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Distributed Search over the Hidden Web: Hierarchical Database Sampling and Selection
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar2 Agenda The Hidden – Web Database selection algorithms An algorithm to extracts a document sample Database classification An algorithm for content summary construction Estimating document frequencies, ActualDF() frequencies Database selection algorithms using categorization and content summary Experiments
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar3 The Hidden Web Also know as the Deep Web Most of the Web's information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites Standard search engines never find it.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar4 The Hidden Web Search engines create their indexes by spidering or crawling Web pages. To be discovered, the page must be static and linked to other pages. Search engines can not retrieve content in the Hidden Web
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar5 The Hidden Web Those pages do not exist until they are created dynamically as the result of a specific search. Hidden Web sources store their content in searchable databases Those databases only produce results dynamically in response to a direct request. A direct query is a "one at a time" laborious way to search.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar6 The Size of the Hidden Web According to a study based on data collected between March 13 and 30, 2000 : Public information on the hidden Web is currently 400 to 550 times larger than the commonly defined World Wide Web. Total quality content of the hidden Web is 1,000 to 2,000 times greater than that of the Web The hidden Web is the largest growing category of new information on the Internet.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar7 Putting those Findings in Perspective Highest indexed search engines (Google, Northern Light etc.) index up to 16% of the Web. Since they are missing the hidden Web when they use such search engines Internet searchers are searching only 0.03% of the pages available to them today.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar8 10-yr. Growth Trends in Cumulative Original Information Content
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar9 The main Issues An algorithm to derive content summaries from “uncooperative” databases by using “focused query probes” A novel database selection algorithm that exploits both the extracted content summaries and a hierarchical classification of the databases.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar10 Some Techniques we will discussed A document sampling technique for text databases that results in higher quality database content summaries A technique to estimate the absolute document frequencies of the words in the content summaries
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar11 Some techniques we will discussed(2) A database selection algorithm that proceeds hierarchically over a topical classification scheme. Experimental evaluation of the new algorithms using both “controlled” databases and 50 real web accessible databases.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar12 An Example Searching in the medical database CANCERLIT – the query [lung and cancer] returns 68,430 Searching Google with the query [“lung” and “cancer”] returns 23 matches None of the pages which return corresponds to the database documents.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar13 An Example (2) The results shows that the valuable CANCERLIT content is not indexed by this search engine
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar14 Metasearchers One-stop access to the information in text databases. Performs three main tasks: After receiving a query, it finds the best databases to evaluate the query (database selection) It translates the query in a suitable form for each database (query translation) It retrieves and merges the results from the different databases (result merging) and returns them to the user.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar15 Database selection algorithms Based on statistics that characterize each database’s content They refer to the statistics as content summaries Usually include the document frequencies of the words that appear in the database
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar16 Database selection algorithms(2) Provide sufficient information to the database selection component of a metasearcher to decide which databases are the most promising to evaluate a given query.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar17 Database selection algorithms(3) Tries to find the best databases to evaluate a given query Uses the document frequency of the word : the number of different documents that contain each word Uses the NumDocs – the number of documents stored in the database
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar18 An example - b GlOSS – Boolean Glossary-of- Servers Server A Flat Selection Algorithm Documents are represented as words with position information. Queries are expressions composed of words, and connectives such as \and," \or," \not," and proximity operations such as \within k words of.“ The answer to a query is the set of all the documents that satisfy the Boolean expression.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar19 An example - b GlOSS – Boolean Glossary-of- Servers Server Giving bGlOSS the query [breast AND cancer] returns: |C|* df(breast)* df(cancer) »= 74; 569 documents in database CANCERLIT. |c| - the number of documents in the database Df() – the number of documents that contain a given word |c|
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar20 Supply the Content Summary The metasearcher rely on the database to supply the content summary If the databases do not report any detailed metadata about their contents - then Metasearcher will rely on manually generated descriptions of the database contents. This doesn’t match thousands of text databases
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar21 START – Stanford Protocol for Internet Retrieval and Search An emerging protocol for Internet retrieval and search that facilitated the task of querying multiple document sources..
