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On the Trail of the Higgs Boson

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1 On the Trail of the Higgs Boson
Meenakshi Narain

2 Outline Higgs Primer How and where have we looked for the Higgs
Why do we think there is a Higgs Boson ? How and where have we looked for the Higgs Discussion of Higgs Search Results at LEP How and where will we look in the future LHC and the Tevatron Search Strategies at the Tevatron: Standard Model Higgs Low and High Mass regions Top/Higgs associated production SUSY Higgs Conclusions

3 The Standard Model Quarks Leptons
Interactions described by local gauge theories: strong electroweak SU(3)color £ SU(2)L £ U(1)Y 8 gluons W§ Z0  Adding mass terms for W§, Z bosons, fermions breaks local gauge invariance

4 B (Hfermions) / fermion mass
The Higgs Mechanism Breaks symmetry while maintaining local gauge invariance (renormalizability) Add complex weak isospin doublet with “mexican hat” potential 3 components of  form longitudinal components of W§, Z (massive) 1 component  real scalar particle Higgs boson Couple fermion fields to   fermion mass terms B (Hfermions) / fermion mass

5 Theoretical Limits on Higgs Mass
updated EW precision updated direct limit M Planck,gravity MH too large: Higgs self coupling blows up at some scale  MH too small: for scalar field values O() the Higgs potential becomes unstable If SM is valid up to  ¼ Planck Scale 130 . MH GeV e.g. Riseelmann, hep-ph/

6 Experimental Limits on Higgs Mass
Indirect Higher order corrections link SM parameters e.g. MW = Mtree Measure MW, mt (or others)  constrain MH LEP,TeV,NuTeV,SLC global fit: MH < % CL (LEPEWWG Summer 2002) Direct LEP: e+e-ZH MH > % CL (LHWG Note/ ) W t b W Higgs

7 Experimental Limits on Higgs Mass
(LEPEWW Summer 2002

8 Is there anything beyond the SM?
Problems of the SM Many free parameters Hierarchy: Planck scale vs ewk scale large corrections to scalar masses (MH) fine tuning required to keep MH light Triviality: self couplings of scalars blow up at high energies Gravity not included SM can only be the low energy limit of a more comprehensive theory

9 Supersymmetry Symmetry between fermions and bosons
Natural solution to hierarchy problem Additional corrections to MH precisely cancel divergences More complicated Higgs sector ¸ 2 Higgs doublets 5 physical scalar particles: CP-even: h0, H0, CP-odd: A0, charged: H§ MSSM: Mh GeV SUSY with gauge coupling unification: Mh GeV (Quiros&Espinosa hep-ph/ )

10 Can the Higgs be heavy? Global fit to electroweak data  MH<193 GeV
Assumes no physics beyond SM If Higgs heavier, there must be new physics at some scale  Peskin, Wells PRD 64, (2001) e.g. topcolor-seesaw model positive contributions to T allows MH. 450 GeV Chivukula, Hölbling, hep/ph Delta T = weak isotriplett contributions to W, Z loop diagrams

11 Higgs Searches Very low mass LEP: e+e- collider, Two different Eras
LEP1: ps = Mz LEP2: ps above Mz upto 209 GeV

12 The LEP Detectors Being dismantled ( )

13 Higgs Production at LEP
Dominant Production Process: Bjorken Process ``Higgsstrahlung’’ Higgs Production Cross Section LEP1 (pb) s = mZ LEP2 Center of mass energy (GeV) s  mH+mZ

14 Very little background expected
Higgs Search at LEP1 For mH<2mb: H gg, cc,  0.0  mH  65 GeV/c2 Excluded at 95% C.L. Very little background expected Events expected at LEP among 2x107 Z For mH<2mW : H bb (~80%) For mH<2m : H ee,  For mH<2mW : H bb (~80%)

