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Advanced Topics in Computer and Human Vision
Kernel – Based Methods Presented by Jason Friedman Lena Gorelick Advanced Topics in Computer and Human Vision Spring 2003
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Agenda… Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM) Feature Space vs. Input Space Kernel PCA Kernel Fisher Discriminate Analysis (KFDA)
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Agenda… Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM) Feature Space vs. Input Space Kernel PCA Kernel Fisher Discriminate Analysis (KFDA)
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM)
Definition: Training set with l observations: Each observation consists of a pair: 16x16=256
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM)
The task: “Generalization” - find a mapping Assumption: Training and test data drawn from the same probability distribution, i.e. (x,y) is “similar” to (x1,y1), …, (xl,yl) given a previously unseen x find a suitable y, i.e.
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) – Learning Machine
Definition: Learning machine is a family of functions {f()}, is a set of parameters. For a task of learning two classes f(x,) 2 {-1,1} 8 x, Class of oriented lines in R2: sign(1x1 + 2x2 + 3) 1. Example for a class of functions: sin(alpha*x)
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) – Capacity vs. Generalization
Definition: Capacity of a learning machine measures the ability to learn any training set without error. Too much Capacity Too little Capacity underfitting overfitting ? Is the color green? Does it have the same # of leaves?
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) – Capacity vs. Generalization
For small sample sizes overfitting or underfitting might occur Best generalization = right balance between accuracy and capacity The best generalization performance will be achieved if the right balance is struck between the accuracy on that particular training set and the capacity of the machine
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) – Capacity vs. Generalization
Solution: Restrict the complexity (capacity) of the function class. Intuition: “Simple” function that explains most of the data is preferable to a “complex” one.
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) -VC dimension
What is a “simple”/”complex” function? Definition: Given l points (can be labeled in 2l ways) The set of points is shattered by the function class {f()} if for each labeling there is a function which correctly assigns those labels.
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) -VC dimension
Three points shattered by oriented lines in R2 Explain that exists a set of 3 points that can be shattered and there doesn’t exist a set of 4 points that can be shattered Definition VC dimension of {f()} is the maximum number of points that can be shattered by {f()} and is a measure of capacity.
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) -VC dimension
Theorem: The VC dimension of the set of oriented hyperplanes in Rn is n+1. Low # of parameters ) low VC dimension Example: theta(sin(alpha*x)) theta(y) = 1 for y>0 Theta(y)=-1 otherwise
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) -Bounds
Definition: Actual risk Minimize R() But, we can’t measure actual risk, since we don’t know p(x,y)
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) -Bounds
Definition: Empirical risk Remp() ! R(), l ! 1 But for small training set deviations might occur
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) -Bounds
Not valid for infinite VC dimension Risk bound: Confidence term with probability (1-) h is VC dimension of the function class Note: R() is independent of p(x,y)
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) -Bounds
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) -Bounds
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) -Principal Method
Principle method for choosing a learning machine for a given task:
SRM Divide the class of functions into nested subsets
Either calculate h for each subset, or get a bound on it Train each subset to achieve minimal empirical error Choose the subset with the minimal risk bound Complexity Risk Bound Notice that some learning machines perform very well even though their risk bound is trivial
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Agenda… Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM) Feature Space vs. Input Space Kernel PCA Kernel Fisher Discriminate Analysis (KFDA)
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Currently the “en vogue” approach to classification Successful applications in bioinformatics, text, handwriting recognition, image processing Introduced by Bosner, Gayon and Vapnik, 1992 SVM are a particular instance of Kernel Machines Examples of forces???????
Linear SVM – Separable case
Two given classes are linearly separable
Linear SVM - definitions
Separating hyperplane H: w is normal to H |b|/||w|| is the perpendicular distance from H to the origin d+ (d-) is the shortest distance from H to the closest positive (negative) point.
Linear SVM - definitions
Linear SVM - definitions
If H is a separating hyperplane, then No training points fall between H1 and H2
Linear SVM - definitions
By scaling w and b, we can require that Or more simply: The training points for which the equality holds (i.e. they lie on H1 or H2) are called “support vectors” and their removal would change the solution. Equality holds xi lies on H1 or H2
Linear SVM - definitions
Note: w is no longer a unit vector Margin is now 2 / ||w|| Find hyperplane with the largest margin.
