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Buffy Vampire Slayer Relationships BVSR ≠. Creativity and Discovery as Blind Variation and Selective Retention: Multiple-Variant Definitions and Blind-Sighted.

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Presentation on theme: "Buffy Vampire Slayer Relationships BVSR ≠. Creativity and Discovery as Blind Variation and Selective Retention: Multiple-Variant Definitions and Blind-Sighted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buffy Vampire Slayer Relationships BVSR ≠

2 Creativity and Discovery as Blind Variation and Selective Retention: Multiple-Variant Definitions and Blind-Sighted Integration

3 Definitions Under simultaneous selection Under sequential selection

4 Set of k Hypothetical Variants VariantProbabilityUtilityExpectation X1X1 p1p1 u1u1 q1q1 X2X2 p2p2 u2u2 q2q2 X3X3 p3p3 u3u3 q3q3 ………… XiXi pipi uiui qiqi ………… XkXk pkpk ukuk qkqk where q i = P (X i | u i )

5 Blind-Sighted Continuum Blind-sighted measure –For all k variants: 0 ≤ r pq ≤ 1, where 0 = perfect blindness 1 = perfect sightedness –For subset of variants p i > 0, truncated r pq Special Case 1: r pq = 1, if all ps, us, and qs equiprobable Special Case 2: r pq = 0, if only all ps equiprobable

6 Typepipi uiui qiqi GenerationStatusDesignation 1> 0 possibletrue positivesighted inclusion 2> 0 = 0possibletrue positiveblind inclusion 3> 0= 0 possiblefalse positiveblind inclusion 4= 0> 0 impossiblefalse negativeblind exclusion 5= 0> 0= 0impossiblefalse negativeblind exclusion 6= 0 impossibletrue negativesighted exclusion Variant Typology

7 Sequential Selection Need to add a index for consecutive trials to allow for changes in the parameter values: p 1t, p 2t, p 3t,... p it,... p kt u 1t, u 2t, u 3t,... u it,... u kt q 1t, q 2t, q 3t,... q it,... q kt where t = 1, 2, 3,... n (number of trials) Then, 0 ≤ r pq (t) ≤ 1

8 Sequential Selection N.B.: Although r pq (t) → 1 as t → n, –it would not do so monotonically except under highly unlikely circumstances, –e.g., when ρ pu (t) = -1 (i.e., where the rank-order correlation between the ps and us is perfectly negative) –Hence, the problem of local utility maxima and the question of when to terminate BVSR

9 Three Final Points Although the above formulation is very abstract, it can be readily explicated in terms of concrete examples Moreover, by deriving the blind-sighted continuum, the formulation allows us to avoid useless debates about BVSR That said, it is likely that highly creative scientists often operate at the blind end of the continuum

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