15 Decay Branching Ratios Higgs Decay modes (mH=115 GeV)
Higgs Searches at LEP2 Cross Sections  L ~200 pb-1 5s 3s s ~ 0.04 pb Extending the reach to s-MZ. Decay Branching Ratios Higgs Decay modes (mH=115 GeV) 73.6% 7.2% 6.6% 8.1%

16 Event Signatures Defined by the Z decay mode: “4-jets” “leptons”
“missing E” “leptons”

17 SM background processes
At LEP SM processes well understood and measured.

18 SM Four Jet Channel Topologies: Backgrounds: 4b: Hbb/Zbb and
ZZ: Dominant for mH ~ 90 GeV/c2 when Z bb Most important for 4b channel at all masses WW:A priori reducible (no b-quark jets, apart from Vub ). Tedious if jets are mistagged. Quark pair production (QCD processes): Important near threshold production for mH>mZ b’s and gluons back-to-back, reconstructed mass = maximum possible 4b: Hbb/Zbb and 2b: Hbb/Zqq (where q= [u,d,s,c]) Different backgrounds and hence performance

19 Event Selection Discrimination from event shape & kinematics
Correlated quantities  Likelihood or Neural Network Analyses B-tagging critical in enhancing signal contribution Thrust Emin min (di-jet) mass Log Y34

20 precise tracking silicon microstrip detectors
Identifying b-jets 1) Semileptonic decays of the b-quark B(b  + X)  20%  detect  in jets 2) life time  1.5 ps  c  0.5 mm Flight Length ~ few mm Collision Impact Parameter Decay Vertex B Decay Products e+e-bbqq precise tracking silicon microstrip detectors

21 Silicon Vertex Detector
After full alignement, hit precisions are : ~10 m in R ~15 m in Rz in the central part of the detector. Ex: DELPHI ~3 double-sided layers ~0.5 X0 More on this later in the week

22 Tuning b-tagging performance
Simulated IP distributions and resolutions tuned on data.  data/simulation agree within 5% before tuning after tuning R significances

23 B-tagging Performance checked on control samples:
Data and predictions agree within 5% Excellent WW rejection reached, but control of tail is critical!

24 Mass Reconstruction Need to understand all significant distributions
Pre-selection level ALEPH The mass reconstruction depends heavily on good calibration of the detectors (tracking, calorimetry..) and on software techniques…

25 pairing & mass reconstruction
2 4 1 3 pairing & mass reconstruction six possible pairings: H dijet (1,2) M=97 B=5.7 (1,3) (1,4) (2,3) M=113 B=3.4 (2,4) (3,4) Z dijet (3,4) M=MZ B=-0.5 (2,4) (2,3) (1,4) M=MZ B=2.0 (1,3) (1,2) For each pairing: make a 5C fit with Mij =MZ & build a likelihood including the probability that the two other jets are b-tagged coming from the Higgs decay. A unique mass value is selected from the most likely combination from Jesus Marco, Budapest

26 Fully Hadronic WW control sample
Reconstructing mass Typical resolution: 3 GeV Preselection sample ALEPH – 4C fit and DELPHI & OPAL: 5C fit L3: 6C fit with mH mH=mpair1+mpair2-mZ Fully Hadronic WW control sample Incorrect Pairing Correct pairing mREC~2mW-mZ WW events selected with the Aleph (Cut) analysis where none of the jets are b-tagged

27 Fishing out the signal:
The baits: Ingredients for the first likelihood variable L1

28 The discriminant D = L1 x L2
Fishing Cont’d Variables used for the second likelihood L2 The discriminant D = L1 x L2

29 One of the 3 Aleph events ZZ hyp. mZ=97 GeV mZ=94 GeV
4 b cand. HZ hyp. mH=114.4 GeV/c2 NN = 0.997 jet b-tag: Z H 0.999 ELEP=206.7 ZZ hyp. mZ=97 GeV mZ=94 GeV A 22 GeV shower in SICAL that was giving Evis = 252 GeV is rejected by a better algorithm : mH= > mH=114.4

