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WORLD WAR II. WAR AIMS  GERMANY –Lebensraum “living space in Eastern Europe” –European and world domination –Genocide “Final Solution”  ITALY –Control.

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD WAR II. WAR AIMS  GERMANY –Lebensraum “living space in Eastern Europe” –European and world domination –Genocide “Final Solution”  ITALY –Control."— Presentation transcript:



3 WAR AIMS  GERMANY –Lebensraum “living space in Eastern Europe” –European and world domination –Genocide “Final Solution”  ITALY –Control Adriatic, E. Mediterranean –Restore glory that was Rome –Domination over North Africa

4 WAR AIMS  BRITAIN –Preserve empire –Defeat Hitler –Protect British global dominance  FRANCE –Regain sovereignty –Defeat Hitler –Preserve empire –Restore French honor

5 WAR AIMS  USSR –Defend homeland –Defeat Hitler –Expand Soviet power –Expand communism  UNITED STATES (Changed as war progressed) –Keep out of war (till Pearl Harbor) –Defeat Hitler –Unconditional surrender –Help Eur. preserve empire –Leadership of “Free World”

6 WWII IN EUROPE  Compare with WWI (see chart)  Role of the Soviet Union – “spoiler” “savior” – invaded by Hitler, 1941  1942-43 – Stalingrad, turning point in Europe  1943 – unconditional surrender  1944 – D-Day, June 6  V-E Day, May 8, 2004


8 HOLOCAUST The Final Solution  Who authorized? What plans? –Jan. 20, 1942 – Wannsee Protocol –Planned “to cleanse German living space of Jews in a legal manner” –Hitler to Himmler – “Exterminate Jews as partisans.”  What did Germans know and when did they know it?  What did Am, British know, when did they know it, and what did they do about it?

9 “We do not want, in the end, because we destroyed a bacillus, to be infected by this bacillus and to die. I will never stand by and watch while even a small rotten spot develops or takes hold. Whatever it may form we will together burn it away. All in all, however, we can say that we have carried out this most difficult of task in a spirit of love for our people. And we have suffered no harm to our inner being, our soul, our character...” - Heinrich Himmler We Will Never Speak About It in Public


11 The area beneath this lamp was the site of Hitler’s bunker and his final days.

12 The Russians Liberating Berlin, 1945 The Reichstag Today

13 Memorials to Victims of the Holocaust

14  Older vision –Cooperate with West –US the strength, can’t preemptively strike –US leading trade partner –After Depression, less popular –No fear from USSR after German invasion  Newer vision –Future belongs to Germany and Japan –Anti-Western attitudes –ABCDFR encirclement. –“Asia for the Asians” –Greater East Asia Co- Prosperity Sphere –1931 - Manchuria WAR AIMS – Japan Pacific War (15 year war) 1931-1945

15 Pearl Harbor – The USS Arizona Memorial and The Missouri Battleship August 15, 2003


17 The USS Arizona Memorial Today

18 Tomb for the USS Arizona victims

19 Arizona Memorial – Oil still seeps out of the hulk.

20 WHY PEARL HARBOR? “I heard it on the radio” “My blood boiled at the news”  1.  2.  3.  4.


22 FATAL MISCALCULATIONS  Germany will win war in Europe.  America won’t fight in Asia over China.  Belief in own hype—see RGH #72, p. 301 “I am a patriot”  War with China – 1937 “Quagmire

23 PACIFIC WAR  Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere  1942 – Battle of Midway  Island-hopping – MacArthur  Kami-kazes “The Imperial Way”  Hiroshima and Nagasaki – Why? –“ultimate terror weapon” –“An End and a Beginning”


25 JAPAN AND THE PACIFIC WAR  TOTAL WAR  COLONIAL WAR  RACE WAR  BRUTAL AND DEVASTATING WAR  UNRESOLVED WAR –15 YEAR WAR – recognizes J. aggression, liberal view –Greater East Asian War – what J. called war during war, conservative view –Pacific War – encouraged by US b/c includes allies.

26 A Hiroshima Maiden’s Tale “My clothes were burnt and so were my skin. I was in rags. I had braided my hair, but now it was like a lion’s mane. There were people, barely breathing, trying to push their intestines back in. People with their legs wrenched off. Without heads. Or with faces burned and swollen out of shape. The scene I saw was a living hell.” - Yamaoka Michiko

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