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© Copyright BLIS Project The SABLE Project Towards Unification of IFC based Product Model Servers.

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1 © Copyright BLIS Project The SABLE Project Towards Unification of IFC based Product Model Servers

2 © Copyright BLIS Project Contents Some definitions Building Life Cycle Information management: Vision Adding a Product Model server to the picture What about several Product Model Servers? What SABLE is about? “The interoperability pyramid” and positioning SABLE SABLE in details Summary

3 © Copyright BLIS Project Definitions Data Exchange –Sequential file based data transfer of information between heterogeneous software applications Data Sharing –Concurrent access to the same data by heterogeneous software applications Document Management Server –File based repository of information (Texts, drawings, documents, pictures, …) –Accessible through internet/extranet networks Product Model Server –Shared, persistent product data repository (database), –Product data management services –Data access interface for multiple, concurrent client applications over the internet/extranet networks

4 © Copyright BLIS Project Building Lifecycle Management

5 © Copyright BLIS Project Vision of the Management of Building and Building Information Life-Cycle DefinitionDesignConstruction FacilitiesManagement ICT ICT ApplicationsApplicationsApplicationsApplications ProductLibrariesProductionLibrariesFMLibraries Rules and guidelines for the process Buildinglife-cycle Building information life-cycle

6 © Copyright BLIS Project Buildinglife-cycle RequirementsDesign Construction Construction FM FM SWApplicationsDisciplines Users/Roles Clients Owner Contractor Subcontractor Construction Manager Architect Structural Engineer Building Services Engineer Cost Engineer Manufacturer Supplier Facility Manager Building Operator ICT Administrator Service Provider Sketching Space Planning Structural Design Architectural Design Electrical Design Thermal Simulation Acoustic Simulation HVAC Design Cost Estimation Construction Planning Code / Design Checking Lighting Simulation Construction Simulation Marketing Presentation Maintenance Simulation Quantity Schedule Help desk Maintenance Planning Automation Simulation Project Management Users / Roles and SW Applications

7 © Copyright BLIS Project Adding Product Model Servers to the picture

8 © Copyright BLIS Project Why Using Product Model Servers? Issues in file-based data exchange –Big size of IFC exchange files –Any individual end-user application supports only a subset of the scope of IFC –Separate IFC-files can’t provide a consistently managed, cumulative building information life-cycle database –Lost of information along the whole data stream exchange Limitations in IFC support –version management –partial model exchange Complement project document servers –In a product model based data sharing paradigm product model servers will complement project document servers Internet based exchanges improved

9 © Copyright BLIS Project Buildinglife-cycle RequirementsDesign Construction Construction FM FM SWApplications Users/Roles Buildinginformationlife-cycle Internet Shared Product Data in Product Model Server A data sharing environment: Publishing information for others Product Data In SW applications of different disciplines

10 © Copyright BLIS Project Internet RequirementsDesign Construction Construction FM FM Heterogeneous and numerous Model Servers Buildinglife-cycle SWApplications Users/Roles Buildinginformationlife-cycle Shared Product Data in Product Model Server Product Data In SW applications of different disciplines

11 © Copyright BLIS Project RequirementsDesign Construction Construction FM FM Data integrity Versioning(Revisioning) History Notification Data Persistence Data Compatibility Access Control Locking Users/RoleManagement Data Ownership Functionality for Data sharing environment for B&C Buildinglife-cycle SWApplications Users/Roles Buildinginformationlife-cycle Shared Product Data in Product Model Server Product Data In SW applications of different disciplines

12 © Copyright BLIS Project What’s SABLE?

13 © Copyright BLIS Project What’s SABLE? SABLE : –Is an Umbrella “Public” Project –Specifies a common standard interface for Product Model Servers –Provides high level domain specific APIs for the different B&C disciplines SABLE + Product Model Servers = Real Data Sharing & Life Cycle Support Environment for B&C.

14 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE + Product Model Servers RequirementsDesign Construction Construction FM FM Unified IT Infrastructure for B&C Buildinglife-cycle SWApplications Users/Roles Buildinginformationlife-cycle Shared Product Data in Product Model Server Product Data In SW applications of different disciplines A unified ICT infrastructure

15 © Copyright BLIS Project Talking about interoperability?

