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Summer 2008 Workshop in Biology and Multimedia for High School Teachers.

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1 Summer 2008 Workshop in Biology and Multimedia for High School Teachers

2 Summer 2008 Workshop Melissa Marchacos Marlborough High School Bacterial Genetics

3 Life Sciences-HHMI Outreach. Copyright 2008 President and Fellows of Harvard College. Central Dogma Recall a “new” old dogma: DNARNAProtein Small Molecules Referenced from Dr. Jon Clary “An Ecological Approach to Microbes and Disease” Harvard University, Cambridge

4 Mechanisms of Genetic Transfer 1.Transformation A.The uptake of “naked” DNA from the surrounding environment 1.Free DNA (histones absent) 2.Plasmid DNA Life Sciences-HHMI Outreach. Copyright 2008 President and Fellows of Harvard College. b a+a+ Donor microbe Lysis DNA fragmentsRecipient microbeRecombinant Recipient takes up fragment Recombination b+ aa+ b a+a+

5 2.Transduction A.Viruses that infect bacteria; utilize syringe like mechanism to introduce genome Mechanisms of Genetic Transfer Life Sciences-HHMI Outreach. Copyright 2008 President and Fellows of Harvard College.

6 Life Sciences-HHMI Outreach. Copyright 2008 President and Fellows of Harvard College. Transduction, cont. Bacteriophages replicate in two manners 1.Lytic: T4 bacteriophages, bacteriophages force host to burst, releasing new bacteriophages 2.Lysogenic: incorporates genome into host genome; replicates fairly harmlessly with host

7 Mechanisms of Genetic Transfer 3.Conjugation A.The exchange of a plasmid B.Usually occurs between same or very similar species C.Utilizes a pilus to connect the two microbes Life Sciences-HHMI Outreach. Copyright 2008 President and Fellows of Harvard College.

8 Conjugation, cont. Plasmids A.Small, double stranded, circular pieces of DNA B.Replicate independently (self-replication) or within the host genome (episomes) Types of plasmids 1.Conjugative plasmids: transmitted during conjugation, carry a variety of information 2.R plasmids: resistance plasmids; protect against environmental factors, MDR (multiple drug resistance) plasmid 3.Hfr plasmids: promotes genomic recombination 4.Col-plasmids: codes for proteins that kill other microbes 5.Degradative plasmids: contain sequencing that allows host to digest uncommon substances (ex: toluene, salicylic acid) 6.Virulence plasmids: codes for altering the microbe into a pathogen

9 Mutation Types of mutations 1.Deletion 2.Insertion sequences (transposons) 3.Frameshift mutations 4.Silent mutations 5.Missense mutations 6.Nonsense mutations 7.Mutagen induced

10 References 1.Campbell, Biology, 7e; 2.Indiana University school of Medicine; tm tm 3.University of Miami Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology; 4. Wikipedia; Life Sciences-HHMI Outreach. Copyright 2008 President and Fellows of Harvard College.

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