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Business-Level Strategy
Chapter 5 Business-Level Strategy Robert E. Hoskisson Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland Business-Level Strategy According to Michael Porter, the essence of business-level strategy is “to perform activities differently or to perform different activities than rivals.” The who, what, and how of selecting a business-level strategy are determined when a firm establishes (1) who will be served; (2) what needs those target customers have that it will satisfy; and (3) how those needs will be satisfied. The instructor notes for this chapter discuss the following strategies: • Reach, Richness, and Affiliation • Cost leadership • Differentiation • Focused cost leadership • Focused differentiation • Integrated cost leadership/differentiation Instructor notes begin on the following slides: • Managing Relationships with Customers • Five Generic Strategies • Cost Leadership Strategy • Differentiation Strategy • Structure for Differentiation Strategy ©2004 by South-Western/Thomson Learning
The Strategic Management Process
Chapter 1 Introduction to Strategic Management Chapter 2 Strategic Leadership Strategic Thinking Chapter 3 The External Environment Chapter 4 The Internal Organization Strategic Intent Strategic Mission Strategic Analysis Chapter 5 Business-Level Strategy Chapter 5 Business-Level Strategy Chapter 6 Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics Chapter 7 Corporate-Level Strategy Creating Competitive Advantage Chapter 8 Acquisition and Restructuring Strategies Chapter 9 International Strategy Chapter 10 Cooperative Strategy Monitoring And Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities Chapter 11 Corporate Governance Chapter 12 Strategic Entrepreneurship
Core Competencies and Strategy
The resources and capabilities that have been determined to be a source of competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals Core competencies An integrated and coordinated set of actions taken to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage Strategy Actions taken to provide value to customers and gain a competitive advantage by exploiting core competencies in specific, individual product markets Business-level strategy
Business-Level Strategy
Intended to create differences between the firm’s position relative to those of its rivals In selecting a business-level strategy, a firm determines: who will be served what needs those target customers have that it will satisfy how those needs will be satisfied
Who Will be Served Market segmentation (see Table 5.1) Consumer
Industrial Markets Customers Basis for Customer Segmentation Reach, Richness and Affiliation (discussed on pp ) (cont.) Operations The growing complexity of automobiles has created a niche for information companies like AIS. “Today’s vehicles require a technician to have access to over a million pages of manufacturers’ technical reference materials,” says Jeff Sweet, the company’s CEO. “In 1980, you would have needed 19 inches of shelf space for the shop manuals of a single GM model year. Today you’d need eleven feet!” Out of necessity, most automotive shops rely on repair manuals and CD-ROMs containing information consolidated from the vast amount available. But AIS works with the original source documents. That means over 5,200 factory service manuals totaling some 1.5 million pages—the most complete onsite library of automobile manufacturer’s service information in the nation. AIS also examines new cars in their own diagnostics garage. Moreover, since factory service manuals contain inaccuracies (modifications seldom find their way back to the manuals), AIS gathers information from its callers and corrects its manuals. Products and Services The products and services AIS offers include technical hotlines serving 30,000 enrolled automotive shops; aftermarket technical service bulletins distributed through an automated voice retrieval system; documents containing over 40,000 automotive wiring diagrams; and consulting services to automotive equipment manufacturers. On average, AIS fields 250,000 calls per year, and since the company’s beginning, it has helped technicians perform over one million automotive repairs.
What Needs to Satisfy Create value for customers. 2 generalized forms of value: Low cost products with acceptable features Highly differentiated product features with acceptable cost Value for industrial customers includes being a source of the customers’ competitive advantage
Types of Business-Level Strategies
To position itself, the firm must decide whether it intends to: perform activities differently (to achieve lower cost), or to perform different activities as compared to its rivals (to differentiate products and command a premium price exceeding the marginal cost of differentiation)
Five Generic Strategies
Competitive Advantage Cost Uniqueness Cost Leadership Differentiation Broad target Integrated Cost Leadership/ Differentiation Competitive Scope Five Generic Strategies Business-Level Strategy (p. 141) Firms choose from among five business-level strategies (see Figure 5.1 in the text) to establish and defend their desired strategic position against rivals: • Cost leadership • Differentiation • Focused cost leadership • Focused differentiation • Integrated cost leadership/differentiation Examples of cost leadership and differentiation strategies are discussed on later slides. Narrow target Focused Cost Leadership Focused Differentiation
Cost Leadership Strategy
An integrated set of actions designed to produce or deliver goods or services at the lowest cost, relative to competitors with features that are acceptable to customers relatively standardized products features acceptable to many customers lowest competitive price Cost Leadership Strategy: The Vanguard Group uses a cost leadership strategy. Portraying fees and costs as evil and extolling efficiency, the corporate culture encourages employees’ commitment to controlling costs while designing and completing their work. Vanguard’s performance outcomes demonstrate the firm’s low-cost position. In 1999, for example, the firm incurred average operating costs of 0.27 percent of its assets—less than one-fourth of the estimated average operating costs of 1.31 percent for the mutual fund industry. Other cost-saving activities include Vanguard’s low trading levels and its policy of discouraging customers from rapid buying and selling—activity that drives up costs. The firm also searches for the least costly, yet still effective, means of providing customer service and of marketing its products. Vanguard’s low-cost position for many investment products suggests the quality of its cost control efforts.
