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Boundary detection in sensor networks for phenomenon classification GROUP MEMBERS : AKSHAY BALASUBRAMANIAN NANDAKUMAR P VENUGOPAL SATISH RAMASWAMI SALEM.

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Presentation on theme: "Boundary detection in sensor networks for phenomenon classification GROUP MEMBERS : AKSHAY BALASUBRAMANIAN NANDAKUMAR P VENUGOPAL SATISH RAMASWAMI SALEM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boundary detection in sensor networks for phenomenon classification GROUP MEMBERS : AKSHAY BALASUBRAMANIAN NANDAKUMAR P VENUGOPAL SATISH RAMASWAMI SALEM INSTRUCTOR : Dr Pao-Lo Liu TA : Mr Saurav Bandyopadhyay

2 Presentation overview  Objective  Optimization criterion  Where it can be used  Simulation tool and protocol used  Actual overview of Simulation  Results  Future Improvements  Questions

3 OBJECTIVE  To identify whether a Target Sensor is a part of the edge  To identify the boundary of the Phenomenon being measured

4 Optimization Criterion  Throughput in the Network layer  Routing overhead in the MAC layer Assumptions: General class of boundaries Mild regularity Achievable Performance

5 Where it can be used?  Landmine detection  Contouring  Unit monitoring and surveillance


7 Simulation tool and Protocol used  Choice of environment - GloMoSim  Choice of Protocol -AdHoc On Demand Vector Routing Protocol (AODV)

8 What is GloMoSim  GloMoSim is a simulation environment for wireless systems.  Source Code is written primarily in C and uses the Parsec compiler to create executable.  Layer Models : Physical Data Link Network Transport Application

9 Classification of routing Protocols  Proactive – When a packet needs to be forwarded, the route is already known. *Each node maintains routing information to all other nodes in the network. *When updates are made it is propagated throughout the network.  Reactive – Determine a route only when data has to be sent. each node *Nodes that are not selected in the path do not maintain routing information. *The route discovery process is initiated by the source node.

10 What is AODV  It is a reactive type of routing protocol.  Packet types Used RREQ - broadcast route discovery message RREP - unicast message to validate a path RERR - Error message to inform nodes of link failure  Routing information stored at the nodes  When a route to a new destination is needed, the node broadcasts a RREQ to find a route to the destination  Routing table stores only active routes, unused routes are removed

11 Protocol modifications  Novelty involved -Is it my packet? -Do I have to stay awake!! I am better of sleeping Power-off mode in MAC layer

12 Results to Substantiate Claim  Throughput  Power Constraint

13 Actual Overview of Simulation Red – Original Blue – Our Algorithm

14 Red – Original Blue – Our Algorithm Power versus Time

15 Scope for Improvement  Resilience to security threats and Attacks Denial of Service Packet flooding Impersonation Black hole problem


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