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Linking human and biophysical processes in coastal marine ecosystems of Baja California Management of small-scale fisheries that are vulnerable to environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking human and biophysical processes in coastal marine ecosystems of Baja California Management of small-scale fisheries that are vulnerable to environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking human and biophysical processes in coastal marine ecosystems of Baja California Management of small-scale fisheries that are vulnerable to environmental variability.

2 Overarching questions 1. What explains the variability in performance of the small-scale fisheries of Baja California? 2. How do time/space scales of environmental variability affect management of small-scale fisheries

3 Socioeconomic theme 1: Property Rights 1. What spatial/temporal configuration should concessions have? 2. How does the configuration depend on biological, oceanographic, economic, and cultural features of the system? 3. What is the impact of property rights security on income? On harvest strategy? On other measures of performance? 4. How do property rights affect the stewardship incentives at the local level?

4 Socioeconomic theme 2: Local Management & Stewardship 1.Under what conditions (particularly with respect to uncertainty) would a central authority find it advantageous to delegate management down to the local level? 2.What is the extent and nature of cooperation or competition across cooperatives? Are there biological or economic reasons that there would be gains from cooperation? 3.How to ecological interactions affect the stewardship incentives at the local level? 4.Management decisions might affect future productivity (locally or in some other place). Oceanography might affect productivity. How do local perceptions of these effects influence management decisions?

5 Socioeconomic theme 3: Certification 1.What are the incentives for certification? The disincentives? Under what conditions would a coop find it advantageous to certify? 2.What is the game theoretic interaction between players who all must choose whether to certify?

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