30 Missing Energy Channel
Any quark WW s=192GeV MH (GeV) Cross Section Fusion fb Cross-section ~ few fb at 115: Not accessible with ½ fb-1 per experiment

31 The “Missing Energy Channel”
Preselect events, use Likehood or Neural Nets Btags Emiss, Cosmiss, Acollinearity double ISR, and bb events (when the neutrinos take most of the energy), give collinear topologies; for an event at rest, the mass recoiling to a Z is pushed to s-MZ. While, due to the Z width, even in the Higgstrahlung close to the kinematical limit, the H is not usually produced at rest. To improve on signal mass reconstruction: kinematic fits with E,p conservation and the Z mass constraint. Mass resolution: 7 GeV

32 L3 Hnn characteristics Mass and neural network output both at signal peak Used for discriminator

33 Hnn: irreducible background, ee->bb
The signal is not collinear ! for acollinearity < 5o 5% of Higgs s ~ pb 30% of qq(g) s ~ 80 pb The collinear events are: -Zgg double radiative events to the Z with (visible mass ~M(Z)) -qq where the energy is lost in n or for detector problems, (high visible mass) at 206 GeV 6x ee -> qq 5x ee -> bb loose > 60 GeV in neutrinos: In for L= 220 pb-1, every exp. has ~10 events ee ->bb that loose more than 60 GeV in neutrinos Of these 10 evts , 80% have pT>10 GeV WPHACT Montecarlo for Higgs 115 GeV/c2, Ecm=206 GeV

34 The L3 event

35 but BR = 3 % for each flavor...
The lepton channel the golden candidates! but BR = 3 % for each flavor... m g If the g is included in the jet: a very high di-jet mass -> good high mass Higgs candidate ! If the g is associated to the muon -> a perfect ZZ but…radiated photons Background llqq L3 eeqq, Ecm=206 GeV M(ee)= 89 GeV/c2 M(qq)= 108 GeV/c2

36 SM Higgs combined results
3 selections with increasing purity for a 115 GeV/c2 signal Data 17 Bkg Sig S/N for m(H) > 109 GeV/c2 > > >2 Data 5 Bkg Sig Data 4 Bkg Sig All channels contribute Hqq,H,Hll,qq event selection based on a discriminant variable and mass

37 Interpreting the Results
LEP HIGGS WG Combine all channels in a 2-D space: reconstructed Higgs mass MHrec discriminant variable G (b-tag, kinematical info..) In each bin of MHrec and G: Background (MC) bi Signal (MC) si Num. of candidates Ni For each “test mass” mH Construct a parameter Q to order experimental outcomes: Does the experiment look signal like or background like?

38 Combined LEP Test Statistic
Likelihood: The Final LEP Result 1, 2 bands from background only Data consistent with a Higgs signal of MH=115.6 GeV/c2

39 The results of each experiment

40 The results per channel

41 Confidence Level Estimation
MH=110 MH=120 obs b MH=116 s+b CLs+b 1-CLb Prob of seeing the candidates (or more) if they were background: 1 -CLb = P(Q>Qobs|background) 1 -CLb x x10-7 1  

42 Compatibility with the background
1-CLb @ MH=116 GeV/c2 ALEPH x 10-3 DELPHI L OPAL 4-jets x 10-3 l+n+t Neutrinos Leptons Taus LEP

43 Confidence Levels… Probability of missing the signal if it is there:
MH=116 1-CLb CLs+b s+b b obs Probability of missing the signal if it is there: CLs+b = P(QQobs|signal+background) CLs = CL s+b / CLb gives the lower bound on Higgs mass

44 The combined limit LEP 115.3 114.4 Exp Obs ALEPH 113.5 111.5
DELPHI L OPAL 4-jets l+n+t LEP

45 The first 4 events maintain the highest weight in the final analyses
The events The first 4 events maintain the highest weight in the final analyses

