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Computer Architecture Instructor: Wen-Hung Liao Office: 大仁樓三樓 200312 Office hours: TBA Course web page:

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Architecture Instructor: Wen-Hung Liao Office: 大仁樓三樓 200312 Office hours: TBA Course web page:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Architecture Instructor: Wen-Hung Liao E-mail: Office: 大仁樓三樓 200312 Office hours: TBA Course web page: Textbook: Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 3rd Edition. Companion website

2 Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology

3 Introduction Rapidly changing field: vacuum tube -> transistor -> IC -> VLSI doubling every 1.5 years: memory capacity processor speed ( Due to advances in technology and organization)

4 Moore’s Law Moore’s Law (Example) Year of introductionTransistors 400419712,250 800819722,500 808019745,000 8086197829,000 2861982120,000 386 ™ processor1985275,000 486 ™ DX processor19891,180,000 Pentium ® processor19933,100,000 Pentium II processor19977,500,000 Pentium III processor199924,000,000 Pentium 4 processor200042,000,000

5 Things you’ll be learning How computers work, a basic foundation How to analyze their performance Issues affecting modern processors (caches, pipelines, parallel computing)

6 Why learn this stuff? you want to call yourself a “computer scientist” you want to build software people use (need performance) you need to make a purchasing decision or offer “expert” advice

7 Prerequisite Some background in assembly language Boolean algebra Logic design

8 What is a computer? Components: input (mouse, keyboard...) output (display, printer...) storage(disk drives, CD…) memory (DRAM, SRAM...) data path control network Our primary focus: the processor (data path and control) implemented using millions of transistors Impossible to understand by looking at each transistor

9 Below your program High-level programming language - Fortran - C/C++ - Java Assembly language: machine dependent Machine language: consists of binary digits,or ‘bits’ of information gram (in C)

10 Instruction Set Architecture A very important abstraction interface between hardware and low-level software standardizes instructions, machine language bit patterns, etc. Advantage: different implementations of the same architecture Disadvantage: sometimes prevents using new innovations

11 Modern instruction set architectures 80x86/Pentium/K6,PowerPC, DEC Alpha, MIPS, SPARC, HP, IA-64 RISC vs. CISC architecture

12 Where we are headed A specific instruction set architecture (Chapter 2) Arithmetic and how to build an ALU (Chapter 3) Assessing and understanding performance (Chapter 4) Constructing a processor to execute our instructions (Chapter 5) Pipelining to improve performance (Chapter 6) Memory: caches and virtual memory (Chapter 7) Storage, Networks, and Other Peripherals (Chapter 8) Multiprocessors (Chapter 9)

13 Homework Read Chapter 1 of textbook. Download appropriate SPIM simulator for your computer.

14 The Chip Manufacturing Process

15 Integrated IC Cost (empirical) Question: What is the approximate relationship between cost and die area?

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