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Batch Award Load in M-Pathways SA/HRMS Unit Liaison Meeting Wednesday, March 28, 2008 Johnson Rooms, Lurie Engineering Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Batch Award Load in M-Pathways SA/HRMS Unit Liaison Meeting Wednesday, March 28, 2008 Johnson Rooms, Lurie Engineering Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Batch Award Load in M-Pathways SA/HRMS Unit Liaison Meeting Wednesday, March 28, 2008 Johnson Rooms, Lurie Engineering Center

2 Award Load Overview Streamlines and automates the rapid entry of financial aid awards into M-Pathways Uses the power of PeopleSoft page and processing edits to ensure data accuracy prior to posting Provides data validation and reporting throughout the process Of greatest assistance to larger volume offices or offices that prepare spreadsheets prior to award entry.

3 Award Load Four Step Process Step 1: Department prepares award load spreadsheet. Step 2: Department imports spreadsheet into M- Pathways Award Load page. Data is pre-edited to enhance award entry success. Corrections can be made to spreadsheet and re-imported. Step 3: Award Entry executed in batch. Step 4: Department runs reports to validate award successes and failures.

4 Award Load Training and Access FA AWARD ENTRY USER training prerequisite; ideal user has award entry experience before using Award Load. New role – FA AWARD LOAD USER. Training is completed via MAIS LINC self-study course FAS201. To learn more, see MAIS LINC documents (search “Award Load”): Training for FA AWARD LOAD USER Award Load Process – Simulation Award Load Process – Quick Reference Sheet

5 Award Load Let’s take a look…

6 Questions?

7 Step 1: Prepare Spreadsheet

8 Step 2: Import File






14 Step 3: Execute Award Entry


16 Step 4: Validate Results



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