46 from end of 2000 to the final results 2002…
Higgs discovery? from end of to the final results 2002… Jul 2001 final Nov 2000 4.2 x 10-3 mH>113.5 (115.3 expected) ~ 0.09 mH>114.4 ~0.03 mH>114.1 (115.4 expected) Changes: % final Ebeam final detector calibrations Aleph 2D correlation in Hqq Delphi Hee optimized New MC for sig and bkg L more MC OPAL better bgk estim New analyses, new mass rec. Background Probabilities 1-CLb (mH=115) Nov ® July ® final ALEPH: ® ® DELPHI: ® ® L3: ® ® OPAL: ® ® Earlier analyses suggested hints of signal which generated much excitement. Even now, the result is consistent with background only at 9% level.

47 improve the sensitivity and/or better control the background
The “final” results All 4 experiments implemented various modifications in order to improve the sensitivity and/or better control the background Full data processing: final detector calibration, alignment, b-tagging… New MC generators (DELPHI) , more MC statistics (all) Precise knowledge of the LEP cm energy (all) Upgrades for some analyses: - New analyses with better sensitivity (OPAL): new jet pairing (4- jet), and L -> NN(miss.ener) - Better rejection of beam-related background (ALEPH) - Extension of analyses down to bb threshold (DELPHI) L3: final result already last year : Few candidate events compatible with the Higgs hypothesis ALEPH: Excess of events compared to what is expected from SM background, suggesting a Higgs boson with mass mH~114 GeV/c2 DELPHI: No evidence for any Higgs signal, limit set to mH> GeV/c2 OPAL: No evidence for any Higgs signal, limit set to mH> GeV/c2

48 The Far Future: LHC Large Hadron collider (p-p, ps » 14TeV)
Reach for Higgs upto 1TeV

49 Meanwhile in the Prairie
The Fermilab Tevatron Collider (p anti-p): Main Injector (new) Tevatron CDF Chicago p source Booster Run 1: 100pb-1, 1.8TeV (?) Run 2: ~15fb-1, 1.96TeV CDF

50 The D experiment muon detector calorimeter tracker 5000 tons
500+ physicists Run I: 100 pb-1 80 publications 100 Ph.D.s beam pipe

51 D Tracker Solenoid (2 T) Fiber Tracker Silicon Tracker H-disks (4)
20cm 50cm 1.3m Fiber Tracker et=1.7 Silicon Tracker H-disks (4) Barrels (6) F-disks (12) 800,000 channels 1400 silicon elements area : 4.7 m2 10 m single hit resolution

52 The CDF experiment muon detector calorimeter tracker

53 SM Higgs Production at Tevatron
Gluon fusion Associated Production s[pb] (mH=120 GeV) typical production cross-sections gg H WH ZH 0.7 0.17 0.1 WZ Wbb 3.2 11 tt tb+tq+tbq 7.5 3.4 QCD O(106) M. Spira, hep-ph/ WZ/ZH production is cleanest

54 SM Higgs Decays and BRs Divide into two regions Low Mass High Mass
H!bb domintaes gg!H precluded by QCD background High Mass Gauge Boson decays dominate H!WW becomes promising Less sensitivity in cross over region _ M. Spira, hep-ph/

55    Low Mass Higgs Search 1 2 3
Higgs couples most strongly to massive particles: Focus on associated production (WH/ZH) Best Prospects: leptonic W/Z decays QCD background large for hadronic channels SM Background processes: Sensitivity will depend on b-jet tagging dijet mass resolution 1 2 3

56 SM Higgs: Leptonic Channel (1)
Typical Selection: Main backgrounds: Event selection optimized to maximize S/B

57 Expected Events and Sensitivity
Sensitivity crucially depends on dijet mass resolutions

58 Sensitivity crucially depends on dijet mass resolutions
CDF RunI “Calibration” for Higgs Search Problem is not intrinsic jet resolution In 2 jet WH events, mass resolution ~ 10% (but, costs 30-70% in efficiency) With 2 jet requirement relaxed, mass resolution is about 15%

