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ECIV 320 Structural Analysis I Structure A system of connected parts used to support load A structure is designed to serve a specific function for public.

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Presentation on theme: "ECIV 320 Structural Analysis I Structure A system of connected parts used to support load A structure is designed to serve a specific function for public."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECIV 320 Structural Analysis I Structure A system of connected parts used to support load A structure is designed to serve a specific function for public use

2 From 2500 years old…

3 … to present…

4 … and future

5 Engineers build structures Savannah GA


7 But things don’t always work…

8 Earthquake of February 4, 1976, Guatemala

9 Failures Parking garage at California State University Northridge 1994

10 Failures San Fernando Mexico City

11 Collapsed Cypress section of Interstate 880 the 1989 Loma Prieta (California)

12 1989, Loma Prieta Earthquake, 7.1R San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

13 Northridge earthquake apartment building in Northridge Soft Story Effects

14 Office Buildings, Kobe 1995

15 Kobe 1995 Collapsed first and second stories

16 Kobe 1995 Collapsed walkway Leaning office building

17 Collapse of Freeway in 1989 Loma Prieta, CA Earthquake (7.1R)

18 Kobe 1995


20 GROUND DEFORMATION-DIFFERENTIAL SETTLING Earthquake of July 29, 1967, Caracas, Venezuela.

21 Factors in Design Safety Aesthetics Serviceability Environment Economy

22 QUESTION What is the optimum size of a structural element in a structure that will support the required loads?

23 GENERAL DESIGN PROCEDURES Service Functions Location Surface & Subsurface Conditions Infrastructure Environmental Impact etc Problem Definition Constraints Material Availability Zoning Requirements Construction Expertise...

24 General Design Procedures Geometric/Architectural Design Altern. 1Altern. 2Altern. 3Altern. n Final Layout Floorplans Elevations etc ……….

25 General Design Procedures Preliminary Structural Design Altern. 1Altern. 2Altern. 3Altern. n Select Alternative for Final Design ………. Prliminary Design: Location and arrangement of load bearing elements, columns, beams, footings etc., Sizing of structural elements for safety and serviceability Architectural Constraints - Simplicity & Duplication - Fabrication & Construction Procedures Economy: Add preliminary $ value to each design

26 General Design Procedures FINAL DESIGN Sizing of Members Design of Details Design Drawings * (Blueprints) Bill of Materials Total Cost * Design Drawings Complete and Easy to Read AISC: Detailing for Steel Construction Engineering for Steel Construction

27 Preliminary/Final Design Define External Loads Safe Functional Economic Select New Sizes NO Estimate/Assume Initial Size of Structural Elements Calculate Self Weight Structural Analysis Check Design (Codes & Specs) YES O.K.

28 OBJECTIVE OF THIS CLASS Safety Aesthetics Serviceability Environment Economy

29 OBJECTIVE OF THIS CLASS We will learn the concepts, methods and procedures that will allow us to estimate the “demand” imposed on structural members by external loads

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