16 © Copyright BLIS Project “The Interoperability Pyramid” (Jiri Hietanen - 2003) Specifications View Definitions Implementations Interoperability Know-How Deployment/Business Number of people involved Level of required IT/PDM/Interoperabilityskills

17 © Copyright BLIS Project The current available technologies Specifications View Definitions Implementations Interoperability Know-How Deployment/Business Express/IFC Toolboxes SW Domains Applications Forgotten steps by the current technologies

18 © Copyright BLIS Project The SABLE Project in details

19 © Copyright BLIS Project Positioning SABLE in the interoperability pyramid Specifications View Definitions Implementations Interoperability Know-How Deployment/Business IAI BLIS SW Vendors Users SABLE

20 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE Unification work in a Nutshell Model Servers Side ( Database Layer ) –Low/Raw Level Access API Session Mgt, Admin. Mgt, Doc. Mgt, Versioning Mgt, I/E Mgt, Data Modification, Data Fetching, Meta Information, Query Mgt –Partial Model exchange format –Communication protocol –Model Query Language Client Application Side ( Domain Access Layer ) –View definition independent from the model –High Level domain specific APIs –Communication protocol

21 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE Unification work in a Nutshell

22 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE Unification work in a Nutshell

23 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE Unification work in a Nutshell

24 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE Unification work in a Nutshell

25 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE Unification work in a Nutshell

26 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE Unification work in a Nutshell

27 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE Server Architecture Mapping Engine UserMgt AccessRights Notification DigitalSignature Resources Gateway ArchitectureGateway QuantityInformationGateway ThermalGateway FMGateway StructureGateway Multiple Model Servers Access Application Server (.NET, J2EE) SOAP Engine (.NET, AXIS) Web Server (IIS, Tomcat) IFC Model Server B IFC Model IFC Model Server A XML--------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- Architect StructuralEngineer FacilityManager

28 © Copyright BLIS Project Worldwide communication with SABLE and Product Model Servers

29 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE: Actors and Exploitation Plan Model server providers –Common Agreements on a standardized API –Increase the usage of their product –Open market opportunities –Benchmark and position compare to the concurrence AEC application vendors –Get their software applications connected to the data sharing environment –Increase the capability to exploit distributed software architectures in accordance with end users requirements –Easy and cost effective access to IFC based data

30 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE: Actors and Exploitation Plan AEC End Users –Add the support for Building Information Life Cycle in their IT environment –Use the interoperable software in real construction projects –Easy benchmarking of different technical solutions –Short environment installation time –Safe way to access to the IT SABLE server providers –Provide Open Environment and independent from a specific Model Server –Connectivity to multiple model server via standard interfaces –Provide services/consultancy in data sharing environment –Supply tools to software vendors and integrators to access the IFC information –Deliver advance solution remote storage, systematized and fast access, recovery and exchange of the corporate engineering structured data in Intranet/Internet environments

31 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE: PM, TC and Reviewers Technical Committee Project and Technical Manager Reviewers

32 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE: Active Partners Tian Jian, LTD, China Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

33 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE: Observers Waiting for commitment Interest Group Active Facility

34 © Copyright BLIS Project Expectation for end users 1.To convince Application vendors to support SABLE 2.To define the #Data Exchange Use cases/#Type of projects 3.Check if the primitive functionality of the environment are enough according to previous scenario 4.Pilot / Deploy / Use the system

35 © Copyright BLIS Project Challenges 1.SW Applications needs to be plugged to this environment 2.Definition for data sharing functionality for construction 3.Usage scenarios need to be defined 4.#Projects, #Processes, #Know-How 5.General knowledge of computer technology 6.Level of Information Management know-how

36 © Copyright BLIS Project SABLE Website & mailing list Contact Patrick HOUBAUX Senior Consultant Eurostepsys OyEmail: Karvaamokuja 3Mobile: +358 405 392 462 FI-00380 HelsinkiFax: +358 934 872 031 FinlandURL:

37 © Copyright BLIS Project Summary Product Model Servers are needed for concurrent data sharing environments SABLE + Product Model Servers provide a framework for common agreements on data sharing principles SABLE is standardizing API to Product Model Servers SABLE is providing High level domain specific APIs for the various B&C disciplines

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