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar22 START – Stanford Protocol for Internet Retrieval and Search(2) The goal – to facilitate the main three task a metasearcher preforms: Choosing the best source to evaluate a query Evaluating the query at these sources Merging the query results from these sources. Mainly deals with what information needs to exchanged between sources and metasearchers
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar23 An Algorithm to extracts a document sample from a given database SampleDF(w) - Computes the frequency of each observed word w in the sample,
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar24 An Algorithm to extracts a document sample from a given database(2) 1.Starts with an empty content summary where SampleDF(w) = 0 for each word w, and a general comprehensive word dictionary. 2.Pick a word and sent it as a query to database D 3.Retrieve the top-k documents returned 4.If the number of retrieved documents exceeds a prespecified threshold then stop. else continue the sampling process – return to step 2
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar25 2 Versions of the algorithm RS-Ord – RandomSampling- OtherResource Picks a random word from the dictionary for step 2. RS-Lrd –RandomSampling- LearnedResource Selects the next query from among the words that have been already discovered during sampling.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar26 More about the algorithm The actual frequency ActualDF(w) for each word w is not revealed by this processes The calculated document frequencies contain information about the relative ordering of the words in the database.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar27 More about the algorithm (2) Two databases with the same focus but differing significantly in size might be assigned similar content summaries. A word that is randomly picked from the dictionary, is likely not to occur in any document of arbitrary database
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar28 Database Classification A way to characterize the contents of a text database is: To classify it in hierarchy of topics according to the type of the documents that it contains.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar29 Database Classification A method to automate the classification of web accessible databases based on the principle of “focused probing” A rule based document classifier – a set of logical rules defining classification decisions
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar30 Hierarchy Classification Categories can be further divided into subcategories, Resulting in multiple levels of classifiers, one of each internal node of a classification hierarchy It is possible to create a hierarchical classifier that will recursively divide the space into successively smaller topics.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar31 Classify a database An algorithm that uses a hierarchical scheme, automatically maps rule based document classifiers into queries, which are then used to probe and classify text databases.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar32 Classify a database(2) The algorithm provides a way to zoom in on the topics that are most representative of a given database’s contents we can then exploit it for accurate and efficient content summary construction
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar33 Focused Probing for content Summary Construction - Algorithm The algorithm consists of two main steps: 1. Query the database using focused probing in order to: a.Retrieve a document sample. b.Generate a preliminary content summary c.Categorize the database. 2.Estimate the absolute frequencies of the words retrieved from the database.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar34 Generating a content summary for a database using focused query probing
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar35 Generating a content summary for a database using focused query probing(2)
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar36 Generating a content summary for a database using focused query probing(3)
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar37 Building Content Summaries from Extracted Documents ActualDF(w): The actual number of documents in the database that contain word w. The algorithm knows this number only if [w] is a single word query probe that was issued to the database SampleDF(w): The number of documents in the extracted sample that contain word w.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar38 Building Content Summaries from Extracted Documents(2) Retrieves the top-k documents returned by each query. Computes SampleDF(w). If a word w appears in document samples retrieved during later phases of the algorithm then all SampleDF(w) values are added together Keeps track of the number of matches produced by each single word query[w] – ActualDF(w) frequency.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar39 Estimating Absolute Document Frequencies Exploit the SampleDF(.) frequencies derived from the document sample to rank all observed words from most frequent to least frequent. Exploit the ActualDF(.) frequencies derived from one word query probes to potentially boost the document frequencies of “nearby” words w for which we only know SampleDF(w) but not ActualDF(w)
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar40 Focused Probing Technique for Content Summary Construction - Summary The technique Estimates the absolute document frequency of the words in a database. Automatically classifies the database in a hierarchical classification scheme along the way.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar41 Estimating Unknown ActualDF (¢) Frequencies After probing we get The rank of all observed words in the sample documents retrieved. The actual frequencies of some of those words in the database
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar42 Estimating Unknown ActualDF (¢) Frequencies(2) A relationship between the rank r and the frequencies f of a word f= P(r+p) - B P, B and p are parameters of the specific documents collection
