId=4
Horizontal slices at three different depths showing azimuthal anisotropy in the NA upper mantle. Model was obtained by joint inversion of surface waveforms and SKS splitting measurements. Marione and Romanowicz [2007, Nature] A fundamental difference in anisotropy between the western NA orogenic zone and the “stable” interior of the NA craton: Most part of the west has a single layer of anisotropy (or the fast directions hardly change in the top 300 km). In the stable part of NA, the fast directions are mostly N-S in the top layer, and are NE-SW in the lower layer (which is parallel to the APM direction). First-order features of mantle anisotropy 100 200 300
Shear-wave splitting parameters Preliminary results of an ongoing effort to produce a coherent shear- wave splitting database for North America using broadband data sets Funded by NSF Geophysics Program
Good azimuthal coverage (which requires a long recording time) is needed to resolve two-layer anisotropy Marone and Romanowicz, Nature, 2007 Results at TX31 (western TX) using 5-years of data
For instance, more permanent stations may be able to confirm the possibility that there are active fault in SE MO and NE AK Expected major seismological products from the CPEP permanent stations: Detecting small earthquakes
Where does the $$ come from? Successful Examples Institutions in the State of Arizona (AGS, UofA, ASU) submitted a proposal to FEMA and received $1.5M to convert 20 or so TA stations to permanent (including paying the maintenance fee for 3 years) UT-Austin and Baylor University have received donations from Oil and other companies to convert 20 Oregon has received multiple funding (mostly from the university) to convert 5-10
Summary Many geo-aspects of the Central Plains are poorly studied USArray will fill many gaps Given the limited time span (2-years) of USArray, many fundamental questions related to the formation, evolution, and structure of the Earth’s continents cannot be addressed by USArray TA Converting some of the USArray TA stations into permanent ones will eliminate the drawbacks of USArray The CPEP permanent seismic network will be an excellent facility for long-term research, as well as for educations at all the levels and for public outreach.
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