Cost Leadership Strategy
Cost saving actions required by this strategy: building efficient scale facilities tightly controlling production costs and overhead minimizing costs of sales, R&D and service building efficient manufacturing facilities monitoring costs of activities provided by outsiders simplifying production processes
Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Rivalry Among Competing Firms Can use cost leadership strategy to advantage since: competitors avoid price wars with cost leaders, creating higher profits for the entire industry Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Bargaining Power of Buyers Can mitigate buyers’ power by: driving prices far below competitors, causing them to exit and shifting power with buyers back to the firm Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Bargaining Power of Suppliers Can mitigate suppliers’ power by: being able to absorb cost increases due to low cost position being able to make very large purchases, reducing chance of supplier using power Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Threat of New Entrants Can frighten off new entrants due to: their need to enter on a large scale in order to be cost competitive the time it takes to move down the learning curve Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Cost Leadership Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Threat of Substitute Products Cost leader is well positioned to lower prices in order to maintain value position Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Strategy and Structure
Organization structure specifies a firm’s formal reporting relationships, procedures, controls, and authority and decision-making processes 3 structural characteristics: Specialization (type and number of jobs required to complete work) Centralization (decision-making authority) Formalization (rules and procedure)
Structure for Cost Leadership Strategy
Operations is main function Process engineering is emphasized over R&D Large centralized staff Formalized procedures Structure is mechanical, job roles highly structured Office of the President Centralized Staff Engineering Operations Accounting Marketing Personnel
Risks of Cost Leadership Strategy
Processes used by the cost leader to produce and distribute its good or service could become obsolete because of competitors’ innovations Too much focus by the cost leader on cost reductions may occur at the expense of trying to understand customers’ perceptions of “competitive levels of differentiation Competitors may learn how to successfully imitate the cost leader’s strategy
Differentiation Strategy
An integrated set of actions designed by a firm to produce or deliver goods or services (at an acceptable cost) that customers perceive as being different in ways that are important to them nonstandardized products customers value differentiated features more than they value low cost Differentiation Strategy Rather than costs, a firm using the differentiation strategy tries to invest in and develop features that differentiate its goods or services in ways that customers value. Commonly recognized differentiated goods include Toyota’s Lexus, Ralph Lauren clothing, and Caterpillar’s heavy-duty earthmoving equipment. To give some concrete example, think of a $58,000 watch, dresses that look like newspaper, or an eye-shadow called “Gangrene.” These are items no one really needs, yet millions of consumers worldwide line up to buy them. That’s because LVMH—the world’s largest, most successful purveyor of these and other luxury goods that no one needs—is a master of a differentiation strategy. LVMH has differentiated itself in industries ranging from retailing and cosmetics to jewelry, leather goods, and wines and in 2000 generated $10 billion. What is the company’s secret? LVMH uses a differentiation strategy. LVMH’s brands are simultaneously: • Timeless, eternal. Timelessness takes decades to develop. However, you can create the impression of it sooner through uncompromising quality—by hiring dedicated people with the brand “in their bones” and keeping them for a long time. • Modern, edgy, fashionable, sexy. A modern brand is so new and unique that people feel they must buy it. • Fast growing. To show shareholders you have struck the right balance between timelessness and fashion, and to allow you to charge premium prices. • Profitable. Through disciplined, efficient, and rigorous manufacturing processes that contrast sharply with freewheeling creativity. (Continued on next slide.)