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar43 Estimating Unknown ActualDF (¢) Frequencies(3) Sort words in descending order of their SampleDF(¢) frequencies to determine the rank ri of each word wi. Focus on words with known ActualDF (¢) frequencies. Use the SampleDF-based rank and ActualDF frequencies to find the P, B, and p parameter values that best fit the data.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar44 Estimating Unknown ActualDF (¢) Frequencies(4) Estimate ActualDF (wi) for all words wi with unknown ActualDF (wi) as P(ri+p) -B, where ri is the rank of word wi as computed in Step 1.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar45 A Database Selection Algorithm that Exploits the Database Categorization and Content Summaries Selection 1.“Propagate” the database content summaries to the categories of the hierarchical classification scheme 2.Use the content summaries of categories and databases to perform database selection hierarchically by zooming in on the most relevant portions of the topic hierarchy
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar46 Creating Content Summaries for Topic Categories Assumption – Databases classified under similar topics tend to have similar vocabularies. Problem – Database selection algorithms might produce inaccurate conclusions for queries with one or more words missing from relevant content summaries.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar47 Creating Content Summaries for Topic Categories (2) Solution – Associate content summaries with the categories of the topic hierarchy used by the probing algorithm. Treat each category as a large “database” and perform database selection hierarchically
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar48 Selecting Database Hierarchically The algorithm chooses the best databases for a query. By exploiting the database categorization, this hierarchical algorithm manages to Compensate for the necessarily incomplete database content summaries produced by query probing
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar49 Selecting the K most specific databases for a query hierarchically HierSelect(Query Q, Category C, int K) 1: Use a database selection algorithm to assign a score for Q to each subcategory of C 2: if there is a subcategory C with a non-zero score 3: Pick the subcategory Cj with the highest score
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar50 Selecting the K most specific databases for a query hierarchically(2) 4: if NumDBs(Cj) >= K //Cj has enough databases 5: return HierSelect(Q,Cj,K) 6:else // Cj does not have enough databases 7: return DBs(Cj) FlatSelect(Q,C-Cj,K-NumDBs(Cj)) 8: else // no subcategory C has non-zero score 9: return FlatSelect(Q,C,K)
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar51 An Example – Exploiting a topic hierarchy for database selection (babe AND ruth,k=3)
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar52 The Data for the Experiments - Controlled Database Set They gathered 500,000 newsgroup articles from 54 newsgroup. They used 81,000 articles to train documents classifiers over the 72 – node topic hierarchy. The remaining 419,000 articles used to build the set of Controlled Databases – contained 500 databases. 350 were with documents from a single category, The remaining 150 with a variety of category mixes.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar53 The Data for the Experiments – Web Database Set They used a set of 50 real web accessible databases. The databases were picked randomly from 2 directories of hidden-web databases
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar54 Content Summary Construction As the initial dictionary for the methods RS-Ord, RS-Lrd They used the set of all words that appear in the databases of the Controlled set. For Focused Probing They evaluate configurations with different underlying document classifiers for query probe creation Different values for the thresholds Ts and Tc that define the granularity of sampling performed by the algorithm.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar55 Content Summary Construction(2) To keep the number of experiments manageable They fix the coverage threshold Tc =10, varying only the specificity threshold Ts.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar56 Testing Database Selection Effectiveness – Underlying Database Selection Algorithm The hierarchical algorithm Relies on a “flat” database selection algorithm. They consider two such algorithms: CORI, bGlOSS The algorithms work with the category content summaries
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar57 Testing Database Selection Effectiveness – Underlying Database Selection Algorithm(2) There purpose to ensure That their techniques behave similarly for different flat database selection algorithms.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar58 Testing Database Selection effectiveness - Content Summary Construction Evaluated how their hierarchical database selection algorithm behaves over content summaries generated by different techniques.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar59 Testing Database Selection Effectiveness - QPilot Qpilot – a strategy that exploits HTML links to characterize text databases. QPilot builds a content summary for a web-accessible database D as follows:
