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Statistical Properties of Wave Chaotic Scattering and Impedance Matrices MURI Faculty:Tom Antonsen, Ed Ott, Steve Anlage, MURI Students: Xing Zheng, Sameer.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistical Properties of Wave Chaotic Scattering and Impedance Matrices MURI Faculty:Tom Antonsen, Ed Ott, Steve Anlage, MURI Students: Xing Zheng, Sameer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistical Properties of Wave Chaotic Scattering and Impedance Matrices MURI Faculty:Tom Antonsen, Ed Ott, Steve Anlage, MURI Students: Xing Zheng, Sameer Hemmady, James Hart AFOSR-MURI Program Review

2 Electromagnetic Coupling in Computer Circuits connectors cables circuit boards Integrated circuits Schematic Coupling of external radiation to computer circuits is a complex processes: apertures resonant cavities transmission lines circuit elements Intermediate frequency range involves many interacting resonances System size >> Wavelength Chaotic Ray Trajectories What can be said about coupling without solving in detail the complicated EM problem ? Statistical Description ! (Statistical Electromagnetics, Holland and St. John)

3 Z and S-Matrices What is S ij ? outgoing incoming S matrix Complicated function of frequency Details depend sensitively on unknown parameters Z(  ), S(  ) N- Port System N ports voltages and currents, incoming and outgoing waves voltagecurrent Z matrix

4 Random Coupling Model 3. Eigenvalues k n 2 are distributed according to appropriate statistics: - Eigenvalues of Gaussian Random Matrix Normalized Spacing 2. Replace exact eigenfunction with superpositions of random plane waves Random amplitude Random direction Random phase 1. Formally expand fields in modes of closed cavity: eigenvalues k n =  n /c

5 Statistical Model of Z Matrix Frequency Domain Port 1 Port 2 Other ports Losses Port 1 Free-space radiation Resistance R R (  ) Z R (  ) = R R (  )+jX R (  ) R R1 (  ) R R2 (  ) Statistical Model Impedance Q -quality factor   n - mean spectral spacing Radiation Resistance R Ri (  ) w in - Gaussian Random variables  n - random spectrum System parameters Statistical parameters

6 Model Validation Summary Single Port Case: Cavity Impedance:Z cav = R R z + jX R  Radiation Impedance:Z R = R R + jX R Universal normalized random impedance:z  + j  Statistics of z depend only on damping parameter:k 2 /(Q  k 2 ) (Q-width/frequency spacing) Validation: HFSS simulations Experiment (Hemmady and Anlage)

7 Normalized Cavity Impedance with Losses Port 1 Losses Z cav = jX R +(  +j  R R Theory predictions for Pdf’s of z  =  +j  Distribution of reactance fluctuations P(  ) k2k2 Distribution of resistance fluctuations P(  ) k2k2

8 Two Dimensional Resonators Anlage Experiments HFSS Simulations Power plane of microcircuit Only transverse magnetic (TM) propagate for f < c/2h EzEz HyHy HxHx h Box with metallic walls ports Voltage on top plate

9 HFSS - Solutions Bow-Tie Cavity Moveable conducting disk -.6 cm diameter “Proverbial soda can” Curved walls guarantee all ray trajectories are chaotic Losses on top and bottom plates Cavity impedance calculated for 100 locations of disk 4000 frequencies 6.75 GHz to 8.75 GHz

10 Comparison of HFSS Results and Model for Pdf’s of Normalized Impedance Normalized Reactance Normalized Resistance  Z cav = jX R +(  +j  R R  Theory

11 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Sameer Hemmady, Steve Anlage CSR Eigen mode Image at 12.57GHz 8.5” 17” 21.4” 0.310” DEEP Antenna Entry Point SCANNED PERTURBATION Circular ArcR=25” R=42”  2 Dimensional Quarter Bow Tie Wave Chaotic cavity  Classical ray trajectories are chaotic - short wavelength - Quantum Chaos  1-port S and Z measurements in the 6 – 12 GHz range.  Ensemble average through 100 locations of the perturbation 0. 31” 1.05” 1.6” Perturbation

12   High Loss Low Loss Intermediate Loss Comparison of Experimental Results and Model for Pdf’s of Normalized Impedance Theory

13 Normalized Scattering Amplitude Theory and HFSS Simulation Theory predicts: Uniform distribution in phase Actual Cavity Impedance:Z cav = R R z + jX R Normalized impedance : z  + j  Universal normalized scattering coefficient:s = (z  )/(z  ) = | s| exp[ i  ] Statistics of s depend only on damping parameter:k 2 /(Q  k 2 )

14 Experimental Distribution of Normalized Scattering Coefficient        a)   1 -1 0 1 -1 0 s=|s|exp[i  ] Theory |s|2|s|2 ln [P(|s| 2 )] Distribution of Reflection Coefficient Distribution independent of 

15 Frequency Correlations in Normalized Impedance Theory and HFSS Simulations Z cav = jX R +(  +j  R R RR = XX = RX = (f 1 -f 2 )

16 Properties of Lossless Two-Port Impedance (Monte Carlo Simulation of Theory Model) Eigenvalues of Z matrix Individually  1,2 are Lorenzian distributed 11 22 Distributions same as In Random Matrix theory

17 HFSS Solution for Lossless 2-Port 22 11 Joint Pdf for  1 and  2 Port #1: Port #2: Disc

18 Comparison of Distributed Loss and Lossless Cavity with Ports (Monte Carlo Simulation) Distribution of reactance fluctuations P(  ) Distribution of resistance fluctuations P(  )  Z cav = jX R +(  +j  R R

19 Time Domain w n - Gaussian Random variables Time Domain Model for Impedance Matrix Frequency Domain Statistical Parameters w n - Gaussian Random variables  n - random spectrum

20 Incident and Reflected Pulses for One Realization Incident Pulse Prompt Reflection Delayed Reflection Prompt reflection removed by matching Z 0 to Z R f = 3.6 GHz  = 6 nsec

21 Decay of Moments Averaged Over 1000 Realizations 1/2 | | 1/3 Linear Scale Log Scale Prompt reflection eliminated

22 Quasi-Stationary Process t 1 = 1.0  10 -7 t 1 = 8.0  10 -7 t 1 = 5.0  10 -7 Normalized Voltage u(t)=V(t) / 1/2 2-time Correlation Function (Matches initial pulse shape)

23 Incident Pulse Histogram of Maximum Voltage 1000 realizations Mean =.3163 |V inc (t)| max = 1V

24 Progress Direct comparison of random coupling model with -random matrix theory  -HFSS solutions  -Experiment  Exploration of increasing number of coupling ports  Study losses in HFSS  Time Domain analysis of Pulsed Signals -Pulse duration -Shape (chirp?) Generalize to systems consisting of circuits and fields Current Future

25 Role of Scars? Eigenfunctions that do not satisfy random plane wave assumption Bow-Tie with diamond scar Scars are not treated by either random matrix or chaotic eigenfunction theory Semi-classical methods

26 Future Directions Can be addressed -theoretically -numerically -experimentally Features: Ray splitting Losses HFSS simulation courtesy J. Rodgers Additional complications to be added later

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