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CS 547: Sensing and Planning in Robotics Gaurav S. Sukhatme Computer Science Robotic Embedded Systems Laboratory University of Southern California

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2 CS 547: Sensing and Planning in Robotics Gaurav S. Sukhatme Computer Science Robotic Embedded Systems Laboratory University of Southern California

3 Administrative Matters Signup - please fill in the details on the signup sheet if you are not yet enrolled Web page Email list Grading (3 quizzes 45%, class participation 5%, and project 50%) TA: There is no TA for this class Note: First quiz today, scores available at the end of the week to help you decide if you want to stay in the class

4 Project and Textbook Project –Team or individual projects –Equipment (Player/Stage/Gazebo software, ROS, Create robots with sensors) Book –Probabilistic Robotics (Thrun, Burgard, Fox) –Available at the Bookstore

5 I expect you to come REGULARLY to class visit the class web page FREQUENTLY read email EVERY DAY SPEAK UP when you have a question START EARLY on your project If you don’t –the likelihood of learning anything is small –the likelihood of obtaining a decent grade is small

6 In this course you will –Learn how to address the fundamental problem of robotics i.e. how to combat uncertainty using the tools of probability theory –Explore the advantages and shortcomings of the probabilistic method –Survey modern applications of robots –Read some cutting edge papers from the literature

7 Syllabus and Class Schedule 8/23Introduction, math review, preliminary quiz 8/30The Bayes filter 9/6Labor day, no class 9/13The Bayes filter, the Kalman filter 9/20Quiz 1, Simulation tutorial, Project Proposals due 9/27Probabilistic kinematics 10/4Sensor models 10/11Sampling and Particle filtering 10/18Quiz 2 10/25Quiz 2 discussion and papers on localization 11/1Mapping 11/8SLAM 11/15Manipulation and grasping 11/22Quiz 3 11/29Final project presentations and demos

8 Robotics Yesterday

9 Robotics Today

10 Robotics Tomorrow?

11 What is robotics/a robot ? Background –Term robot invented by Capek in 1921 to mean a machine that would willing and ably do our dirty work for us –The first use of robotics as a word appears in Asimovs science fiction Definition (Brady): Robotics is the intelligent connection of perception to action History (wikipedia entry is a reasonable intro)

12 Contemporary Research Robots Cars: Stanley@Stanford Boats and submersibles: USC RoboDuck, Priceton/MBARI Gliders Flying vehicles: Stanford Helicopter Humanoids: Ishiguro Androids

13 Trends in Robotics Research Reactive Paradigm (mid-80’s) no models relies heavily on good sensing Probabilistic Robotics (since mid-90’s) seamless integration of models and sensing inaccurate models, inaccurate sensors Hybrids (since 90’s) model-based at higher levels reactive at lower levels Classical Robotics (mid-70’s) exact models no sensing necessary Robots are moving away from factory floors to Entertainment, Toys, Personal service. Medicine, Surgery, Industrial automation (mining, harvesting), Hazardous environments (space, underwater)

14 Tasks to be Solved by Robots  Planning  Perception  Modeling  Localization  Interaction  Acting  Manipulation  Cooperation ...

15 Uncertainty is Inherent/Fundamental Uncertainty arises from four major factors: –Environment is stochastic, unpredictable –Robots actions are stochastic –Sensors are limited and noisy –Models are inaccurate, incomplete

16 Would you like to play a game ? Definition (Brady): Robotics is the intelligent connection of perception to action Sensor(s)ComputerActuator(s) The World

17 Nature of Sensor Data Odometry Data Range Data

18 Probabilistic Robotics Key idea: Explicit representation of uncertainty using the calculus of probability theory Perception = state estimation Action = utility optimization

19 Advantages and Pitfalls Can accommodate inaccurate models Can accommodate imperfect sensors Robust in real-world applications Best known approach to many hard robotics problems Computationally demanding False assumptions Approximate

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