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar60 Testing Database Selection Effectiveness – Qpilot(2) Query a general search engine to retrieve pages that link to the web page for D. Retrieve the top-m pages that point to D. Extract the words in the same line as a link to D. Include only words with high document frequency in the content summary for D.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar61 Testing Database Selection Effectiveness - Hierarchical vs. Flat Database Selection They compare The eff ectiveness of the hierarchical algorithm against that of the underlying “flat” database selection strategies.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar62 Experimental Results – Content Summary Quality They used Controlled Database Set for the experiments. They measure the content summaries coverage of the actual database vocabulary. The coverage of the Focused Probing summaries increases for lower thresholds of Ts, since the number of documents retrieved for lower thresholds is larger.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar63 Experimental Results – Content Summary Quality They increase the sample size RS-Ord and RS-Lrd To retrieve the same number of documents as the Focused Probing methods The achieved coverage of RS-Ord and RS- Lrd was still lower than that of the respective Focused Probing method. The difference between RS-Ord and RS-Lrd is small.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar64 Experimental Results – Content Summary Quality(2) Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient (SRCC for short) – Used to measure how well a content summary orders words by frequencies With respect to the actual word frequency order in the database. The Focused Probing method have higher SRCC values than the RS-Ord and RS-Lrd.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar65 Experimental Results – Content Summary Quality – Efficiency They report the sum of The number of queries sent to a database And the number of documents retrieved. Focused Probing techniques on average retrieve one document per query sent,
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar66 Experimental Results – Content Summary Quality – Efficiency(2) RS-Lrd retrieves about one document per two queries. RS-Ord unnecessarily issues many queries that produce no document matches.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar67 Experimental Results – Content Summary Quality Focused Probing techniques Produce significantly better-quality summaries than RS-Ord and RS-Lrd do, in terms of vocabulary coverage and word ranking preservation.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar68 Experimental Results – Content Summary Quality(2) The cost of Focused Probing in terms Of number of interactions with the databases is comparable to or less than that for RS-Lrd, and significantly less than that for RS-Ord.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar69 Experimental Results – Database Selection Effectiveness To evaluate how the content summaries affects the database selection task they use the Web set of real web-accessible databases. Each database selection algorithm picked 3 databases for the query.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar70 Experimental Results – Database Selection Effectiveness(2) For each selected database they retrieved the top 5 documents for the query. They asked human evaluators to judge the relevance of each retrieved document for the query following the guidelines given for each query
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar71 Experimental Results – Database Selection Effectiveness(3) They compare two hierarchical algorithm relies on a “flat” database selection algorithm. They consider two such algorithms: CORI, bGlOSS QPilot, RS-Ord and RS-Lrd do not classify databases while building content summaries.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar72 Experimental Results – Database Selection Effectiveness(4) They choose RS-Ord over RS-Lrd Because it superior performance in the evaluation. To analyze the effect of content summary construction algorithms on database selection, They tested how the quality of content summaries generated by RS-Ord, Focused Probing, and Qpilot affects the database selection process.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar73 Experimental Results – Database Selection Effectiveness(5) All the flat selection techniques suffer From the incomplete coverage of the underlying probing-generated summaries. QPilot summaries do not work well for database selection Because they generally contain only a few words and are hence highly incomplete.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar74 Hierarchical vs. flat database selection The hierarchical algorithm using CORI as flat database selection has 50% better precision than CORI for flat selection with the same content summaries. For bGlOSS, the improvement in precision is even more dramatic at 92%. The reason is that the topic hierarchy helps compensate for incomplete content summaries.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar75 Hierarchical vs. flat database selection(2) They measured the fraction of times that their hierarchical database selection algorithm picked a database for a query That produced matches for the query And was given a zero score by the flat database selection algorithm of choice. This was the case for 34% of the databases picked by the hierarchical algorithm with bGlOSS
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar76 Hierarchical vs. flat database selection(3) For 23% of the databases picked by the hierarchical algorithm with CORI. These numbers support their hypothesis that hierarchical database selection compensates for content-summary incompleteness.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar77 Conclusions Construction of content summaries of web accessible text databases. The algorithm creates content summaries of higher quality then current approaches and, Categorizes databases in classification scheme. A hierarchical database selection algorithm that exploits the database content summaries That produce accurate results even for imperfect content summaries. According to the experimental results the techniques improve the state of the art in content summary construction and database selection.
Hilit Achiezra - sdbi seminar78 References P. G. Ipeirotis and L. Gravano. Distributed Search over the Hidden Web: Hierarchical Database Sampling and Selection. /DeepWeb/ L. Gravano, C.-C. K. Chang, H. Garcia- Molina, and A. Paepcke. STARTS: Stanford proposal for Internet metasearching. In SIGMOD’97, 1997.
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