Differentiation Strategy
Value provided by unique features and value characteristics Command premium price High customer service Superior quality Prestige or exclusivity Differentiation Strategy (cont.) To execute a differentiated strategy, LVMH suggests these counterintuitive principles: • Free creative people from financial and commercial concerns. Creative types freeze whenever calculator-clutching managers hover nearby. So hire innovative types who want to see their designs succeed “on the street” and then let them run wild. For example, Dior designer John Galliano shocked the fashion world when he clad runway models in newspaper dresses, yet LMVH never flinched. Blocking the plan would have crushed Galliano’s spirit. Later, when Dior manufactured dresses in newspaperprinted fabric, they sold briskly. • Don’t follow consumers. You won’t generate breakthrough products, and people won’t pay premium prices for something they expect. Instead, let creators drive innovation, and listen to focus groups with only one ear. For example, focus groups responded lukewarmly to the new Kenzo perfume, Flower, with its oddly shaped bottle and scentless signature flower, the poppy. LMVH launched Flower anyway because the design team believed in it. Kenzo’s sales rose 75% early in 2001, largely on Flower’s success. (Continued on next slide.)
Differentiation Strategy
Differentiation actions required by this strategy: developing new systems and processes shaping perceptions through advertising quality focus capability in R&D maximize human resource contributions through low turnover and high motivation Differentiation Strategy (cont.) • Minimize risk. Don’t put your company at risk by introducing all new products all the time. Let proven products carry you. LMVH made only several thousand innovative Dior handbags ($1,800/each). The rest of the product line was less radical in fabric and design, but the company made more of them and sold them for less, thus encouraging creativity while minimizing risk. • Give star brands time to grow. Star brands need great talent and heritage. Use incubation time to learn. Although the highly creative Christian Lacroix fashion house hasn’t been profitable since its 1991 launch, LMVH uses it as a laboratory, learning how to start a brand from scratch and nurturing it until it has some history. (Continued on next slide.)
Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Rivalry Among Competing Firms Can defend against competition because: brand loyalty to differentiated product offsets price competition Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Bargaining Power of Buyers Can mitigate buyer power because: well differentiated products reduce customer sensitivity to price increases Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Bargaining Power of Suppliers Can mitigate suppliers’ power by: absorbing price increases due to higher margins passing along higher supplier prices because buyers are loyal to differentiated brand Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Threat of New Entrants Can defend against new entrants because: new products must surpass proven products or, new products must be at least equal to performance of proven products, but offered at lower prices Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Differentiation Strategy and the Five Forces of Competition
Threat of Substitute Products Well positioned relative to substitutes because: brand loyalty to a differentiated product tends to reduce customers’ testing of new products or switching brands Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Substitute Products Threat of Five Forces of Competition
Structure for Differentiation Strategy
President and Limited Staff R&D Marketing New Product R&D Marketing Finance Operations Human Resources Organizational Structure & Business-level strategy (p. 142) Structure and Product Differentiation Which structure is most efficient for multi-product line company like GM? Which structure is most effective? Consider the automobile industry. General Motors GM uses an M-Form Structure, which includes 12 automobile divisions 1. Buick • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, Israel, and China • Six models: midsize and luxury cars and SUVs emphasizing style and substance • Logo/Slogan: The Spirit of American Style 2. Chevrolet • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Middle East (Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.), Far East (Japan, Taiwan and China)—Most global brand • 22 models: Ranges from small and midsize cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs emphasizing style and substance • Logo/Slogan: Full Throttle—Charging Ahead 3. Cadillac • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Middle East (Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.), Far East (Japan, Taiwan, and China) • Six models: luxury cars and SUV emphasizing luxury and performance • Logo/Slogan: Heritage Reborn 4. EV1 • Geographic reach: U.S., California and Arizona only • One model: Electric car emphasizing fuel efficiency and environment • Logo/Slogan: An exceptional car. A different driving experience. 5. GMC Trucks • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, and Brazil • Eight models: Trucks, vans, and SUVs emphasizing engineering strength • Logo/Slogan: Discover the Advantages of Professional Grade Engineering (Continued on next slide.) Marketing is the main function for tracking new product ideas New product R&D is emphasized Most functions are decentralized Formalization is limited to foster change and promote new ideas Overall structure is organic; job roles are less structured
Major Risks of Differentiation Strategy
Customers may decide that the price differential between the differentiated product and the cost leader’s product is too large Means of differentiation may cease to provide value for which customers are willing to pay General Motors (cont.) 6. Holden / Isuzu • Geographic reach: Australia • 26 Models: Range from small midsize cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs, emphasizing ? • Logo/Slogan: What is their logo/slogan? 7. Hummer • Geographic reach: U.S. • Two models: SUVs, emphasizing uniqueness of rugged style • Logo/Slogan: Like nothing else 8. Oldsmobile • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada • Five models: Range of midsize cars and SUVs, emphasizing driving performance • Logo/Slogan: No logo, brand being phased out 9. Opel • Geographic reach: Europe, Middle East (Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.), Far East (Japan, Taiwan & China) • Ten Models: Range from small to midsize cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs emphasizing performance • Logo/Slogan: Fresh Thinking—Better Cars 10. Pontiac • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, and Mexico • Seven models: Range of small to midsize cars, vans, and SUVs emphasizing the one-of-a-kind experience • Logo/Slogan: Fuel for the Soul 11. Saab • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Middle East (Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.), Far East (Japan, Taiwan & China)—Most global brand • 15 Models: Range of small and midsize cars, wagons, and vans emphasizing safety and driving performance 12. Saturn • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada) • Five Models: Range small and midsize cars and wagons emphasizing customer satisfaction and reliability (Continued on next slide.)
