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Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Clustering methods  Partitional clustering in which clusters are represented by their centroids (proc.

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Presentation on theme: "Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Clustering methods  Partitional clustering in which clusters are represented by their centroids (proc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Clustering methods  Partitional clustering in which clusters are represented by their centroids (proc FASTCLUS)  Agglomerative hierarchical clustering in which the closest clusters are repeatedly merged (proc CLUSTER)  Density-based clustering in which core points and associated border points are clustered (proc MODECLUS)

2 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Proc FASTCLUS  Select k initial centroids  Repeat the following until the clusters remain unchanged:  Form k clusters by assigning each point to its nearest centroid  Update the centroid of each cluster

3 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Identification of water samples with incorrect total nitrogen levels

4 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Identification of water samples with incorrect total nitrogen levels - 2-means clustering Initialization problems?

5 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Limitations of K-means clustering 1.Difficult to detect clusters with non-spherical shapes 2.Difficult to detect clusters of widely different sizes 3.Difficult to detect clusters of different densities

6 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Proc MODECLUS  Use a smoother to estimate the (local) density of the given dataset  A cluster is loosely defined as a region surrounding a local maximum of the probability density function

7 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Identification of water samples with incorrect total nitrogen levels - proc MODECLUS, R = 1000 What will happen if R is increased?

8 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Identification of water samples with incorrect total nitrogen levels - proc MODECLUS, R = 4000

9 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Identification of water samples with incorrect total nitrogen levels - proc MODECLUS, method 6 Why did the clustering fail?

10 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Limitations of density-based clustering 1.Difficult to control (requires repeated runs) 2.Collapses in high dimensions

11 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Strength of density-based clustering Given a sufficiently large sample, nonparametric density-based clustering methods are capable of detecting clusters of unequal size and dispersion and with highly irregular shapes

12 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Identification of water samples with incorrect total nitrogen levels - transformed data

13 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Identification of water samples with incorrect total nitrogen levels - proc MODECLUS, R = 2000, transformed data

14 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Preprocessing 1.Standardization 2.Linear transformation 3.Dimension reduction

15 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Postprocessing 1.Split a cluster Usually, the cluster with the largest SSE is split 2.Introduce a new cluster centroid Often the point that is farthest from any cluster center is chosen 3.Disperse a cluster Remove one centroid and reassign the points to other clusters 4.Merge two clusters Typically, the clusters with the closest centroids are chosen

16 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Profiling website visitors 1.A total of 296 pages at a Microsoft website are grouped into 13 homogenous categories Initial Support Entertainment Office Windows Othersoft Download ….. 2.For each of 32711 visitors we have recorded how many times they have visited the different categories of pages 3.We would like to make a behavioural segmentation of the users ( a cluster analysis) that can be used in future marketing decisions

17 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Profiling website visitors - the dataset Why is it necessary to group the pages into categories?

18 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Profiling website visitors - 10-means clustering

19 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Profiling website visitors - cluster proximities

20 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Profiling website visitors - profiles

21 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Profiling website visitors - Kohonen Map of cluster frequencies

22 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Profiling website visitors - Kohonen Maps of means by variable and grid cell

23 Data mining and statistical learning - lecture 14 Characteristics of Kohonen maps  The centroids vary smoothly over the map The set of clusters having unusually large (or small) values of a given variable tend to form connected spatial patterns  Clusters with similar centroids need not be close to each other in a Kohonen map  The sizes of the clusters in Kohonen maps tend to be less variable than those obtained by K-means clustering

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