59 Multivariate Analysis Techniques
Further Improvements from use of Neural Networks, Grid Search, Likelihood methods. Significant gains, compare S/B with and without neural nets

60 SM Higgs: Leptonic Channel (2)
Main backgrounds: Event selection optimized to maximize S/B Typical Selection:

61 Some distributions:

62 Use Neural Networks to optimize analysis:
use different networks one for signal 4 different ones for bkg

63 SM Higgs: Leptonic Channel (3)
Small rate but good S/B Main backgrounds: Typical Selection:

64 Neural Network Analysis:
signal Backgrounds (4 different networks) Kinematic fit may enhance sensitivity Add Taus?

65 Low Mass Higgs Search It’s going to be challenging…
A 120 GeV Higgs signal Total Background

66 High Mass Higgs Search Around MH=130 GeV, H0! bb takes a plunge
For MH>130 GeV, H0! WW* rises Exploit the large gg! H0 cross section Identify topologies with small SM cross sections Focus on leptonic Gauge Boson Decays Stange, Marciano, Willenbrock (PRD49, 1994); Gunion & Han (PRD51, 1995); Mrenna & Kane (hep-ph/ )

67 High Mass Higgs Search (1)
Dileptons, Missing Energy signature Leading contribution from gluon fusion SM backgrounds: Bkg¼ 25pb S/B ¼ 4x10-4

68 Continuum vs. at threshold production via spin 0 resonance
Typical Selection: Exploits difference in kinematics for WW prod Continuum vs. at threshold production via spin 0 resonance Utilize angular correlations between leptons & ET

69 Angular correlations between leptons:
Due to spin correlation of Higgs Boson decay products, the two charged leptons tend to move in parallel

70 Add likelihood analysis based on variables
Define “Cluster Mass” MC to sharpen mass Likelihood analysis give a factor of 40 reduction for dominant WW background. (MH=170 GeV) S/pB for 30fb-1 » 3.8 Likelihood analysis Kinematic cuts Bkg: WW

71 High Mass Higgs Search (2)
Distinct Signature: Same sign dileptons + jets Contributions from process: Backgrounds to consider: Di-boson (WZ, ZZ), Tri-Boson, top pair production…

72 Selection criterion: Dominant bkg: WZ, ZZ Good S/B, but low rates
(WZ)=0.15fb W/Zjjj = 0.15fb (fake j! e)  (top, di/tri-boson) = 0.18fb Good S/B, but low rates Limits significance Control of systematics challenging Fine tuning of cuts

73 High Mass Higgs Search Results for MH > 130 GeV:
Require large luminosity » 30fb-1

74 Combined Significance
Combine all SM channels Use Neural Network Analyses for low mass Assume 10% resolution for mass reconstruction Systematic error: Min of 10% or 1/p(sLdt £ B) Band) 30% effect from mbb, b, bkgs

75 Goldstein et. al., hep-ph/0006311
Striking topologies: Small  £ B key: Multijet reconstruction Critical: b-jet tagging New NLO corrections k=0.8 Backgrounds: Goldstein et. al., hep-ph/

76 Low Mass High Mass Lepton+6 jets Reconstruct top For 3 or more jets:
require least 3 or 4 b-tagged jets Reconstruct top “Know” jet assignments For 3 or more jets: For 1fb-1: S=0.4, B=0.3 and S/pB=0.7 For 15 fb-1 data Expect 5 or 6 signal events 2.8(4.1) for 1(2) experiment(s) Assumes 70% b-tagging efficiency. High Mass Both lepton+jets and dilepton channels Like sign dileptons: 3-6 signal events, less than 1 bkg Trilepton: signal events, less than 1 bkg

