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Self Sustaining Solar Power Robot Final Presentation Mason Drew Mark Nolan Wesley Varghese.

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2 Self Sustaining Solar Power Robot Final Presentation Mason Drew Mark Nolan Wesley Varghese

3 Problem Objective Light-Seeking – be able to locate the strongest light source in the area and navigate toward it. Mobile – be able to navigate on a flat surface without obstacles. Monitor Energy – monitor the battery’s energy level at all times. It should know when it needs to seek more energy and it should also know when the battery is done charging. Solar-Rechargeable – once in a strong light source, the robot should enter a charging mode where it consumes very little power and stores the energy into rechargeable batteries. Self-sustaining – operate without any assistance from the outside world.

4 Light-Seeking Light Measurement Circuit –multiple sensitivity circuits Algorithm –dynamic dead band

5 Mobile Sonar (object avoidance)

6 Monitor Energy Voltage Measurement Circuit LED

7 Solar-Rechargeable Solar Array Charge Circuitry

8 Self-Sustaining

9 Conclusion Successes Failures Lessons Learned

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