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Observation and Experimentation - Welcome Picnic.

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Presentation on theme: "Observation and Experimentation - Welcome Picnic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation and Experimentation - Welcome Picnic

2 Chemistry is everywhere! Yes, even in skiing! ClothingAccessoriesStructural Materials SurfacesSnow and IceAvalanches

3 Snowflakes Structure of water How is snow formed? Crystal formation, faceting and branching Are all crystals different? Changes in snow over time

4 Water: Liquid and Ice

5 Evolution of a snowflake Snow only forms if the crystals grow slowly from the vapor in the air

6 The structure of ice and ice crystals Hexagonal structure of ice at the molecular level leads to hexagonal crystals

7 Why do we get different snowflake shapes? Faceting: Filling in the crystal faces Branching: Diffusion of vapor feeds points faster More branching at higher water vapor pressure

8 Shapes of snowflakes depends mostly on the temperature

9 Growth of a snowflake

10 What happens to snow on the ground? Sintering is faster at higher T

11 “Important applications” of this knowledge Where it is coldest when it snows and where it stays coldest! Where are we going to find the best powder? XX

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