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Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization1 The  - Model, and how to Boot Clock Synchronization in it Josef Widder Embedded Computing Systems Group

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Presentation on theme: "Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization1 The  - Model, and how to Boot Clock Synchronization in it Josef Widder Embedded Computing Systems Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization1 The  - Model, and how to Boot Clock Synchronization in it Josef Widder Embedded Computing Systems Group INRIA Rocquencourt, February 10, 2004

2 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization2 Good System Engineering Computational Model Algorithms proven correctly in CompMod System Model Communication Layer Hardware today

3 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization3 Roadmap  Basic Concepts of the  - Model  Why do we need a new timing model ?  System Model / Computational Model  Solution to a Specific Problem  Booting Clock Synchronization

4 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization4 Motivation for the  - Model  Weaker models improve coverage  Time(r) free models are weaker than timed ones  Model must be sufficiently strong to solve agreement problems (uniform consensus)

5 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization5 Behavior described with   Networks have upper and lower bounds on message transmission (derived from scheduling analysis)  BUT: during high load periods, no message is transmitted with lower bound duration (vice versa)  There exists an relation of fast and slow transmission times

6 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization6 Described Behavior (rough sketch) t 

7 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization7 System Model  m... end-to-end comp. + transmission delay  + (t)... longest delay of all messages in transit at time t  - (t)... shortest delay of all messages in transit at time t  >  + (t) /  - (t) at any time t

8 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization8 System Model

9 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization9 Comparison to other PartSync Models   - Model has no upper bound of message delays  upper bound is replaced by delay ratio   - Model is sufficiently strong to detect failures without HW Clocks [Le Lann, Schmid 03]

10 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization10 HW Timers / Watchdogs do not help in detecting faults A priori knowledge  > 2 p r q

11 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization11 Computational Model Comp. + transmission end-to-end delay  0 <  -     + <  uncertainty  =  + -  - uncertainty ratio  =  + /  -

12 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization12 Equivalence SysMod & CompMod have the same computational power  Analysis of time(r) free algorithms in CompMod  Results apply for the SysMod  Implementation of perfect failure detector in the  - Model [Le Lann, Schmid 2003]

13 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization13 Algorithms - A Solution to a Special Problem  Clock Synchronization in the  - Model  Time(r) free booting  How to prove properties in the  - Model

14 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization14 Why Considering Booting ?  f out of n processes Byzantine faulty  booting independently at arbitrary times  initially n faulty (not booted) processes  f < n / 3 bound cannot always be assumed  message loss

15 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization15 How to cope with booting ?  Synchronous (lock-step) Systems  simultaneous start assumption  Semi-Synchronous (timed) Systems  booting time assumption + local timeouts  Partially Synchronous (and Asynchronous)  no local timing information: What to do ?

16 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization16 Booting Model Processes boot independently at unpredictable times Messages that reach down processes are lost Byzantine processes may always be up passive / active processes; only active ones have to guarantee clock sync

17 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization17 Clock Synchronization Original Usage of algorithm [Srikanth & Toueg 87]

18 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization18 Clock Sync in Partial Synchrony Integer Valued Clocks

19 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization19 Booting Clock Synchronization  n > 3f processes required for CS in the presence of f Byzantine faults [DHS 86]  trivial solution:  send out (join) after booting  answer (join) msgs from others  when received msgs from 3f+1 processes, sufficiently many correct processes are up  BUT: requires n > 4f processes for liveness

20 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization20 Weaken Properties during Booting  Precision is always guaranteed  Accuracy (progress) only when n–f correct processes are up

21 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization21 The Algorithm 0 VAR k := 0; 1 if received (init, k) from f+1 p's 2  send (echo, k) to all; 3 if received (echo, k) from f+1 p's 4  send (echo, k) to all; 5 if received (echo, k) from 2f+1 p's 6  k := k + 1; 7send (init, k) to all; 8 if received (echo, j) from f+1 p's where j > k+1 9  k := j–1; 10send (echo, k) to all;

22 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization22 Precision  D MCB =  ½  + 5/2  … for any n

23 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization23 How is precision achieved ?  Progress requires 2f +1 messages  that are f +1 sent by correct processes  these messages are received by all processes  sufficient to keep clock values close together  Precision achieved by active correct processes  passive until sufficient evidence for precision

24 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization24 How progress comes into system  after booting send (join) message  join message is (echo, 0)  already booted processes answer (join)  with clock value … (echo, k)  until 2f+1 processes are up all correct ones wait with clock value 0

25 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization25 How progress comes into system (cont.)  f +1 correct processes are always within 2 rounds  f +1 correct p’s always send (init, k)  as answers from the 2 maximum rounds return  go to good clock value  after n-f correct p’s are up  progress  change to active after reception of f+1 (init, l) msgs

26 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization26 Results  Bounded Precision D max during whole operation  if less than n-f processes up: no progress  more than n-f progress possible  if all (at least n-f) correct processes up:  progress within constant time (  6  + )  then all corr. p’s with good precision D MCB

27 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization27 What have we seen today ?   - Model (SysMod & CompMod)  How properties are proven (precision)  Solution to the importent problem of booting in time(r) free systems

28 Josef WidderBooting Clock Synchronization28 Thanks !

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