77 SUSY Higgs Search Neutral Higgs
Translate SM results into SUSY (tan, MA) parameter space according to SUSY couplings Vh, VH can be Standard Model-like reinterpret the SM analysis In addition: enhanced at large tan mixing angle between CP even h and H

78 MSSM Higgs Search Exploit enhanced Yukawa coupling due to large bb cross section at the Tevtraon: Event selection: Trigger on 4 jets At least 3 jets b-tagged Mass dependent jet ET cuts e.g. leading jet pT> M/2 -5 GeV Reconstruct mass with b-tagged jets pairs Backgrounds: Limited by trigger efficiency, hard to trigger on jets Impact parameter triggers will help Require excellent b-tagging efficiency Adding ! will help

79 Sensitivity: tan vs MA plane
With 2 fb-1 data, sensitivity for MA » 125 GeV (for interesting region for tan» mt/mb» 35) Relatively modest integrated luminosity required ! Exclusion Discovery

80 MSSM Higgs: V Channel Model Independent interpretation: Exclusion
Apply to any “New Physics” model Compare the above R (for experiments) to theoretical expectations R for “SUSY”, assuming some typical values of SUSY parameters (tan, mixing angle , etc.) Exclusion Discovery

81 Sensitivity for MSSM Higgs
LEP V, 5fb-1 Exclusion V and bb: Consider different scenarios Minimal Mixing At each point Left-Right Stop mixing= 0 Maximal Left-Right Stop Mixing Large A and  ) Suppression of H(bb) 5 discovery Maximal Mixing Minimal Mixing 30fb-1 With 15 to 20 fb-1, can cover most of the MSSM parameter space. 10fb-1 20fb-1 10fb-1 15fb-1

82 References The Tevatron studies described were performed by the RunII SUSY/Higgs working group at the Tevatron. The details of the study can be found in hep-ph/ A comprehensive note – with multitude of theoretical and experimental references. ttH production at the Tevatron: hep-ph/ Latest LEP results: For Higgs from LHWG Note/ For Electroweak Global Fits: LEP EWWG/ LHC: ATLAS and CMS TDR

83 Conclusion Does the Higgs Boson Exist? LEP… a “scent” of the Higgs?
…lots of theoretical motivation and …mounting indirect evidence LEP… a “scent” of the Higgs? Tevatron Run II: no single discovery channel, combine all modes If NO SM Higgs: exclude upto 190 GeV with 10fb-1 data If SM Higgs exists: a 3 to 5 discovery upto 190 GeV with 30fb-1 data Can rule out 115 GeV Higgs with 2fb-1 data per experiment Verification at 3 will require 5-6 fb-1. Other models – beyond the SM, .eg. MSSM, can cover a large parameter space with 15 to 20 fb-1 data LHC: In the far future, potential to cover the entire range Tractricious, designed by Wilson and constructed by members of the Technical Support Section, sits in front of the Industrial Complex. The structure is comprised of 16 stainless steel outer tubes, made from scrap cryostat tubes from Tevatron magnets, and 16 inner pipes from old well casings. Each tube is free standing and designed to withstand winds up to 80 mph.

84 Onward to uncharted Territories….


86 Cross Sections

87 Mass Resolutions: cont’d
Signal significance depends on bb mass resolution For RunII aim for 10% mass resolution 30% better than in the previous Run WHlnbb CDF RunI “Calibration” for Higgs Search

88 Mass Resolutions: cont’d
Compare Run I Jet ET resolution to Fast MC Optimize b-jet reconstruction and corrections corrections (partly for b’s): b/light-q jet calibration Improvement due to increased +jets statistics Significant sample of Z bb Correct for  in bl Correct for  in jets Can get 12% at M=120 GeV If only 12% mass resolution Required luminosity increases by 20% WHlnbb

89 Mass Resolution Issues
Problem is not intrinsic jet resolution In 2 jet WH events, Mjj is close to gaussian Mass resolution is about 10% (but, costs 30-70% in efficiency) With 2 jet requirement relaxed, Mass resolution is about 15% 3rd jet must be judiciously used!