Linear SVM – maximizing margin
Maximizing the margin , minimizing ||w||2 ) more room for unseen points to fall ) restrict the capacity R is the radius of the smallest ball around data subject to the above constraints
Linear SVM – Constrained Optimization
Introduce Lagrange multipliers “Primal” formulation: Minimize LP with respect to w and b Require
Linear SVM – Constrained Optimization
Objective function is quadratic Linear constraint defines a convex set Intersection of convex sets is a convex set ) can formulate “Wolfe Dual” problem Easier to solve dual problem
Linear SVM – Constrained Optimization
The Solution Maximize LP with respect to i Require Substitute into LP to give: Maximize with respect to i
Linear SVM – Constrained Optimization
Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions: Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions are sufficient and necessary conditions for i, w and b to be a solution
Linear SVM – Constrained Optimization
Using Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions: If i > 0 then lies either on H1 or H2 ) The solution is sparse in i Those training points are called “support vectors”. Their removal would change the solution Removing non support vector points will not change the solution
SVM – Test Phase Given the unseen sample x we take the class of x to be
Linear SVM – Non-separable case
Separable case corresponds to empirical risk of zero. For noisy data this might not be the minimum in the actual risk. (overfitting ) No feasible solution for non-separable case
Linear SVM – Non-separable case
Relax the constraints by introducing positive slack variables i is an upper bound on the number of errors
Linear SVM – Non-separable case
Assign extra cost to errors Minimize where C is a penalty parameter chosen by the user For k=1,2 it’s still a quadratic function
Linear SVM – Non-separable case
Lagrange formulation again: “Wolfe Dual” problem - maximize: subject to: The solution: Lagrange multiplier
Linear SVM – Non-separable case
Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions:
Linear SVM – Non-separable case
Using Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions: The solution is sparse in i
Nonlinear SVM Non linear decision function might be needed
Nonlinear SVM- Feature Space
Map the data to a high dimensional (possibly infinite) feature space Solution depends on If there were function k(xi,xj) s.t. ) no need to know explicitly Consider the same algorithm in the input space For infinite F dot product is “difficult”
Nonlinear SVM – Toy example
Input Space Feature Space
Nonlinear SVM – Avoid the Curse
Curse of dimensionality: The difficulty of estimating a problem increases drastically with the dimension But! Learning in F may be simpler if one uses low complexity function class (hyperplanes)
Nonlinear SVM- Kernel Functions
Kernel functions exist! effectively compute dot products in feature space Can use it without knowing and F Given a kernel, and F are not unique F with smallest dim is called minimal embedding space For some mappings and some feature spaces we can effectively compute dot products in feature space using Kernel functions Having kernel we can use it without explicitly calculating or even knowing what is and what the dimension of F is.
Nonlinear SVM- Kernel Functions
Mercer’s condition: There exists a pair {,F} such that iff for any g(x) s.t is finite then Given a function how do we know whether it’s a kernel or not? Mercer is satisfied for polynomial kernels K(x_i,x_j) = (x_i * x_j)^p
Nonlinear SVM- Kernel Functions
Formulation of algorithm in terms of kernels
Nonlinear SVM- Kernel Functions
Kernels frequently used:
Nonlinear SVM- Feature Space
d=256, p=4 ) dim(F)= 183,181,376 Hyperplane {w,b} requires dim(F) + 1 parameters Solving SVM means adjusting l+1 parameters F is the smallest embedding feature space This is the main gain Usually: high dim feature space ) bad generalization performance.
SVM - Solution LD is convex ) the solution is global
Two type of non-uniqueness: {w,b} is not unique {w,b} is unique, but the set {i} is not Prefer the set with less support vectors (sparse) OPTIMAL !!!!!!
Nonlinear SVM-Toy Example
Nonlinear SVM-Toy Example
Nonlinear SVM-Toy Example
Methods of solution Quadratic programming packages Chunking
Decomposition methods Sequential minimal optimization
Applications - SVM Extracting Support Data for a Given Task
Bernhard Schölkopf Chris Burges Vladimir Vapnik Proceedings, First International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 1995
Applications - SVM Input (USPS handwritten digits) Constructed:
Training set: 7300 Testing set: 2000 Constructed: 10 class/non-class SVM classifiers Take the class with maximal output 16x16
Applications - SVM Three different types of classifiers for each digit:
Applications - SVM Similar performance the 3 types of kernels means that it’s more important to control the capacity rather than type of decision function
Applications - SVM Predicting the Optimal Decision Functions - SRM
IF the amount of data is very limited, would prefer to predict without validation
Applications - SVM
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Agenda… Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM) Feature Space vs. Input Space Kernel PCA Kernel Fisher Discriminate Analysis (KFDA)
Feature Space vs. Input Space
Suppose the solution is a linear combination in feature space Cannot generally say that each point has a preimage What does this mean in input space?
Feature Space vs. Input Space
If there exists z such that and k is an invertible function fk of (x¢ y) then can compute z as where {e1,…,eN} is an orthonormal basis of the input space.
