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Haw-Farn Lan and Ting-Yig Hu

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Presentation on theme: "Haw-Farn Lan and Ting-Yig Hu"— Presentation transcript:

1 Haw-Farn Lan and Ting-Yig Hu
Analysis of Pyrolyzed Products from Moso Bamboo Charcoalization and Assessment for its Anti-fugal and Anti-mite Application Haw-Farn Lan and Ting-Yig Hu National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Department of Wood Science and Design No.1, Shuehfu Rd., Neipu, Pingtung, Taiwan 91201

2 Aim Composition and antiseptic character of pyrolysis products from Moso Bamboo charcoalization is studied in order to develop an affirmative wood preservative with lower toxicity, and enrironmmtal and to enhance utilization of byproducts.

3 Material and Methods Pyrolyzed Products from Charcoalization Quality determine MIC test Anti- fungal test Identified compounds form pyrolysis products charcolizatio Anti-mite compounds of pyrolysis products charcolization with distillation Pyrolyzed Products from Moso Bamboo Charcoalization Decay fungus China fir

4 Conclusion(1/2) Yield of pyrolysed are 16.1 ﹪, 19.0 ﹪ and 20.2 ﹪ for charcolization temperatures of 400 ℃, 600 ℃ and 800 ℃, respectively. Specific gravities are among 1.01 to 1.02, and are increasing with higher dissolution tar oil content. pH values decrease with increasing organic acid content. Fever pyrolzed products generated for below 300 ℃. Among 600 ℃, aliphatic compounds, like alkenes, alkenes and carboxylic acid, for med because of continued lignin degradation, more aromatics formed with larger molecular weights.

5 Conclusion(2/2) Anti-fungal acifivity for 800 ℃ pyrolyzed products is the highest, with MIC value of 50 times. Followed by 25 times of 600 ℃ pyrolyzed products, and 30 times of 400 ℃ pyrolyzed products. , 800 ℃ pyrolyzed products treatment endowed best wood decay resistance enhancement, followed by 400 ℃ and 600 ℃ pyrolyzed products treatments. Any liquis from pyrolyzed prodncts can kill 100 ﹪mites with in 24hours.

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