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Astronomy and Cosmology week 2 - Tuesday Star Date Short lecture on Ch.1-2 Questions? Your Web-X posts Thursday assignments Solar motion workshop: predictions.

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy and Cosmology week 2 - Tuesday Star Date Short lecture on Ch.1-2 Questions? Your Web-X posts Thursday assignments Solar motion workshop: predictions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy and Cosmology week 2 - Tuesday Star Date Short lecture on Ch.1-2 Questions? Your Web-X posts Thursday assignments Solar motion workshop: predictions + assemble tools Break Celestial Navigation

2 Review from week 1 Scientific notation Distance measurements: ly ~ 10 16 m Angle measurements: moon ~ ½ degree = 30’ Scales

3 Introduction to Space and Time Naked eye astronomy Constellations Time: Sky changes (Starry Night) Through the day, due to Earth’s rotation Through the year, due to Earth’s orbit Through the seasons, due to Earth’s tilt Through the epochs, due to precession Space celestial sphere Equinoxes, solstices

4 Naked eye astronomy What you see depends on where you are, in space, time and culture.

5 Constellations help orient us

6 Time: Sky changes (Starry Night) Through the day, due to Earth’s rotation Through the year, due to Earth’s orbit Through the seasons, due to Earth’s tilt Through the epochs, due to precession

7 Sky changes through the day, due to Earth’s rotation

8 Sky changes through the year, due to Earth’s orbit

9 Sky changes through the seasons, due to Earth’s tilt

10 Sky changes through the epochs, due to precession

11 Celestial sphere Altitude from horizonDeclination from equator (latitude) Azimuth from NorthRA from VE (longitude)

12 Equinoxes and solstices

13 Questions? Post to WebX

14 Thursday assignments & Library workshops

15 Moon workshop Thursday Do predictions before class Print out fresh copy of whole workshop

16 Sun workshop with Cel Nav Hand in predictions Start assembling tools

17 Celestial Navigation Discuss Space/time workshop from last week Key points Measuring space and time: angles and hours Questions? Solar motion workshop this week and next Hand in predictions (with your name) Assemble Solar Motion Demonstrators Answer workshop questions with new tools

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