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Technology for Teaching One Way to Address the LSSSE Clickers to Enhance Student Engagement.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology for Teaching One Way to Address the LSSSE Clickers to Enhance Student Engagement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology for Teaching One Way to Address the LSSSE Clickers to Enhance Student Engagement

2 TOC Q&A Has never gotten up to change the channel! Clickers are intimately familiar to them Quizzes work, but there are other uses Clickers in the Classroom Net Gen Quick adjustments to the class Encourage a Discussion Keep them awake! Benefits

3 TOC Q&A Some ways to use clickers Comprehension check-in Attendance – no hassle pass Simply to keep them engaged Discussion Generators & Votes Prepare for the Review class Clickers in Law School Classrooms

4 TOC Q&A The standard way: for a quiz  Quiz questions  For a graded test; on a discrete topic that requires measurement of mastery Provides a convenient way to capture how they did Simpler than a paper test to take and to grade

5 TOC Q&A Comprehension Check-in  Take the “temperature” of the class  At the beginning of the class Perhaps on a reading assignment  In the middle of class To test comprehension of material covered so far  At the end of class To allow you to move on, or To allow you to adjust for next class


7 TOC Q&A Attendance – no hassle pass  Grab and “click in”  Displays a seating chart of who is ready  Keeps a record for grading purposes

8 TOC Q&A To keep them listening  If they know they will be asked for a response in a few minutes, they will pay more attention  These can be low stakes or even no stakes  Insert a “question” slide every 5 – 8 or so  It almost becomes a game for them to listen, so they get the answer right

9 TOC Q&A Discussion Generators  Have you ever asked a question and…  Got nothing in response?  Sometimes, students don’t respond simply because they don’t want to be wrong or alone  But if they see there are 8 others who think the same way…  Suddenly, they are willing to talk in class

10 TOC Q&A Prep for Final Review Class  Hand out a written, multiple choice exam  They answer each question with their clickers  You can tell how difficult it is – follow the “race horse” progress bars  At the end, you have a chart – immediately – showing which questions were tough, and which were easier  Adjust the final exam review class based on this information

11 TOC Q&A

12 Technology for Teaching Demonstration Administrative Law

13 TOC Q&A Adjudication is 1.A general policy with future effect 2.A court-like proceeding, including the Federal Rules of Evidence 3.Application of a general policy to a particular party 4.Always run by an Administrative Law Judge

14 TOC Q&A Board of Regents v. Roth Low level of due process hearing rights When the right being adjudicated is not a property right

15 TOC Q&A Example: Student expelled for plagiarism  Student admitted to State U. law school on full scholarship.  Plagiarism charge on 1L spring brief.  Student policy: expulsion is the penalty.  Does student have a due process right to contest whether she committed plagiarism? Yes/No

16 Technology for Teaching Discussion Generators Administrative Law

17 TOC Q&A “Benefits” we need in our lives 1.Clean water to drink 2.A safe place to work 3.No more animal extinctions 4.Drugs that make us well when we are sick 5.Car Seats for our Children Vote for your FIRST choice from this list

18 TOC Q&A Diver’s four steps to rulemaking: 1.Specify the goal you are trying to achieve 2.Identify all possible methods to achieve it 3.Evaluate each method 4.Pick the one that comes closest to achieving the goal Vote: which step is the hardest to accomplish?

19 Technology for Teaching Votes Administrative Law

20 TOC Q&A Feedback on Clickers 1.You gotta be kidding me! 2.Sounds kind of interesting, but where is the time? 3.I think I see how I could use this in my class. 4.I like the “temperature taking” approach. 5.I want to try that seating chart idea!

21 TOC Q&A Different ways to use Clickers Clickers QuizCheck- inAttendanceEngagement Discussion Generators Votes Prep for Final Review

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