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EEOS 326/726 – FALL ‘07 Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Instructor: Prof. ANAMARIJA FRANKIĆ Office Number: S/1/061 Telephone: 74415 Address:

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Presentation on theme: "EEOS 326/726 – FALL ‘07 Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Instructor: Prof. ANAMARIJA FRANKIĆ Office Number: S/1/061 Telephone: 74415 Address:"— Presentation transcript:

1 EEOS 326/726 – FALL ‘07 Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Instructor: Prof. ANAMARIJA FRANKIĆ Office Number: S/1/061 Telephone: 74415 Email Address: Web Page: CZM Syllabus, classes, assignments Department Website:

2 COURSE OUTLINE September 5 – December 14 Lectures: M-W Reading assignments and discussions: Fridays (11:30-12:20) Defining the coastal area; coastal facts; their unique characteristics; coastal ecosystems and biodiversity – can we zone them? And why do we zone coasts and oceans? Brief history of coastal zone management & planning CZM in USA: A federally funded and approved state program under the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. The program reviews federal permitting, licensing, funding, and development activities in the coastal zone for consistency with state policies.

3 Coastal management issues (e.g. uses of coastal resources: conflicts and solutions) Concept of coastal zone management & planning: ecosystem based management, comprehensive planning; guidelines; institutional arrangements; implementation; monitoring; and evaluation; Case studies – ‘good, bad and ugly’…40 years of CZM…? (examples from Boston Harbor, Croatia, to Zanzibar…) COURSE OUTLINE cont.

4 Course Assignments: #1 - Coastal Case Study (5 pages max.): the case study should describe a particular issue or problem facing a coastal community preferable in MA (e.g., wetland loss/restoration, beaches loss, human health, biodiversity loss, etc) or region in terms of the available knowledge and sciences, and the relevant state and federal policies or programs that are currently in place to address the problem or issue you select.

5 #2 - Policy Memo: 5-page “memo” should be written as if the student is a policy analyst for a state (e.g. MA CZM) or federal agency (e.g. EPA), and should focus on: 1) a statement of the problem, 2) how state or federal policy addresses or fails to address the problem, and 3) recommendations for program development in the policy area. Example problems: Impacts from the MWRA discharge to Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays? Levels of toxic contaminants in tissues of shellfish in Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays? Restoration efforts and improvements to coastal wetland areas? Invasive marine species in MA and Cape Code bays; local beaches and human health risks;

6 #3 (CZM726) - Marine Case Study (10 pages max.) From a list of Species/habitats of Concern in MA/New England; student is required to develop a profile for an animal/plant species or habitat and the management regime that has been established to protect the animal/plant or habitat. This profile should include the following information: 1) general information on the “life cycle/ecology” of the species/habitat; 2) general characterization of the abundance and distribution of the species or habitat; 3) a characterization of the habitat needs/requirements and/or migration patterns of the species; 4) a characterization of the relevant management plans related to the selected species or habitat; and 5) a general overview and assessment of the future of selected species or habitat in light of public policy.

7 Field Trips and Guest Lectures: Boston Harbor Islands - October 8? Winthrop Beach – October 3! Guests – September 24, 26 and 28 Guests – October 17 and 19

8 Syllabus Schedule - Tentative: Sept. 5-10- Introduction to CZM Sept. 7 – Review paper: The fate of the ocean Sept 12-17 – Coastal ecosystems Sept 14 – Review papers: Valuing ocean ecosystems and The value of the beach; Sept. 19-24-26 – Coastal ecosystems changes & global/local issues (Chapter 2) Sept. 21- Review Paper: Boston Harbor – discussing class group project on selected island Sept. 28 – Guest lectures – TBA October 1-8-10 – Coastal management – brief history (40 years) and current issues – US & MA examples; October 3 – Field Trip - Winthrop Beach October 5 &12 – Review papers on CZM history and CZM in MA; October 15 – Key Coastal management and planning techniques – Chapter 4 October 17 & 19 – Guest lectures - TBA October 22 – first assignment due – review for exam October 24 –mid term exam October 26 & Nov 2 – Boston Harbor island class group project October 29-31 – Key Coastal management and planning techniques (cont) Nov. 5-7-9 – Evaluation and monitoring of CZM - Indicators Nov. 12-14- 16– Sustainable aquaculture – case studies & step by step solution Nov. 19 -26-28 – Sustainable tourism – case studied & step by step solution Nov. 30 – MPAs – Stellwagen Marine Sanctuary – conservation issues and management Dec. 3 – 5 – 7 – Success stories of implemented CZM plans Dec 7 – second assignment due Dec 10- renewable energies in coastal areas Dec 11 – 12 – facing the future – discussion on recommendations, solutions and future directions Take home final exam – Dec 17-21

9 Stories are best told by using images – ‘when we see we believe’ – using GIS satellite images (e.g. Landsat since 1973) contribute to change the way we perceive the environment and environmental changes;

10 COASTAL FACTS The oceans cover 70 % of the planet’s surface area and marine and coastal environments contain diverse habitats that support an abundance of marine life; coastal zones account for 20 % of the world’s land area In the USA about 153 million people live in coastal counties (an increase of 33 million since 1980), and additional 12 million are expected in the next decade (NOAA 2005, R. Spinrad) UNEP-CBD 2005; GEO Year Book 2006; UNEP 2005 Coral reef ecosystems are increasingly being degraded and destroyed worldwide by a variety of human activities and by global warming Global harvests for marine fisheries have been above 80 million tonnes per year since the latter half of the 1980s, with peak of 87 million tonnes in 1997 and 2000 Mangroves extend over 18 million hectares (44 million acres) worldwide, covering a quarter of the world’s tropical coastlines

11 Our growing population Global Population Change from 1900-2000

12 Shrimp farms replacing mangroves in Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras 1987-1999: shrimp farms and ponds have mushroomed, carpeting the landscape around the Gulf of Fonseca, in blocks of blue and black shapes PlanetManyPeople/THEMA TIC/CoastalAreas.ppt#287, 5,Slide 5

13 Dramatic changes in Huang He Delta, China Images show the mouth of the Yellow River and the emergence of a huge parrot-headed peninsula 1979-2000: Huang He’s yellow color is the result of huge loads of sediments

14 Changes in Huang He Delta, China From 1989 to 1995 the Yellow River delta area grew From 1995 to 2000 the Yellow River delta area shrank ePlanetManyPeople/THE MATIC/CoastalAreas.ppt# 290,8,Slide 8 Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

15 Lake Chad 19722001,21

16 Shrinking Lake Chad shared by Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon Persistent drought has shrunk the lake to about a tenth of its former size 1972: Larger lake surface area is visible in this image 2001: Impact of drought displays a shrunken lake, comparatively much smaller surface area than in 1972 image

17 RETREATING The Aral Sea in Central Asia, left, in 1967, has shrunk by 75 percent to its present size, right, because of water diversions.

18 Latest coastal news & Environmental Changes Atlas changingcurr.html changingcurr.html aceh-andaman-tsunami-imagery.htm aceh-andaman-tsunami-imagery.htm asic.html?ref=science asic.html?ref=science

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