90 More Improvements – b-tagging
b-jet tagging: Will it be good enough? Displaced Vertices 3-D vs 2D vertexing possible Improved impact parameter resolution (Extrapolation from CDF Run I eff.) Semileptonic tags do primary vtx secondary Lxy secondary vtx  2 tracks tagged if Lxy/s Lxy >3.0 e or m in jet b

91 can we improve? b-tagging For bb backgrounds:
Relative Luminosity goes as Eff increase from 60%  65% would result in the same signal significance for 20% less integrated luminosity. LEP2, S.Jin PHENO2000

92 Low Mass Higgs Searches

93 WH: Leptonic Channels Distributions

94 bb mass reconstruction
the extracted signal significance depends on input dijet mass resolution optimized b-jet reconstruction+corrections WHlnbb E. Barberis improvement from use of tracking and preshower in jet reconstruction? (also, different algorithms?) corrections (partly specific to b’s): - corrections for n into jets (bln) - corrections for m into jets - b/light-q jet calibration - b/light-q parton corrections and... -effect of extra interactions on jet reconstruction

95 b-tagging fakes: displaced vertices: RunI SVX algorithms on RunII
detector (3D Si, large h) ~55-60% do primary vtx secondary Lxy secondary vtx  2 tracks tagged if Lxy/s Lxy >3.0 M.Roco M.Roco + soft lepton tagging (~10%) e or m in jet b DØ used only m‘s in top analyses

96 Collisions and particle identification
Hadron collisions: a proton (anti-proton) beam is a broad- band beam of partons hard scattering p _ - total energy: unknown - total longitudinal momentum: unknown - total transverse momentum: zero heavy quarks and leptons decay via weak interactions to lighter counterparts:

97 Particle identification
an energetic quark or gluon appears in a detector as a jet of colorless hadrons: the total transverse energy of invisible particles (e.g. n) can be inferred from the energy of the visible particles:

98 A generic detector neutrinos detector cross section around
the collision point 

99 Beyond the Standard Model
in the window mH~ GeV: SM valid up to mPlank quadratic divergencies in scalar masses but: 10-38 ! needs adjustment to the 38 decimal place: violates concept of naturalness SM valid to EW scale EWSB Fundamental th. to higher scales Higgs sector: SM, further problems, ad hoc couplings, mixings.. Extended, MSSM? Composite, TC?

100 Higgs in MSSM the simplest minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) supersymmetric ) SM recipe ) an extra Higgs doublet 3) supersymmetric partners CP odd 5 physical Higgs bosons CP even SM mh<130 GeV theory limit on lightest Higgs SUSY fermion  boson symmetry for every SM spin degree of freedom there is a supersymmetric spin degree of freedom

101 LHC Higgs Search SM discovery modes: Higgs Mass Reach

102 LHC: Higgs Coupling Measure production rate and couplings
Large top-Higgs coupling  cross section for ttH associated production is sizeable Also an additional discovery mode and test of SM couplings With 300fb-1: g yt H

103 Neutrinos Neutrinos do not interact with the detector.
Momentum conservation tells us: But don’t measure pz. Therefore invisible

104 Identifying Muons

105 b-tagging Exploit long lifetime of the b-jet: b» 1.6ps
HZ Candidate, ALEPH Experiment e+e-bbbb s = 206.7 Mrec=1103 GeV/c2 Three well b-tagged jets with two reconstructed displaced vertices

106 Collinearity of Hnn We cannot add criteria in the light of the data.
Otherwise classical statistical analysis is impossible. Four fermion backgrounds acollinear Two fermion collinear Total well modelled L3 candidate

107 Identifying particles
Dijet event W! e

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