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Covering letters The cover letter identifies the item being sent, the person to whom is being sent, and the reason for sending it.

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Presentation on theme: "Covering letters The cover letter identifies the item being sent, the person to whom is being sent, and the reason for sending it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Covering letters The cover letter identifies the item being sent, the person to whom is being sent, and the reason for sending it.

2 Covering letters  A standardised four-paragraph letter:  The FIRST PARAGRAPH identifies WHO you are, WHAT job you are applying for, and HOW you heard about it.

3 Covering letters  The SECOND PARAGRAPH states WHY you choose to apply for the job and WHY you consider yourself a suitable candidate.

4 Covering letters  The THIRD PARAGRAPH emphasises those aspects of your life, skills, experience and training which you consider will be of particular relevance for the vacancy.

5 Covering letters  The FOURTH PARAGRAPH ‘thanks’ the employers for their time and consideration, ‘tells’ them when you are available for interview, and how you can be contacted

6 Format of a Cover Letter  Sender address  Date  Receptor full name and address  Beginning  Dear sir,  Main body (4 paragraphs)  Ending  Yours faithfully,  Signature

7 Links to remember  ers.htm ers.htm  etterwriting/?view=print etterwriting/?view=print    y/Samples/default.htm y/Samples/default.htm

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