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Re-creating the Big Bang

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Presentation on theme: "Re-creating the Big Bang"— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-creating the Big Bang
Walton, CERN and the Large Hadron Collider Albert Einstein Ernest Walton Dr Cormac O’ Raifeartaigh (WIT)

2 Overview I. LHC What, why, how II. A brief history of particles
From the atom to the Standard Model III. LHC Expectations The Higgs boson Beyond the Standard Model

3 CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research World leader
20 member states 10 associate states 80 nations, 500 univ. Ireland not a member No particle physics in Ireland

4 The Large Hadron Collider
High-energy proton beams Opposite directions Huge energy of collision E = mc2 Create short-lived particles Detection and measurement No black holes

5 How E = 14 TeV λ =1 x 10-19 m Ultra high vacuum Low temp: 1.6 K
LEP tunnel: 27 km Superconducting magnets

6 Particle detectors


8 Why t = 1x10-12 s Explore fundamental constituents of matter
Investigate inter-relation of forces that hold matter together Glimpse of early universe Answer cosmological questions t = 1x10-12 s V = football Highest energy since BB

9 Cosmology E = kT → T =

10 Particle cosmology

11 LHCb Where is antimatter? Asymmetry in M/AM decay CP violation
Tangential to ring B-meson collection Decay of b quark, antiquark CP violation (UCD group) Quantum loops

12 Discovery of electron Crooke’s tube cathode rays Perrin’s paddle wheel
mass and momentum Thompson’s B-field e/m Milikan’s oil drop electron charge Result: me = 9.1 x kg: TINY

13 Atoms: centenary Maxwell (19th ct): atomic theory of gases
Dalton, Mendeleev chemical reactions, PT Einstein: (1905): Brownian motion due to atoms? Perrin (1908): measurements λ = λ = Perrin (1908) Einstein

14 The atomic nucleus (1911) Most projectiles through
A few deflected backwards Most of atom empty Atom has nucleus (+ve) Electrons outside Rutherford (1911)

15 Nuclear atom +ve nucleus 1911 proton (1909) Periodic Table:
determined by protons neutron (1932) strong nuclear force?

16 Four forces of nature Force of gravity Holds cosmos together
Long range Electromagnetic force Holds atoms together Strong nuclear force: holds nucleus together Weak nuclear force: Beta decay The atom

17 Splitting the nucleus Cockcroft and Walton: linear accelerator
Protons used to split the nucleus (1932) H + Li = He + He Verified mass-energy (E= mc2) Verified quantum tunnelling Nobel prize (1956)

18 Ernest Walton (1903-95) Born in Dungarvan Early years
Limerick, Monagahan, Tyrone Methodist College, Belfast Trinity College Dublin (1922) Cavendish Lab, Cambridge (1928) Split the nucleus (1932) Trinity College Dublin (1934) Erasmus Smith Professor ( )

19 Nuclear fission fission of heavy elements Meitner, Hahn energy release
chain reaction nuclear weapons nuclear power

20 Strong force SF >> em protons, neutrons charge indep short range
HUP massive particle Yukawa pion 3 charge states

21 New particles (1950s) Cosmic rays Particle accelerators cyclotron
π + → μ ν

22 Particle Zoo Over 100 particles

23 Quarks (1960s) new periodic table p+,n not fundamental isospin
symmetry arguments (SU3 gauge group) prediction of - SU3 → quarks new fundamental particles UP and DOWN Stanford experiments 1969 Gell-Mann, Zweig

24 Quantum chromodynamics
scattering experiments colour chromodynamics asymptotic freedom confinement infra-red slavery The energy required to produce a separation far exceeds the pair production energy of a quark-antiquark pair,

25 Quark generations Six different quarks (u,d,s,c,t,b) Six leptons
(e, μ, τ, υe, υμ, υτ) Gen I: all of matter Gen II, III redundant

26 Gauge theory of e-w interaction
Unified field theory of e and w interaction Salaam, Weinberg, Glashow Above 100 GeV Interactions of leptons by exchange of W,Z bosons and photons Higgs mechanism to generate mass Predictions Weak neutral currents (1973) W and Z gauge bosons (CERN, 1983)

27 The Standard Model (1970s) Matter: fermions quarks and leptons
Force particles: bosons QFT: QED Strong force = quark force (QCD) EM + weak = electroweak Prediction: W+-,Z0 boson Detected: CERN, 1983

28 Standard Model (1970s) Success of QCD, e-w Higgs boson outstanding
many questions

29 Today: LHC expectations
Higgs boson GeV Set by mass of top quark, Z boson Search

30 Main production mechanisms of the Higgs at the LHC
Ref: A. Djouadi, hep-ph/

31 Decay channels depend on the Higgs mass:
Ref: A. Djouadi, hep-ph/

32 For low Higgs mass mh  150 GeV, the Higgs mostly decays to two b-quarks, two tau leptons, two gluons and etc. In hadron colliders these modes are difficult to extract because of the large QCD jet background. The silver detection mode in this mass range is the two photons mode: h   , which like the gluon fusion is a loop-induced process.

33 A summary plot: Ref: hep-ph/

34 Beyond the SM: supersymmetry
Super gauge symmetry symmetry of bosons and fermions removes infinities in GUT solves hierachy problem Grand unified theory Circumvents no-go theorems Gravitons ? Theory of everything Phenomenology Supersymmetric particles? Broken symmetry

35 Expectations III: cosmology
√ 1. Exotic particles √ 2. Unification of forces 3. Missing antimatter? LHCb 4. Nature of dark matter? neutralinos? High E = photo of early U

36 Summary Higgs boson Close chapter on SM Supersymmetric particles
Open chapter on unification Cosmology Missing antimatter Nature of Dark Matter Unexpected particles Revise theory

37 Epilogue: CERN and Ireland
European Organization for Nuclear Research World leader 20 member states 10 associate states 80 nations, 500 univ. Ireland not a member No particle physics in Ireland

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