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Assessment Offences Administration System Richard Jones School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences University of Greenwich (The presentation version.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Offences Administration System Richard Jones School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences University of Greenwich (The presentation version."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Offences Administration System Richard Jones School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences University of Greenwich (The presentation version will include images taken from the system)

2 Time-consuming administration Poor information retrieval (e.g. repeat cases) Widespread support for IT based system University wide investigation into the handling of assessment offences revealed:

3 System Process Tutor reports possible assessment offence ACO invites student to interview Student interviewed Decision recorded Decision sent to Quality Office and reporting tutor Statistics and reports produced

4 System Process Tutor reports possible assessment offence Web based entry system Pulls data from Banner (University database) for accuracy Records data in Adminstration database

5 System Process ACO invites student to interview ACO alerted by email when new offence is reported Queries to see new / not completed cases Letters produced by system outlining case and either inviting student to interview or to send in a statement (for overseas student)

6 System Process Student interviewed Notes recorded at interview including witnesses, interviewer, time etc. Alert if repeat offence

7 System Process Decision recorded Decision sent to Quality Office and reporting tutor Decision chosen from those allowed by regulations CP2 report produced by system and automatically emailed to QA office and reporting tutor

8 System Process Statistics and reports produced Cases can be filtered and reports produced by session, course, programme Overall statistics on type of offence, type of penalty Reports or online views available to exam boards etc.

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