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1 Pertemuan > > Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: > Versi: >

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1 1 Pertemuan > > Matakuliah: >/ > Tahun: > Versi: >

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat menghubungkan pola implementasi proyek EUIS

3 3 Outline Materi Tahap 6 : Implementasi: mengelola proyek, staffing proyek, memilih percontohan proyek, menyiapkan fasilitas Tahap 7 : Evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan Proyek

4 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-4 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 EUIS Project Management: Implementing, Monitoring, and Aligning Business Processes

5 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-5 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 Learning Objectives Describe the roles of implementing, evaluating, and institutionalizing new business processes in the EUIS project management model. List steps an organization could follow as a guide to implementing EUIS projects. Given a situation in which new technologies are planned, suggest strategies for their implementation. Identify major facility changes that must be considered in preparing a site for new technologies.

6 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-6 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 Learning Objectives List ten ways to conduct an EUIS evaluation and explain when they might be used. Develop an equipment feature analysis form, an interview guide, and an attitude questionnaire appropriate for EUIS evaluation. Explain the importance of the final step of the EUIS project management model: Institutionalize business processes. 2

7 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-7 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 The Action Research Model Evaluation Assessment Design Implementation

8 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-8 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 Step 6: Implementing EUIS Projects Managing project implementation Staffing for the implementation step Selecting pilot or model office installations –Choose a site with high visibility –Choose a site with a high likelihood of success Preparing the facilities Ensuring a correct installation Ensuring a convenient installation

9 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-9 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 Step 6: Implementing EUIS Projects Ensuring a comfortable and safe installation Obtaining and installing the system Installing security measures Developing solutions Delivering user training Establishing new procedures Managing the change process

10 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-10 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 Step 7: Evaluating Results Who should do the evaluation? When should the evaluation take place? What should be evaluated? How should evaluation be done?

11 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-11 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 Step 7: Evaluating Results Alternative evaluation strategies –Feature analysis –User interviews –Company files –Attitude questionnaires –Communications audit –Work-time management –Cost comparisons –User competency testing –Participant observation

12 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-12 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 Step 8: Institutionalizing New Business Processes Providing remedial and advanced training Modifying or enhancing systems Meeting job performance objectives Meeting business process objectives Meeting business/management objectives

13 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-13 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 Step 8: Institutionalizing New Business Processes Why some systems fail 1.Organizational barriers 2.People barriers 3.Implementation barriers 4.Technological barriers

14 BackNextEndBackNextEnd 16-14 Copyright Prentice Hall, 2002 Summary Barriers Evaluation Institutionalizing Model office Project implementation plan Pilot installation Key Terms:

15 15 > Selanjutnya Pert. 26 Review Manajemen Proyek EPM

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