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Tools that you can use after the data has been coded copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools that you can use after the data has been coded copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools that you can use after the data has been coded copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012

2 The Query Tool retrieves data segments by their attached codes using Boolean, proximity and semantic operators. Queries are entered in RPN (Reversed Polish Notation). copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012


4 Boolean operators semantic operators proximity operators copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012



7 overlaps / is overlapped by within / encloses A proceeds B / B follows A co-occur (all of the above + AND) within / encloses Proceeds / follows within / encloses overlaps / is overlapped by copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012


9 Regular codes deliver their quotation references immediately. Query X Super Codes store the queries’ “intention”. Every time you click on a super code, the query is run and the up-to-date result is shown. copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012

10 Codes-Primary-Documents-Table Cooccurence Tools copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012

11 * Shows the code frequency per code and document * It is advisable to work with PD and code families as filter * Interesting to look at are often the totals for each document group * Click: Codes / Output / Codes-Primary –Documents-Table -> Quotation Count (Excel) copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012

12 * It is like a cross-tabluation of codes * Based on a particular research question, use code families as filters before you run the table * The cells show the frequency how often two codes cooccur * The c-coefficient is only useful if you work with a greater numer of cases. You can switch it on and off. * If you click on a cell, the quotation list opens and you can look at the data behind it. * Click: Tools / Cooccurence Tools / Table Explorer copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012

13 * Provides a quick overview where code cooccur * In order to answer a specific question, use a code familiy as filter before you run the tool * If you open the tree further, you see the quotations attached to the coccuring codes. From there you can access the data in context. * Click: Tools / Cooccurence Tools / Tree Explorer copyright Dr. Susanne Friese 2012

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