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Contest Quality Training 2008-2009 Diana Patton District Contest Quality Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "Contest Quality Training 2008-2009 Diana Patton District Contest Quality Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contest Quality Training 2008-2009 Diana Patton District Contest Quality Chair

2 Contest Quality Training Goals of 2008-2009 Contest Quality Chair  Work closely with Lt. Governor Education & Training and District Chief Judge to continually improve contest and judging process.  Provide necessary documents (contest forms, sample fliers, agendas, etc.) in organized format to conduct contest. Forms/information will be available on resource CD which will be provided to Area Governor, Division Governors and clubs.  Encourage club contests.  Work to improve participation at Area level contests (contestants, helpers, attendance).  Be a support/resource for Area Governors, their Contest Assistants and clubs regarding contest planning and implementation.

3 Contest Quality Training Skills required/developed:  Leadership  Consider using this as your High Performance Leadership project (HPL) towards completing of ALS  Contest planning meets requirements for several roles toward completing projects in CL manual  Organization  Time Management  Event Planning  Budgeting

4 Contest Quality Training Purpose of Contests:  Opportunity for proficient speakers to gain contest experience  Interesting educational programs for members and the public  Allow those Toastmasters who are not participating in the contest to learn by observing proficient speakers

5 Contest Quality Training What makes a great contest?  Lot of contestants-it’s all about them!  Lots of members and guests attending  Upbeat atmosphere  POTS (Plain Old Toastmasters – club members!) filling key roles  Keep things moving along-try to keep to 2 hours at most!

6 Contest Quality Training Rules  Be sure copy of current contest rulebook is available at contest.  Rules will be covered in Contest Judge and Chief Judge Training.  Contest Chair needs to be familiar with rules. Be familiar with reasons for disqualification:  Originality – speech content  Eligibility – Must be member in good standing of a club in good standing.

7 Contest Quality Training Types of Contest:  Humorous  Tall Tales  Speech Evaluation  Table Topics  International (only contest that progresses past District)  Always in Spring  Requirement – 6 manual speeches from CC

8 Contest Quality Training Delegate Responsibilities  Area/Division Governor Contest Assistants  Involve clubs in planning/implementation

9 Contest Quality Training Date Selection  Contest dates to be selected at District Training  One contest for each Area/Division  Normally two weeks between last Area and first Division contest  Normally two weeks between last Division Contest and Conference  Day of Week  Thursday evening  Friday evening  Saturday  Morning – 8:00AM-12:00PM  Mid-day – 12:30 PM-4:30 PM  Evening – 5:00 PM-9:00 PM

10 Contest Quality Training Contest Location Selection  Resource CD provides locations of past contests  Free location is best!  Location within your geographic area recommended.  Easily located/minimal security issues

11 Contest Quality Training Theme Selection (optional)  Use date of contest to determine theme (Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Super Bowl)  Use decorations from past event to select theme  Suggestions from club officers/members  Look at themes of past contests (resource CD)

12 Contest Quality Training Club Involvement  First Area Council Meeting work through details of contest. Best to hold first meeting in July!  Club to Host and/or each club have specific assignment (flier/agenda, refreshments, location, etc.)  Encourage clubs to have club contest or at minimum select contestant for each contest.

13 Contest Quality Training Contest Flier  Date to have flier completed for posting will be announced – August 1  Preparation instructions and samples on resource CD. Contest Agenda  Preparation instructions and samples on resource CD.

14 Contest Quality Training Roles & Responsibilities Document on resource CD with roles & responsibilities. Key Roles (see handout):  Contest Chair  Toastmaster  Contestants  Judges  Helpers (get helpers from clubs if at all possible)  Vote/ballot counters, timers, Sergeant at Arms  Registration, greeters, etc.  Judges  District Chief Judge assigns Contest Chief Judge  Contest Chief Judge selects contest judges (details covered in Judges training)

15 Contest Quality Training Refreshments (optional) Keep it simple yet nice! Suggestions:  Pot luck  Each club or host club bring food  Donation from each club to cover expenses

16 Contest Quality Training Certificates Template for certificates available on resource CD.  Participation – contestants  Appreciation  Chief Judge  Judges (responsibility of Contest Chief Judge)  Helpers  Test Speaker  Outstanding Service –Outstanding Officers (District Awards Chair to discuss)

17 Contest Quality Training Trophies  Area Contest: District to furnish 1 st and 2 nd place trophies for each Area Contest (new District 25 policy 7/1/2008). If 3 rd place is awarded, Area to provide certificate  Division: District to furnish 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd place trophies. Announcing Winners: Third place winner is announced if 5 or more contestants. First place winner is announced last. CONTEST IS ADJOURNED IMMEDIATELY AFTER WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED.

18 Contest Quality Training When contest is over – be proud of a job well done!

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