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Taxonomy Nature’s Matching Game. Big Concepts Species – What makes a species? Species – What makes a species? Evolution – How does evolution work?

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Presentation on theme: "Taxonomy Nature’s Matching Game. Big Concepts Species – What makes a species? Species – What makes a species? Evolution – How does evolution work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxonomy Nature’s Matching Game




5 Big Concepts Species – What makes a species? Species – What makes a species? Evolution – How does evolution work? Evolution – How does evolution work? Classification – How are all these species related? Classification – How are all these species related?

6 Evolution

7 Evolution 1) Organisms change over time 1) Organisms change over time 2) Gradualism 2) Gradualism 3) Population speciation 3) Population speciation 4) Common descent 4) Common descent 5) Natural selection 5) Natural selection

8 The Order to it All KingdomPhylumClassOrderFamilyGenusSpecies

9 What Are We? Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Chordata Class - Mammalia Order - Primata Family - Hominidae Genus - Homo Homo sapiens

10 Classification Taxonomy is the technique of putting a species into a monophyletic group Taxonomy is the technique of putting a species into a monophyletic group What does this mean? What does this mean? Monophyly – all the species in a group descended from a common ancestor Monophyly – all the species in a group descended from a common ancestor

11 Carnivores! Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Chordata Class – Mammalia Order – Carnivora Families: - Felidae – CATS! - Canidae – DOGS! - Ursidae – BEARS!

12 House Cats

13 What is it?

14 Wild Cats



17 Dogs

18 Canidae

19 Canidae

20 Ursidae

21 Ursidae



24 Corvidae Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Chordata Class – Aves Order – Passeriformes Family – CORVIDAE Genus – Corvus Corvus brachyrhynchos

25 Corvidae

26 Corvidae

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