Feature Space vs. Input Space
Polynomial kernel is invertible when Then the preimage of w is given by
Feature Space vs. Input space
In general, cannot find the preimage Look for an approximation such that is small
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Agenda… Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM) Feature Space vs. Input Space Kernel PCA Kernel Fisher Discriminate Analysis (KFDA)
PCA Regular PCA: Find the direction u s.t. projecting n points in d dimensions onto u gives the largest variance. u is the eigenvector of covariance matrix Cu=u.
Kernel PCA Extension to feature space: compute covariance matrix
solve eigenvalue problem CV=V )
Kernel PCA Define in terms of dot products: Then the problem becomes:
where l x l rather than d x d Multiply both sides with (xk) from the left so we will be able to define it in terms of dot products: Need to solve a linear Eigenvalue problem, but now n x n rather than d x d.
Kernel PCA – Extracting Features
To extract features of a new pattern x with kernel PCA, project the pattern on the first n eigenvectors
Kernel PCA Kernel PCA is used for: De-noising Compression
Interpretation (Visualization) Extract features for classifiers
Kernel PCA - Toy example
Regular PCA:
Kernel PCA - Toy example
Applications – Kernel PCA
Kernel PCA Pattern Reconstruction via Approximate Pre-Images B. Schölkopf, S. Mika, A. Smola, G. Rätsch, and K.-R. Müller. In L. Niklasson, M. Bodén, and T. Ziemke, editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Perspectives in Neural Computing, pages , Berlin, Springer Verlag.
Applications – Kernel PCA
Recall (x) can be reconstructed from its principal components Projection operator:
Applications – Kernel PCA
Denoising When , ) can’t guarantee existence of pre-image First n directions ! main structure The remaining directions ! noise
Applications – Kernel PCA
Find z that minimizes Use gradient descent starting with x Ro might be non-zero
Applications – Kernel PCA
Input toy data: 3 point sources (100 points each) with Gaussian noise =0.1 Using RBF
Applications – Kernel PCA
Lines of constant feature value for the first 8 nonlinear principal components extracted with k(x,y)=exp(-|| x-y||^2/0.1)
Applications – Kernel PCA
Kernel PCA denoising by reconstructing from prejections onto the eigenvecors 20 new points for each gaussian, represented in feature space by projecting on first pca
Applications – Kernel PCA
How the original points move in denoising
Applications – Kernel PCA
Compare to the linear PCA
Applications – Kernel PCA
Real world data 256 dimensional handwritten digits Training: 300 Testing: 50 Used RBF Gaussian noise sigma=0.5 Speckle noise p=0.4
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Agenda… Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM) Feature Space vs. Input Space Kernel PCA Kernel Fisher Discriminate Analysis (KFDA)
Fisher Linear Discriminant
Finds a direction w, projected on which the classes are “best” separated
Fisher Linear Discriminant
For “best” separation - maximize where is the projected mean of class i, and is the std.
Fisher Linear Discriminant
Equivalent to finding w which maximizes: where
Fisher Linear Discriminant
The solution is given by:
Kernel Fisher Discriminant
Kernel formulation: where
Kernel Fisher Discriminant
From the theory of reproducing kernels: Substituting it into the J(w) reduces the problem to maximizing:
Kernel Fisher Discriminant
where 1_(l_j) is a matrix with all entries 1/l_j
Kernel Fisher Discriminant
Solution is to solve the generalized eigenproblem: Projection of a new pattern is then: Find a suitable threshold l x l rather than d x d Suitable threshold – e.g. mean of average projections or something to minimize the risk
Kernel Fisher Discriminant – Constraint Optimization
Can formulate problem as constraint optimization w
Kernel Fisher Discriminant – Toy Example
Comparison of feature found by KFD (left) and those found by kernel PCA(1- middle and 2- right) Used polynomial kernel Two noisy parabolic shapes mirrored at x and y KFDA KPCA – 1st eigenvector KPCA – 2nd eigenvector
Applications – Fisher Discriminant Analysis
Fisher Discriminant Analysis with Kernels S.Mika et. al. In Y.-H. Hu, J. Larsen, E. Wilson, and S. Douglas, editors, Neural Networks for Signal Processing IX, pages IEEE, 1999.
Applications – Fisher Discriminant Analysis
Input (USPS handwritten digits): Training set: 3000 Constructed: 10 class/non-class KFD classifiers Take the class with maximal output Comparison of feature found by KFD (left) and those found by kernel PCA(1- middle and 2- right) Used polynomial kernel Two noisy parabolic shapes mirrored at x and y
Applications – Fisher Discriminant Analysis
Results: 3.7% error on a ten-class classifier Using RBF with = 0.3*256 Compare to 4.2% using SVM KFDA vs. SVM
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Summary… Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Support Vector Machines (SVM) Feature Space vs. Input Space Kernel PCA Kernel Fisher Discriminate Analysis (KFDA)
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