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Constantine & councils 1.Changes initiated by emperor Constantine. 2.Rise of monasticism. 3.Incarnation & Trinity. Councils.

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Presentation on theme: "Constantine & councils 1.Changes initiated by emperor Constantine. 2.Rise of monasticism. 3.Incarnation & Trinity. Councils."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constantine & councils 1.Changes initiated by emperor Constantine. 2.Rise of monasticism. 3.Incarnation & Trinity. Councils.

2 Constantine’s Vision

3 Constantine defeated Maxentius here. Milvian bridge near Rome

4 Constantine’s Arch in Rome (312-15).

5 Emperor Valentinian I (364-375) holds labarum. 4 th c. coin (imitation).

6 CHURCH & STATE BEFORE CONSTANTINEAFTER CONSTANTINE  max. 10% of the population  more than half of the population  illegal religion  favored and protected by Emperor  persecuted minority  persecuting majority  relatively poor, little property  wealthy  tended to undercut family and tribal relations  cemented social and family ties  other-worldly and ascetic  world-embracing  monasticism as a separate movement

7 Monasticism

8 Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai.

9 Mar Saba’s monastery. Judean desert.

10 Rila monastery. Bulgaria.

11 HOLY PLACES, SACRED SPACES BEFORE CONSTANTINEAFTER CONSTANTINE  sense of non-belonging, homelessness  the whole Empire became home  no holy places  holy land recovered  secret gatherings in private houses  public buildings (basilicas) became churches

12 The Earliest Surviving Christian Church

13 Basilica of Nativity in Bethlehem. 4 th c.

14 Basilica of St. Apollianarius in Ravenna, Italy.

15 Martyrium basilica & Resurrection rotunda on Golgotha

16 Cross-shaped basilica. Plan. St. Simpliciano, Milan, late 4 th c. Plan.

17 Cross-shaped basilica. St. Simpliciano, Milan, late 4 th c. Exterior.

18 Crucifixion. Door from St. Sabina, Rome. 432-440. Cypress wood.

19 Basilica of St. Sabina

20 SACRED TIME BEFORE CONSTANTINEAFTER CONSTANTINE  expected Jesus to return soon  apocalyptic expectations faded alienation from pagan calendar & feasts  replaced pagan feasts with Christian holidays

21 Who do you say that I am? ‘The Father is greater than I.’ (Jn 14:28) Nobody knows the time [of the end] but the Father. (Cf. Mt. 24:36). ‘I and the Father are one.’ (Jn 10:30) ‘The Word was God.’ (Jn 1:2).

22 Incarnation and Trinity Arius: the Son (Jesus Christ) is inferior to God the Father Council of Nicaea 325: The Son is of one essence with the Father Council of Constantinople 381: Trinity: one essence, three persons. Council of Chalcedon 451: Christ is fully divine & fully human.

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