Major Risks of Differentiation Strategy
Experience may narrow customer’s perceptions of the value of differentiated features of the firm’s products Makers of counterfeit goods may attempt to replicate differentiated features of the firm’s products Organizational Structure & Business-level strategy (p. 142) General Motors (cont.) Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures • Fiat • Subaru • Suzuki • Daewoo Facts • GM has multiple divisions beyond its auto division, including Hughes, GMAC (financing), etc. • GM currently supports 17 global brands in 4 geographic arenas: (GMNA, GME, GMLAAM, GMAP) Sales breakdown for automobile division: GMNA—76.7%, GME—17.7, GMLAAM—3.5%, GMAP—3.1% • GM does plan to phase out Oldsmobile brand • GM is branded around a product, company structured around a product line Ask Is GM’s structure a hindrance to a customer-centric perspective? Are GM’s customers brand loyal, (i.e. to Buick or Cadillac) or company loyal, (i.e. to GM)? How does that impact structure and strategy? Assume that you were running Buick or another division of GM, what is your incentive to “share your customer” with the other product lines. For example, moving a current Buick Regal customer to a say Cadillac El Dorado? Where is the customer in this equation? Sources: Evans, P. and Wurster, T.S Blown to Bits: How the new economics of information transforms strategy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press; and Harvard Business Review (March). The Perfect Paradox of Star Brands: An Interview with Bernard Arnault of LVMH. HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition.
Focused Business-Level Strategies
A focus strategy must exploit a narrow target’s differences from the balance of the industry by: isolating a particular buyer group isolating a unique segment of a product line concentrating on a particular geographic market
Factors That May Drive Focused Strategies
Large firms may overlook small niches Firm may lack resources to compete in the broader market May be able to serve a narrow market segment more effectively than can larger industry-wide competitors
Structure for Focused Strategies
A simple structure for smaller firms Owner-manager makes all major decisions and monitors all activities A functional structure for larger firms Organizational Structure & Business-level strategy (p. 142) Structure and Product Differentiation Which structure is most efficient for multi-product line company like GM? Which structure is most effective? Consider the automobile industry. General Motors GM uses an M-Form Structure, which includes 12 automobile divisions 1. Buick • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, Israel, and China • Six models: midsize and luxury cars and SUVs emphasizing style and substance • Logo/Slogan: The Spirit of American Style 2. Chevrolet • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Middle East (Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.), Far East (Japan, Taiwan and China)—Most global brand • 22 models: Ranges from small and midsize cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs emphasizing style and substance • Logo/Slogan: Full Throttle—Charging Ahead 3. Cadillac • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Middle East (Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.), Far East (Japan, Taiwan, and China) • Six models: luxury cars and SUV emphasizing luxury and performance • Logo/Slogan: Heritage Reborn 4. EV1 • Geographic reach: U.S., California and Arizona only • One model: Electric car emphasizing fuel efficiency and environment • Logo/Slogan: An exceptional car. A different driving experience. 5. GMC Trucks • Geographic reach: U.S., Canada, and Brazil • Eight models: Trucks, vans, and SUVs emphasizing engineering strength • Logo/Slogan: Discover the Advantages of Professional Grade Engineering (Continued on next slide.)
Major Risks of Focused Strategies
Firm may be “outfocused” by competitors Large competitor may set its sights on your niche market Preferences of niche market may change to match those of broad market
Benefits of Integrated Strategy
Successful firms using this strategy have above-average returns Firm offers two types of values to customers some differentiated features (but less than a true differentiated firm) relatively low cost (but not as low as the cost leader’s price)
Using the Functional Structure
The integrated form of the functional structure must have decision-making patterns that are partially centralized and partially decentralized will have semi-specialized jobs and rules and procedures that call for some formal and some informal job behavior Strategic flexibility is obtained via flexible manufacturing systems information networks total quality management systems
Major Risks of Integrated Strategy
An integrated cost/differentiation business level strategy often involves compromises (neither the lowest cost nor the most differentiated firm) The firm may become “stuck in the middle” lacking the strong commitment and expertise that accompanies firms following either a cost leadership or a differentiated strategy
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