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Case Studies from the ANNIE project: using technologies in combination Mark Childs Centre for Academic Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Studies from the ANNIE project: using technologies in combination Mark Childs Centre for Academic Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Studies from the ANNIE project: using technologies in combination Mark Childs Centre for Academic Practice

2 The ANNIE Project Accessing and Networking with National and International Expertise Providing remote access to experts Students in Performing Arts Warwick, Kent, DMU, Exeter, Queen’s Belfast Other institutions in UK, Europe, N America

3 Aspects of Practice Virtual residency Internet and CD-ROM resources about theatre company’s work actual residency by theatre company with face-to-face and virtual performance workshops "virtual residency” via web-based discussion around questions determined from f2f classes

4 IPR and the Internet Lectures and seminars 1st session ISDN into council chamber 2nd session NetMeeting + PC + data projector into seminar room 3rd session web-board chat session 4th session web-board chat session

5 Stand-up Comedy Short course Web-based resources Exercises based on web-pages daily videoconferenced session final show

6 Lest We Forget Ongoing support for module Web-based resources Webconferenced tutorials Students presentations uploaded for assessment Discussion board for feedback on work

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